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Little girl by tree,,, Family photo


To the right side of the tree -  Then the family photo,,, possibly could be this little girl ??


Hey Ghost1, Can you examine - do your thing with copy of this pic ?

Does anyone see a possible little girl looking from around behind the tree along with someone sitting at the base of the tree ?  ANYONE ?  LOL

  I see in the right side of picture, a dog , maybe a  pitbull. looking straight at camera ,face is cut in half.

I can see what you're talking about here..I also see to the far right maybe 3 figures..looks like a man..a woman and a child and..maybe a shadow of a 4th figure..the size of another child?

It's blurry, but I can see the outline of a little girl's white dress on the right side of the tree. I don't actually see the girl who is wearing the dress, just 2 black shadows that look like they could be her legs.  The dress is similar to the one worn in the photo by the little girl.


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