Author Topic: The Dangers of Reiki Exposed  (Read 2875 times)

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Offline bodhisattva

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Re: The Dangers of Reiki Exposed
« Reply #1 on: Apr 18 2010 - 10:49PM »

First thing to inform about this post is that I am a yoga instructor and a reiki practitioner.  I watched all the videos and made notes throughout.  I am going to take a whole different side than these videos.  These videos are extremely skewed propaganda, filled with fallacies, to support Christianity. 

First this lady responding is lost.  She has tried many different things in her life looking for answers and it seems that Christianity is her latest flavor of the week.  I tried to keep track of everything she mentioned and they were "christianity, occult, demons, reiki, aliens, talking to dead, psychic, and thinks she knows about shamanism".  It looks like she is going from thing to thing always looking for answers that she can't give to herself. 

She seems to think that after one reiki class she was a reiki master with all the answers.  She admitted herself that she was into the occult while doing reiki.  The male voice, too, tries to chime in thinking he knows about reiki when he said "a little bit about it" I looked up online.  No one can make a educated speech on a topic by looking up "a little bit about it" online. 

I have seen this same style of stuff before.  There are groups online titled "Jesus, Not Yoga".  They seem to think that if you believe in anything but Jesus, and somehow doing yoga workouts will put you in this group, that you are wrong and going to burn in their hell.  It is propaganda fear to get you to join their religion.  Is a religion that uses fear to get you to join really a religion you want to belong to?

These same style of extreme groups are the ones that bash homosexual marriages because it's not right according to the Bible and protest outside dead soldiers funera.  Every day people live and die because they believe their religion is right  while others is wrong. 

This lady needs some mental help.  Always voices have talked to her in her head.  No matter what religion she has been a part of voices have been there.  Now spirts and angels talk to her.  She has even been abducted by aliens and taught to fly a spaceship!  Someone call Jerry Springer! 

I am not out to bash anyone religion.  If you choose to believe in a religion, please, do your own research and don't blindly follow.  Probably the wisest man ever, Socrates, said my favorite quote "a life unexamined is not worth living".  If you choose to not believe what she says, and are going to end up in her Hell along side me then don't worry; I have a nice cabin by the lake of fire reserved, the fishing is not that good but the tanning is alright! 

« Last Edit: Apr 18 2010 - 11:16PM by bodhisattva »

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Re: The Dangers of Reiki Exposed
« Reply #2 on: Apr 20 2010 - 12:18AM »

Please take no offense as I post many things here on this site.... They are meant for people to watch and have their own conclusions....

Thank you for the informative followup
Did I just see what I think I saw? Yeah you did! Now lets put it on

Offline bodhisattva

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Re: The Dangers of Reiki Exposed
« Reply #3 on: Apr 20 2010 - 12:46PM »
No offense taken, I promise.  I fullly support that everyone has the right to believe whatever they want; no matter how crazy it may seem to another person as long as it doesn't harm another.  Please, everyone who reads this, listen to others beliefs and question your own!  Understanding an opposing view, and questioning your own, does not weaken what you believe in but strenghthens it!