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EVERYTHING you ever wanted to know about Orbs.

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--- Quote from: Steve Abrams on Feb 13 2011 - 03:16PM   ---Have you noticed that orbs are more prevalent with digital cameras? You will get them with film but a lot more with digital. I wonder why. Do they see more or do they matrix more?

--- End quote ---

I'm a bit busy to quote you the exact reason why right now, but your quite right digital cameras are way more likely to do it.  It's something to do with there optics, that differ from a standed film camera.  It's printed in one of the links I posted, but I don't remember which one.

I dont believe that a lot of the orbs are real spirits or ghosts. I have a couple pictures ill post if i can get my scanner working. I used to live in a apartment that we often occured unusal events that we couldnt explain. From foot steps in the hall at night, slamming doors, Something moving around in our kitchen, opening cabinets and moving pans to Growls, harsh breathing, whispers and Hisses of the bad kind.

I took photos of Family gatherings (christmas actually) In a couple of the photes there were odd balls/orbs of light where they shouldn't be. There arent any light sources for these Orbs and in other photos i actually have a movin ball of red light. It's very tiny but it actually has a trail to it and doesn't show up in any of the other pictures after the one it showed in.

We are now in a differ apartment. All the menacing feelings and occurances are a thing of the past. I truly believe that the apartment i was in for 14 years of my life was haunted. I'll post the pictures when i get the chance and you can see them :D

Looking forward to seeing your pictures


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