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Offline Steve Abrams

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Wikileaks, U.S. Government & UFO report
« on: Dec 04 2010 - 06:05PM »
WikiLeaks: new diplomatic cables contain UFO details, Julian Assange says
New leaked diplomatic cables set to be published by Wikileaks will contain fresh details on UFOs, according to the website's founder Julian Assange.

The 39 year-old Australian, who is wanted by Interpol over a charge of rape and sexual assault in Sweden, said there were some references to extraterrestrial life in yet-to-be-published confidential files obtained from the American government. He did not disclose what information was contained in the diplomatic memos obtained by the whistleblowing website. It also remains unclear when they will be published.

Mr Assange said his website, under considerable strain in recent days over its "Cablegate" series of leaks, received emails from “weirdos” claiming to have seen UFOs.

Read the whole article here
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Re: Wikileaks, U.S. Government & UFO report
« Reply #1 on: Dec 06 2010 - 04:25PM »
Thank You for the post Steve!
Did I just see what I think I saw? Yeah you did! Now lets put it on

Offline mattevp

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Re: Wikileaks, U.S. Government & UFO report
« Reply #2 on: Dec 11 2010 - 11:41AM »
This whole Wiki Leaks thing is bothering the shit out of me. People really need to look outside the box on this one. Think about how easy it would be to frame a guy for Rape, all a girl needs to do is say the word Rape, and the guy gets thrown in jail, It doesnt matter whether or not hes innocent or guilty. Anyways, here is my point, I believe the US government is desperately looking for a way to take control of the World wide Web-INTERNET. So what the government did was they paid two girls to have sex with the Wiki Leaks Owner, and afterward claim rape, (think about this, you offer two girls $400,000 or even a Million a piece to sleep with someone and claim rape, would they do it, what if they are poor, or drug addicts and need money desperately??? you bet your ass they would. Anyways now the government makes this guy look like a criminal, either to get him pissed off enough to release the top secret documents or to make it look like hes pissed off and release the documents themselves. So now they are going to use the LEAKING OF TOP SECRET US DOCUMENTS from Wiki Leaks to take over the Internet. How could they get away with it???? They will say that they must do it, because its in the interest OF OUR NATIONAL SECURITY, to protect our country from terrorism. Oh yeah these assholes are more clever than you could ever imagine. And guess what, they will get away with it, because people in this country are like sheep, they are more interested in whats going to happen on Jersey Shore tonight then there own FREEDOM, Oh one day they will care about it, but by that time it will be too LATE....  

makes me sick to my stomach,
What happened to this country.
MattEVP ~
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Offline Steve Abrams

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Re: Wikileaks, U.S. Government & UFO report
« Reply #3 on: Dec 11 2010 - 08:39PM »
Matt, I don't know how old you are or how long you've been playing on the internet AKA World Wide Web. Research. The internet was created by the American Government (many, many years ago. Not by Al Gore!)  :a102: as a way communicate in the event of WW3. If the U.S.Gov't wanted to control the "net" it really wouldn't have to do much. If the Gov't wanted to they could shut down your GPS and cell phones in a second.

The rape charges do seem trumped up. They may or may not be, who knows. Just remember the 1st rule of "black ops"... Discredit, do not destroy. If you destroy something, or an idea, you make it a martyr. If you discredit someone, or idea, people will not believe it.

His fate was sealed when he started releasing Gov't documents. Now, whether the UFO documents were part of a disinformation campaign only time will tell.
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Re: Wikileaks, U.S. Government & UFO report
« Reply #4 on: Dec 12 2010 - 01:59PM »
Steve, im 28, I dont have all the answers, but what i do see is our freedoms being slowly taken away from us. The main objective of our government is to control and regulate every aspect of our lives. For example, with them taking control of our health care, now what they can say is that you cant eat Twinkies, because its bad for your health, and it will cost the United States Taxpayers and government money. With the control of our health, they can also say, well the gas fumes from the cars will make people sick, which means the sick will be in the hospital and will cost us more money, so then they will need to regulate when and how much we drive. its possible that you get someone who is doing things for the right reasons, but then you get a person who sees an opportunity to make money or take more power, so they use it to there advantage. I realize the military invented the internet, but that doesnt mean they know how to control every aspect of it. They cant stop the flow of every single email that is sent over seas to Europe, or China, unless they completely shut it down. They dont want the normal people of the world communicating to each other, they want our eyes shut, and only want us to see what they show us. Just like the news on local and cable networks today, go on to Youtube and see all the shit that is going on overseas, and compare that to CNN, MSNBC, FOX, you dont see 10% of whats really going on over there. And thats exactly why they want control. If they shut it down then they cant use it to feed the sheep their lies.  :breakcomp:
« Last Edit: Dec 12 2010 - 02:01PM by mattevp »
MattEVP ~
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Offline Steve Abrams

