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Mysterious house at Bachelors Grove that is not really there...

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You cant see this?

**Edit ***  Odd thing I can see it in the original but now that I traced what I see in paint I dont see it.. Lol! thats odd.

Andy, what I see that you have marked is a car driving by on the road just past the pond. You can clearly see the rear and front tire. I have circled them.  If the original looks different please email it to me.  I would really like to see it.

 To ctur31:  You are so wrong & so far off base, did you actually LOOK at this picture before making that comment?
There is not anything in this picture that even remotely resembles a car, tires or a road. You circled 2 items that are on the roof of the house. The cemetery is not accessible by car, the only way in is to walk on the path.  If you have ever been to the cemetery you would know that.
To reply #3: Good job, you see it! It does resemble the shape of a crypt.
This photo was taken from the main path near the main cemetery entry gate, which is to my right.  The tall tombstone directly behind the fence is Minna Hageman's grave. Fultan's grave & the pond are located far in the back & are NOT visible in this picture.  It does look similar to Fultan's grave, the size & shape, but it is NOT HIS GRAVE!  It is actually connected to or is in front of the house. 
As you look to the left of the object resembling Futan's grave, the house will come into focus.  Here is another suggestion, there are 3 trees. The tree on the left is at the back of the house. The middle tree is towards the middle of the house. The tree with the 3 branches is in front of the house. 
The large object that looks like Fultan's grave, is connected to the house by a roof.  Look closely & you can see a gray house, with shingles on a pitched roof.  There are lots of details in this picture, which was taken by Andy.
Keep in mind, Minnas's grave & the trees actually are real & exist. The house, that object resembling Fultan's grave, None of that s REAL!  None actually exist!! In that spot are only over grown weeds!!  NONE OF THE OBJECTS ARE ACTUALLY THERE!  They all appeared in an empty spot, where in reality, nothing is there, only overgrown weeds!!

I reread the posts, & I want to make this point for clarification. Fultans's grave & the pond are NOT in this picture. I understand the confusion, because the object at the front of the house does look like his grave, it does resemble the shape & size, but it is NOT his grave.
The only thing that actually is real & physically exists where the house stands in this photo, is over grown weeds.

ctur31:   I apologize if I came on too strong in my response to your comment. I wasn't trying to be mean to you, but if I came across like that I'm sorry.  I was a bit frustrated, because the objects in the photo don't look anything like a marked car.   

 If you orient yourself to where this picture was taken, you'll realize the road isn't visible & neither is the pond.  The 2 circles you drew is actually on the roof of the house. If you can make the picture bigger you will see more detail & there is a lot of it in this photo.


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