Author Topic: Eldre House pictures  (Read 1674 times)

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Offline Steve Abrams

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Eldre House pictures
« on: Aug 14 2010 - 10:53AM »
My wife and I had an interesting time at the Eldred House last weekend. I went with a small group from the Chicago Parnormal Research Society. Early in the evening, while everyone else was up stairs taking the tour, my wife's K2 meter was lighting up in the "women's parlor". She asked it to light up again and it did. Then everyone came down from upstairs and the activity stopped.

We were in the backyard at base camp when her K2 started lighting up again. Jennifer, from CPRS, was there. When she saw our meter lighting up she got her meter out and got a few "hits" but not a lot. Shortly afterward the activity stopped. While this was happening, I thought I saw a shadowy figure standing by a tree. Every time I lit the area with my flashlight the figure disappeared only to return after a minute or two. Jennifer handed me her camera and told me to take some pictures of the figure when it returned. It never came back and the K2 hits stopped. Maybe it was camera shy?

The new batteries in my digital camera went dead. I was having trouble with my flashlight. It wouldn't turn on at times or the light would get dim and bright. Not a constant light. I changed flashlights and nothing happened to my new flashlight. However, after I changed my flashlight, the same thing started to happen to my wife's flashlight. We both were using LED flashlights. Outside of that nothing odd happened to me or my wife.

We got a couple of odd pictures. Nothing I'd call paranormal but strange just the same. My wife tries to take pictures with the flash disabled. You have to hold the camera real steady to get pictures. As you might have guessed it, she didn't bring a tripod.

I understand there were several other K2 "hits" and another investigator was hit or touched by something that left a bruise.

Fireplace picture look at the left window. When I magnify the "orb" it looks like a pumpkin face. The other picture is and orb (maybe). When I magnify it is still solid and white.
« Last Edit: Aug 14 2010 - 10:57AM by Steve Abrams »
There is no such thing as ghosts. They are flying saucer aliens, using their cloak of invisibility to screw with our minds.