BACHELOR'S GROVE CEMETERY > Bachelor's Grove trip pictures & discussions

day time mist

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Steve Abrams:

--- Quote from: andy on Mar 29 2011 - 10:13AM   ---didn't see that! good eyes. don't have a clue on what that might be

--- End quote ---

The interesting thing about it is that it looks like an arrow pointing up. If you follow it up, it looks like a person sitting on the branch of the tree. The bend of the branch down helps the illusion. Probably matrixing but you never know.

In the center top of the picture, there could be the upper torso of a shadow man.

I know I shouldn't but I usually dismiss mists as being natural unless I see it form. Even than, depending on circumstances, I'll dismiss or ignore them. 99% of the time I'll ignore orbs unless they can be seen with the naked eye. Unless they do strange things on video. However, I look for anomalies in pictures. Something that strikes me as "not being right".


You definitely can see the sun's rays coming down from the left and crossing..what's immediately interesting to me is how defined, if not solid, the mist ends in a line, visible on the right  side when running and with the blackish fence section in the back ground ?  How solid is that mist?

ghost1 there was no smoke when i took this was all clear...when i look at this pic now i can see an outline of a woman in a dress

This is hard to explain, it's interesting to say the least. Paranormal? I doubt it but you never know... I'm sure the mist is explainable. I don't really see a dress there...

To the person who said the mist looks like smoke & asked if it was visible in the day:

I was with Andy when this picture was taken, & no, it wasn't visible. There wasn't any smoke or any mist in the area at all. It was a clear day. There was nothing unusual at all. There was nothing in the air when this picture was taken. It's large, & we would have seen it if it was visible to the naked eye.
To the person who said the mist is explainable, then please explain what is it then? 


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