Author Topic: Resurrection Mary Interview  (Read 1891 times)

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Offline Steve Abrams

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Resurrection Mary Interview
« on: Apr 05 2011 - 10:18AM »
You never told us Michael Kleen interviewed Mary..

Resurrection Mary hardly needs an introduction. Ever since the late 1930s, she has   been hitching rides along Archer Avenue in southwest suburban Chicago.   Her story has appeared in books, television shows, songs, and feature   films. After decades of avoiding the press, she finally sits down for   this tell-all interview with the Legends and Lore of Illinois!

  L&L: First, we would like to thank you for   agreeing to do this interview. It must have taken a lot of courage to   come out into the public eye after all these years.

Mary: The pleasure is all mine. After so many decades of rumors and stories, it’s time to set the record straight!

L&L: The first question on everyone’s mind is,   of course, who were you in life? People have thrown names out there like   Mary Bregovy, Mary Miskowski, or even Anna Norkus. Do any of these come   close?
Mary: The truth is, my name isn’t even close to   being Mary. It’s actually Agnieska, but none of the Italian boys could   pronounce that so they just called me “Mary.” Everyone thinks I was   going to a dance when I got hit by that car, but really my mama sent me   to that ballroom to bring Beata, my lousy sister, home. She always   stayed out too late. I always knew she would be the death of me!
L&L: Fascinating. So is there any truth to the   legend that guys will bring you home only to find out the next day that   you were killed in a car crash?

Mary: No, I’m not sure   how that rumor got started. I hear there’s some tramp that goes around   hitching rides up on Harlem Avenue. Maybe she takes guys home, but I   sure don’t. (Ed. Note: Mary seems to be referring to Chicago’s “flapper ghost”)

L&L: Wait, so there’s no truth to the story that   Jerry Paulus gave you a ride home from Liberty Grove Hall and Ballroom   in Brighton Park and you vanished from his car around Resurrection   Cemetery? Some people claim that you told him where you lived and he   went there the next day, only to be told by your mother that you were   deceased.

Mary: Please. He wishes. There was a reason I said he couldn’t follow me into the cemetery!
L&L: At the Legends and Lore of Illinois, we’ve   noticed that your attire changes a lot depending on who is telling the   story. Some people say you wear a white dress with silk shoes, others   say they are leather shoes, and some people even claim you wear a shawl.   Where do you get all these clothes? Is there a supernatural department   store somewhere?
Mary: That’s a stupid question. I’m a ghost, I can   wear whatever I want! Just because I’m dead, doesn’t mean I don’t have   any fashion sense.

L&L: Uh, sorry. So what do you do all day when you aren’t looking for a ride?

Mary: Oh, I just frequent my old haunts.

L&L: Let us set the stage. It’s a hot summer   night. August 10, 1976. A police officer drives past Resurrection   Cemetery and sees you behind the gate, clutching the bars. The next day,   the bars were bent with finger-like indentations in them. What   happened?

Mary: It’s actually quite embarrassing. Usually when   I hitch a ride back to the cemetery, I make sure that my keys are with   me. But that particular night I accidentally left them at Chet’s Melody   Lounge, so by the time I realized my mistake, I got locked in the   cemetery!

L&L: But if you’re a ghost, can’t you just pass through solid objects?

Mary: Well, duh, if I had known that at the time I wouldn’t have had to bend the bars, would I?

For more information on Resurrection Cemetery and the legend of Resurrection Mary, check out Vol. 1 Issue 6 of the Legends and Lore of Illinois,   available to download for free as a .pdf! This issue includes full   color pictures, and in-depth exploration of the history and mystery   surrounding Mary, as well as an account of The Fallen’s adventures as   they investigate this enduring legend
There is no such thing as ghosts. They are flying saucer aliens, using their cloak of invisibility to screw with our minds.

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Re: Resurrection Mary Interview
« Reply #1 on: Apr 05 2011 - 10:38AM »
You never told us Michael Kleen interviewed Mary..

If you listened to our show you would have known, Mike talked about it..... So there.   :giggle2:
Always remember.........Just because you have never seen something, does not mean that something does not exist.

Offline Steve Abrams

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Re: Resurrection Mary Interview
« Reply #2 on: Apr 05 2011 - 12:23PM »
You never told us Michael Kleen interviewed Mary..

If you listened to our show you would have known, Mike talked about it..... So there.   :giggle2:

 bed bed kn bed
What can I say? I'm an old geezer that can't stay awake. I also have the attention span of.... oh look shiny
There is no such thing as ghosts. They are flying saucer aliens, using their cloak of invisibility to screw with our minds.