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Re: Wikileaks, U.S. Government & UFO report
« Reply #5 on: Dec 12 2010 - 10:41PM »
Health Care's doom was sealed years ago when people fell in love with HMOs, shortly before you were born. The promise was for a small fee all your Doctors bills and hospital expenses would be paid. It worked for a time. Then the $15 aspirin, $75 sling and co-payments came into being. Medical expenses went up. Was it the Government's fault? Nope. It was hospitals and gang wars. At one time if you couldn't pay for treatment you got minimal care. When Doctors and hospitals discovered they could rip insurance companies off they started given better care to people that couldn't afford it. Then the do gooders and bleeding hearts decided that we should take care of indigent people. To make a long story short I'm retired paying $800 a month (supposed to be a great savings) for health care for my wife and myself. When I was working I paid far less. I now sometimes have to wait months for a Doctor's appointment or tests. Yet, an indigent person or non-citizen gets better and faster care than I do. The government hasn't done anything yet.

As far as the internet is concerned, it doesn't have to be shut down to control information. Have you ever sent an email that has never arrived? They do sometimes get lost, or do they? Have you ever sent an email that got there a day or two later? There are so many places that email can get side tracked or hacked into it is unbelievable. Do you think your email is private? Yes, they can control every piece of email. China does it a lot.

I know I won't change your mind but you did mention YouTube. YouTube is the biggest disinformation website around. Seriously. Look at some of the videos that people claim are true. I'm not saying all of them are not true but Rule #2 of black ops is to mix truth with fiction to make the fiction believable. Camera angles can make a few people look like a crowd. Images can be manufactured. Remember a few months ago, Iran demonstrated its missile capability. The official video showed (I think it was 5) 5 missiles launching at the same time. In fact one missile didn't launch.

You don't have to worry about the people in Washington. You have to worry about your friends and neighbors. Most people want to know what's in it for me. Uncle sugar is extending unemployment insurance to 2 or 3  years. Why should anyone want to find a job. Uncle sugar is giving me money to stay home. Why should I pay for health insurance? Uncle sugar will pay for it for me. Uncle sugar will pay for me to go to school, why should I work?

At election time, learn all you can about all the candidates. Then make a choice. Don't go with the popular choice just because he talks good or on TV more than the other guy. See what he or she really stands for.

I didn't mean to rant, honest. I just got a little wound up on the health care issue. Don't get me going about the strips in your money or the I.D. chips in your credit cards and passports. Just keep your eyes open and learn things for yourself. Travel and learn first hand. Don't depend on the WWW to spoon feed it to you.
There is no such thing as ghosts. They are flying saucer aliens, using their cloak of invisibility to screw with our minds.

Offline mattevp

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Re: Wikileaks, U.S. Government & UFO report
« Reply #6 on: Dec 14 2010 - 01:51PM »
Steve, yeah you make a lot of sense, especially when you say the people we need to worry about are our own neighbors and friends. I know that Health insurance prices are out of control, and that an illegal immigrant can pop out a kid and receive free health care at the cost of the tax payers. But the working class individual needs to shell out almost $200 a week just to get decent insurance for his family, It boils my blood, Im not saying that health care for America is a bad thing, I just said that there are people who are willing to take a good thing and abuse it for money and power....  Now my big question to you is this: Do you think America will be able survive or keep chugging along through the next 10 years if it stays on the same path???  The question is kinda off topic, but I would like to know what you think.

MattEVP ~
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Offline Steve Abrams

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Re: Wikileaks, U.S. Government & UFO report
« Reply #7 on: Dec 14 2010 - 03:46PM »
In the next 10 years America will survive. Baring and unforeseen natural (or unnatural disaster) America will survive for a very long time. However, I'm thinking you mean the "American" way of life as we know it today. All things change. Sometimes for the good and sometimes for the bad. You have to look to history to see where we are going.

