Author Topic: Flying Humanoids  (Read 1143 times)

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Offline Steve Abrams

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    • Ghostly Times
Flying Humanoids
« on: Mar 03 2011 - 02:46PM »
Several people saw a flying man over Chehalis,   Washington on January 6, 1948. Bernice Zaikowski was one of them. She   was soon joined by some schoolchildren who asked to come into her garden   to get a better view of the aerial mystery. The man, in an upright   position, was hovering just 20 feet above her barn, she estimated. He   was apparently kept aloft by long silver wings that were strapped to his   body. He seemed to have controls of some kind on his chest, which he   worked to maneuver himself with a lot of whizzing noise.

A   strikingly similar case was reported eight years later in Falls City,   Nebraska. On a fall afternoon in 1956, "John Hanks" saw a winged   creature flying only about 15 feet above the ground. Its wings were like   shiny aluminum and had multi-colored lights running along their   underside. The wings, spanning 15 feet, were clearly attached to the man   by means of a shoulder harness. This flying man also had some kind of   control panel affixed to his chest, and he manipulated the dials as he   flew. This sighting could be attributed to some remarkable invention if   not for the witnesses description of the flying man himself: leathery   wrinkled skin, large watery blue eyes and a face that was "very   frightening, almost demonic." The witness also attested that he was   paralyzed as this "man" flew over.

In April 1948, in the city of   Longview, Washington, two witnesses saw no fewer than three helmeted men   flying around in a similar manner. The witnesses could see no motors or   propellers, yet it seemed to them that they could hear motor-like   sounds. (It's worth noting the similarity of these last three accounts   to ultralight aircraft or hang gliders; but of course, they hadn't been   invented yet.)

In 1952, Sinclair Taylor, a young soldier on   guard duty at Camp Okubu near Kyoto, Japan, likewise saw a flying thing   he first thought was a bird. As it came closer and hovered above him,   the guard could distinguish that it had a man's body that, if he were   standing, would be seven feet tall. Its wingspan was also estimated at   seven feet. Feeling threatened, he fired at the being with his rifle,   but whatever it was had vanished. Strangely, when the guard reported the   incident, his sergeant revealed that another guard had a similar   experience the previous year.

UThe above excerpt is from Paranormal Phenomena on About.Com)
There is no such thing as ghosts. They are flying saucer aliens, using their cloak of invisibility to screw with our minds.