Ghost Girl at Bachelors Grove - 9/21/08

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if these pics are legit, then you have the golden nugget of BG ghost pics! cool stuff!

That is an amazing pic! I am diffidently skeptical of any paranormal stuff. I always try to look for a logical explanation and sometime I just can't find one. I have been going to Bachelors Grove for 34 years. My family used to take me their when I was a kid, I went as a teenager, and now I take my kids. One of the last times I was their I was out doing some Geocaching with my sister. We found the Geocache under one of the fallen trees and as we were going through it we heard kids laughing. We scrambled to put the Geocache away back under the tree and waited. The laughter disappeared, no kids showed up, no one was around. Me and my sister were left thinking we had just imagined the laughter. We both new we herd it so I decided to start snapping pics with my digital camera. As soon as we got back home, we started going through the pics. Below are two pics from two different angles. I am not any kind of camera expert, the pic looks cool, but I just assume its shadows that make it look like some kind of little girl doll.


--- Quote from: claz28 on Oct 19 2010 - 01:02PM   ---That is an amazing pic! I am diffidently skeptical of any paranormal stuff. I always try to look for a logical explanation and sometime I just can't find one. I have been going to Bachelors Grove for 34 years. My family used to take me their when I was a kid, I went as a teenager, and now I take my kids. One of the last times I was their I was out doing some Geocaching with my sister. We found the Geocache under one of the fallen trees and as we were going through it we heard kids laughing. We scrambled to put the Geocache away back under the tree and waited. The laughter disappeared, no kids showed up, no one was around. Me and my sister were left thinking we had just imagined the laughter. We both new we herd it so I decided to start snapping pics with my digital camera. As soon as we got back home, we started going through the pics. Below are two pics from two different angles. I am not any kind of camera expert, the pic looks cool, but I just assume its shadows that make it look like some kind of little girl doll.

--- End quote ---

Hi and welcome to our site.  They look like background things....bushes & trees.  However  If you can post the full sized unedited pictures I can enhance them a bit and look closer.

Thanks again for sharing with us!

Reposting the two pics without the red circle. Hope Im doing this right and the pics are sized right! I think its from the trees and the bushes, shadows or whatever but my sister seems to think different due to the different angles. Thanks

The pictures are very captivating! My mind easily perceives the image of a young blonde woman standing in the tall vegetation. Its even more critical to my spirit because ive been to BA so many times i know just how the land lays, where all the graves are at and exactly where this is at in the cemetery..really interesting/borderlined "too-good-to-be-true"..especially the full aparition from the other post, in comparison, your both either in the same photoshop circle, or your endevors in this field were rewarded with some premium evidence.Its unfortunate we dont know who she is or her story...


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