BACHELOR'S GROVE CEMETERY > Bachelor's Grove trip pictures & discussions

Female Voice EVP from the grove, Almost Grade A

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 It sounds like "My Cam" or it could be "Mikey" with the later part of the word being soft spoken.  Or "My Can"  just seems like if it's 2 words the first word is My and if it's only one word then she speaks the beggining with a hard M and then kind of trails off.  Anyway that's my take on at first glance.

Great Work Matt!   :Y:


--- Quote from: guzman5 on Aug 12 2009 - 02:43PM   ---is she saying "i can hear you"

--- End quote ---

OOH OOH I must be missing some of it without my headphones! But that would be plausable! All that I could hear without the headphones was a quick couple of syllables but she does trail off at the end so I'm sure there can be more to it.  Good Call Guzman!  :Y:

"Mikey" is what I thought I heard too, Colleen.

Yes, MIKEY is definately what is being said, And guess what, Mikey is my son who was with me that day.  cho
My wife was with me also, but my wife was not close enough to me, I can hear my wifes voice in the background before and after the evp, she was too far away for her voice to be that clear or loud. Im 100% sure that it is not her.  Mikey is 7 years old who sometimes tags along with me to cemeteries, hes pretty brave. Its his choice to go with me or not, and he always decides to tag along.

Now that is super interesting Matt! The spirit had to be talking to or about Mikey! What a bonus to be able to share something like this with your son! I love it! Time goes by way too quickly were the little ones are concerned and if I had it to do over I would live in poverty just to have spent every moment with mine when they were little.  I can't wait to try n deciper the rest of the sentence.


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