Author Topic: New Viewpoint on Ghosts  (Read 4170 times)

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Offline bodhisattva

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Re: New Viewpoint on Ghosts
« Reply #15 on: Jun 11 2010 - 08:53PM »
Welcome, and thank you for sharing.  Have you had any other experiences involving your mother since then?

Offline irishlass

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Re: New Viewpoint on Ghosts
« Reply #16 on: Jun 12 2010 - 06:09PM »
unfortunately, I have not.  We have had a few odd things happen in the house we live in now though.  There have been multiple times we have had video games play themselves when we sat controllers down to get some food, (and not just simple things but multiple button pushing complex game playing) and during the light of day with 4 witnesses our balcony doors flew open.  They are folding doors and could not be moved by strong winds (the door was locked and closed) and all 4 witnesses were sober and 2 are prone to thinking ghosts are non -existent so was a major shock for them!  We have had noises downstairs that sounds like a far off tv was on but could not discern the words, thumps, lights turn on and off typical things.  I am not bothered.  My daughter however is very bothered.  My Father and Daughter both have a "gift"  skips a generation I guess (lucky me  :V:) and see ghosts.  So after many frights as a young teen and one very close call accident after seeing a body laying in the middle of the road that got up and ran at the car (according to her) making her swerve wildly to avoid him, she is not impressed.  Of course none of us in the car saw anything and she was majorly shook up.  Was on the drive home on same road she drives all the time.  I have tried to tell her they cant hurt her but she wont have any of it!   So, although my Mom does not make any appearances we have other visitors that are quite welcome as far as I am concerned.   Only rule is they cannot interrupt my sleep! 

And just so I dont sound crazy later on, both my adoptive parents have passed, my birth parents still live and by birth my Irish ancestry is through my Father so that is where my daughter gets her unwelcome gift.  Weird life but its mine..

Offline tela

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Re: New Viewpoint on Ghosts
« Reply #17 on: Aug 22 2010 - 09:43PM »
Hi Irish Lass, :clap: i too am from Ireland  :clap:

Thank You for your lovely story , I agree with all you have said re Spirit essence etc

Here are my views

The simplest answer is that every ghost is a spirit, but not every spirit is a ghost.  SPIRITS of the departed usually know they are dead, and can move on.  They may occasionally still "visit" loved ones, especially loved ones who mourn them.  But that spirit will eventually visit less and less.  Sometimes excessive grieving by the living will hold a spirit from moving on.  So at some point, the spirit may communicate to that grieving relative that the relative has to "let them go", but that the spirit will be waiting for them on the "other side".

Sometimes these spirits are even briefly ghosts.  They are joyful that their pain and suffering are now gone.  They may try to convey to their living loved ones that they are free and whole again, and may be briefly seen as a ghost by a loved one to prove that they are better off on the other side.  Sometimes the spirit may even be seen as they looked in their younger, better-looking days.  Many times these spirits visiting grieving relatives can't actually be seen, but cigarette smoke or cologne the spirit used to be associated with, is how the grieving relative knows the spirit is nearby.  These spirits may be briefly ghosts, but are mainly trying to comfort their grieving loved ones.

GHOSTS are spirits of the dead, who have tied themselves to a particular location.  Sometimes they may not even realize they are dead, and take great offense that other people have moved into "their" house, and act like they can't see or interact with the ghost.  Ghosts usually haunt:

1)  Former homes or rooms.  It may be a joyful connection, or a home the ghost had built or lived in for decades.  The ghost may simply never want to leave this home.  Or, if the ghost realizes he/she is dead, may want to stay on as Caretaker at their beloved once-home.

2)  The place or spot where they died.  If the death was violent or by suicide, the ghost may be confused by what happened with such an abrupt-death, and may linger, unaware they are dead, trying to put the pieces together.

3)  A place where the ghost once held great responsibility, or left "unfinished business".  Maybe a beloved child died in their arms in a haunted room or nursery, and the earthbound ghost is still looking for that child.  Sometimes these "motherly female" ghosts reach out to watch over and protect the live children who now live in that house.

Places of great suffering and death can also hold spirits, like a battlefield, or anyplace that saw much agony and death.  Older hospitals and even prisons (like Alcatraz) are said to be haunted by patients/prisoners who died there.  And sometimes also by the "responsible" people, like guards or nurses, who still feel a tremendous need to be "doing their job", helping or protecting others.

Tela xxx