Author Topic: Jurassic Park comes true.  (Read 2000 times)

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Offline Ghost1

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Jurassic Park comes true.
« on: Mar 03 2009 - 01:15PM »
Jurassic Park comes true: How scientists are bringing dinosaurs back to life with the help of the humble chicken.

Deep inside the dusty university store room, three scientists struggle to lift a huge fossilized bone. It is from the leg of a dinosaur. For many years, this chunky specimen has languished cryptically on a shelf. Interesting but useless — a forgotten relic of a lost age. Now, with hammer and chisel poised, the academics from Montana State University in America gather round. They are about to shatter this rare vestige of the past.
Why would they do such a thing?  The answer is that they believe that this single fragment of a beast which stalked the earth untold millions of years ago could hold the key which will unlock the secrets of the dinosaurs.
Extraordinarily, they contend that it could lead to a real life Jurassic Park, where dinosaurs are once again unleashed on the world by scientists. For just like in the hit Steven Spielberg movie, these men and women are intent on cracking the genetic code of the dinosaurs and opening the possibility of bringing them back to life.

Their remarkable quest will be revealed in a TV documentary, Dinosaurs: Return To Life, to be screened It poses the question: will scientists ever be able to resurrect the dinosaur? According to Jack Horner, professor of palaeontology at Montana State University, the answer is an unequivocal yes. He says: ‘Of course we can bring them back to life. Their ancestral DNA is still present. 'The science is there. I don’t think there are any barriers, other than the philosophical.’ So just how have these scientists arrived at the point where they believe they might unleash the mysteries of a prehistoric lost world?

Click here for full story:
Always remember.........Just because you have never seen something, does not mean that something does not exist.

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Re: Jurassic Park comes true.
« Reply #1 on: Oct 17 2009 - 11:13AM »
I don't know about bringing the dinosaurs raises the same questions that the movie raised about playing god.
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