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Airport Security, done right!


Now this is how Security should be done! ....... You have a bomb, no problem just step in the booth =D>

TEL AVIV, Israel — The Israelis are developing an airport security  device that eliminates the privacy concerns that come with full-body  scanners. It's an armored booth you step into that will not X-ray you,  but will detonate any explosive device you may have on your person.
  Israel sees this as a win-win situation for everyone, with none of this  crap about racial profiling. It will also eliminate the costs of long  and expensive trials.

Attic Ghost:
Wow!  Talk about frightening! 

I guess you would have to be certain before getting in line that your tummy isn't upset.  I would hate to step into that thing while suffering a bout of explosive dia-

Well, let's not go there.


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