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Two possible figures


Hi all, was at bachelors grove about two weeks ago with 2 friends. We happened to take lots of pictures and came across these two that have what seems to be a guy folding his arms standing watching over something possibly? And a mist of possibly a little girl, you can sort of make out a face. I'm not sure if this is the result of lighting or actual figures. Let me know what you all think. I put arrows pointing to the figures i'm talking about.

The Shadow:
Can you upload the original pictures so we can run them through some software? I like what I am seeing so far.

sorry it took so long hopefully you guys can use this. If not I'll email you the pic.

this is the same pic as the first from a different camera

In the 1st picture, I clearly see the man, he is folding his arms, looking the his left.

Look to the left of that figure, do you see it? There is a figure with a hunched over back, I can see its face, its wearing  a long black hooded robe! It appears to be walking towards our left. The hooded black robed thing does not appear to be an entity that was once human. I saw this before I saw the man.
I also see a mist in the very top of the trees that doesn't look like sunlight to me.

Good shot!!


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