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Unknown sounds heard globally

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There are a few things we know about this phenomena for sure:

1 It's really happening and not just a crazy story or conspiracy theory.
2 It's happening through out the entire world.

My personal theory on this is that it's the earth groaning caused by the current  Pole shift that is happening right now to the earth.... The entire magnetic field is changing and the earth is reacting to the shift.

What are everyone else thoughts on this?

Steve Abrams:
With the earthquakes and tsunamis happening around the world it just might be a shift in the earth. With a shift in the magnetic polls just maybe the planet is off balance and is slowly changing its tilt to achieve balance again?

I was talking to my mother recently, she is 74,, not on the internet in months. she has no idea of this going on,,none,,in our conversation she mentioned being startled in her bed by thumping about 930  pm.   Possibly,, it was Jan 10Th or close, she thought it was a neighbors car or him in his garage,, she looked out the window, it was not the neighbor,, she went to almost every window  in the house she said she saw nothing  and dismissed it as weird.  I asked her a few things,, she said it was a deep thumping with a low groan rumbling , her description. she also said she heard it two nights in that week,, and that the first time she did notice the neighbor man standing in his driveway also after she had done the first complete window check in the house.

This was out in lockport.    She may have heard this,, i think she did,,, any other local or south side reports of this coming in.? I tend to agree with polar shift and earth off of axis from the Japan earthquake,,anyone else have a more logical explanation ??!
Have you ever heard steel collapse or bend,,imagine what sounds the earth might make if it really is,, might sound just like this ??!!!

Steve Abrams:
Question -

How did the animals react to the sounds. It has been documented that animals can sense and react to sounds and vibrations that humans can't hear. They do seem to know when an earthquake will happen before it happens.

Interesting question, if you have watched these videos you will see that on two of them animals are freaking out big time.....from dogs to rabbits.

--- Quote from: Steve Abrams on Jan 23 2012 - 09:11AM   ---Question -

How did the animals react to the sounds. It has been documented that animals can sense and react to sounds and vibrations that humans can't hear. They do seem to know when an earthquake will happen before it happens.

--- End quote ---


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