Over the years America was created on the fact that the harder you worked, the farther (read richer) you got. I don't remember the exact wording of Socialism but basically you share your profits with those in need.  In theory it sounds good. BUT you lose the incentive to work harder to get things if they are given to you. I believe Russia and Cuba are good examples of socialistic/communist state that didn't work. Stores had long lines for basic needs. Some movies made jokes about people standing lines for hours for toilet paper. Russia had a high rate of alcoholism. After the Cuban revolution Cuba went down the same route.

Health care in both countries became an assembly line procedure. Patients were placed in private cubicles and a Doctor would go from room to room. As the room emptied it was filled with someone else.

Then somewhere along the line politicians developed the "Camelot" or was it the "Robin Hood" theory. We are a rich country, let's take from the rich and give to the poor. The welfare state was born! Ever since then it's been take from the "rich fat cats" and give to the poor. I discovered that when I was driving a Ford working 2 jobs and some people were collecting welfare checks in Cadillacs. Uncle Sugar was tossing out money left and right. He gave money to countries that threatened to go Communist. They laughed all the way to the bank and still went communist. Would you believe Uncle Sugar paid farmers not to grow wheat and corn? Gave money to street gangs because they called themselves youth groups.

But I'm digressing.

In 10 years, yes, there will be a change. Things will cost more (no big surprise there), our money will be worth less (Uncle Sugar keeps printing and spending more), unemployment will be the same or maybe a little higher, our standard of living will be lower (nobody will notice the change), we still won't have a national language, retirement age will probably be pushed up to 68, and we will probably be in another war somewhere (that is if we survive 12/21/12)

I don't forsee things getting better in the next 10 years. Unless we, Americans, say we've had enough. Maybe 20 years yes.

BTW.. I saw on Yahoo earlier today that the politicians brought up the idea of a national sales tax again. Let's make big govenment bugger. WGN news had a blurb about Illinois residents will have to pay sales tax on thing purchased over the internet retroactively to 2004.
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Offline mattevp

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Re: Wikileaks, U.S. Government & UFO report
« Reply #8 on: Dec 16 2010 - 01:28PM »
@Steve, I posted this video back in February, im not sure if you have seen it or not but this video has the kind of stuff in it that worries me, i know im not suppose to buy into all the bullshit you hear. But this video has a lot of credible people in it and it made a lot of sense to me, I would like to hear you thoughts and opinions on this. The American dollar going belly up is my biggest concern. Yes things are going to change, but I dont believe things will change for the better. Please watch the whole video if you have the time. Its an eye opener.
« Last Edit: Dec 16 2010 - 01:37PM by mattevp »
MattEVP ~
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Offline Steve Abrams

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Re: Wikileaks, U.S. Government & UFO report
« Reply #9 on: Dec 16 2010 - 08:11PM »
Be worried.. Be very worried! There will always be a chance of the American dollar going belly up as long as we keep sending the dollar out of country. You've heard of buy American? The hard part with buying American is that just about everything is assembled here with foreign parts.

Yes, I remember when White Castle hamburgers were 12 cents each, gas was 29 cents a gallon, cigarettes was 25 cents a pack. The flip side to that is people are making more money, today, per hour than they were years ago. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Do things cost more because we are making more money? Are we making more money because things cost more.

The video talked about foreign countries buying up America. How many major oil companies are American owned? Years ago I thought it was extremely funny to find a Standard Oil (aka American Oil Company) gas station across the street from a B.P (British Petroleum) gas station. B.P. bought out Standard/ American Oil co. several years before.

The thing that bothers me about the video is at the end they pitch signing up for their newsletter and they will give you a "review" of on line sources to buy gold & silver.

Thanks for asking.
There is no such thing as ghosts. They are flying saucer aliens, using their cloak of invisibility to screw with our minds.

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Re: Wikileaks, U.S. Government & UFO report
« Reply #10 on: Mar 22 2011 - 08:37PM »
Very informative thread everyone keep talking and thanks Steve for starting the topic
Did I just see what I think I saw? Yeah you did! Now lets put it on