BACHELOR'S GROVE CEMETERY > Bachelor's Grove Ghost Hunting Trip Plans

Planning to go as soon as it's above freezing. I don't want to go alone

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I work during the week and i am busy weekends this month.  But if you guys want to go after that I am in

Well, on a whim I decided to go today, I knew it would be muddy but I was prepared, and psyched, until I turned into the Rubio entrance and the chain was across it and it said CLOSED. OMG I was so irritated lol. I called 411 and got the number to the palos hgts division of the cook county forest preserve and they told me they were plowing the grove for the day. Of all days. Ugh, that's my luck.

So I went to Mt Carmel and filmed Al Capone's headstone. What is really creepy is that someone with my family last name is buried right next to him.

I went on Saturday. For the past 8 years Ive went or so the trail always says closed. It doesnt stop people from entering lol

The closed sign means the road is closed not the trail or the graveyard.  :Y:

no, not the trail, the entrance to Rubio woods was closed


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