Author Topic: The Most Horrific EVP Ever Recorded  (Read 1068 times)

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The Most Horrific EVP Ever Recorded
« on: Jan 12 2008 - 06:40PM »
I found this EVP on  Paranormal Phenomena. It's a long EVP and it is VERY violent and may be too intense for some of you.  It's a EVP of a woman being attacked!

Read the info below B/4 you listen, it will tell you which sounds were real and which one's were paranormal.

This is long , it might take a bit b/4 it starts to play once you hit play..................Be patient.

Caution: the recording is violent and may be too intense for some listeners.

IN JANUARY, 2007, the Central New York Ghost Hunters (CNYGH), based in Syracuse, New York, were invited to investigate an old hotel in upstate New York. (The owners of the hotel have asked to keep its location confidential.) The investigation proved to be one of the most intensely active the group has ever encountered, and produced an EVP – an electronic voice phenomena recording – that is remarkable not only for its length, but also for its terrifying content.

It may well be the most intense, frightening EVP ever recorded


On that weekend in January, CNYGH founder Stacey Jones and several members of the group went to the hotel on an overnight stay for what they thought would be a routine investigation.

They had no idea what they were in for.

Originally built in the late 1800s, the building was in its colorful history the site of some nefarious activity, a fact that might be key to what is heard in the EVP.

On Friday night, Stacey and her group set up their equipment – audio recorders, video recorders and other electronics – and settled in, hoping to document some evidence for the haunting the owners had claimed. Most investigations are relatively quiet, but this night was filled with paranormal activity, including muffled voices of unknown origin, footsteps from unseen bodies and more. Members of the group I spoke with confirmed that it was the most active haunting they had personally experienced.

The real shocker came the next day. On Saturday afternoon at about 3 p.m., two female CNYGH investigators and a member of the owner's family (also a female) sat on the staircase of the hotel with a digital voice recorder, intending to capture some EVP. They chose the stairway because they had heard soft conversations and footsteps on the floor above, although no one was up there.

When they later played the recording back, however, what they heard were not soft voices and footsteps, but something totally unexpected and completely terrifying.


Stacey Jones describes what you'll hear on the recording:

"You can [faintly] hear the three females talking throughout the recording. You will hear a female – the family member – say, 'Hello, baby,' and another long conversation. Those are all human voices. But what sounds like a struggle or attack is going on as well.

"The male [voice] you hear was not present at the hotel. You will hear a cuckoo clock (which was not present) a ticking of a hall clock (which was there); you will hear what sounds like the microphone being moved (which was not touched) and then the sound becomes clearer.

"You will hear a creaking door and slamming of the door, which is real. Then you will hear a [unknown] woman say, 'Get off me,' and what sounds like the woman being attacked. The struggle continues for awhile, and during the EVP you can hear some of my investigators' conversations. After interviewing my investigators, they said they went and sat on the stairs of this hotel, because they heard from an above floor, what sounded like footsteps and conversations, not what you hear on this recording. When the noises stop, you hear the investigators participate in a lulled conversation. They stated that they started to talk when the noises stopped. In their conversation, you will hear a male voice say, 'Help me' several times."

"The EVP has not been altered in any way, except it was edited for time," Stacey says. "CNY Ghost Hunters have tried to reduce the noise, amplify and 'clean' it up, but found it difficult to make out exactly what was being said. We invite you to download this EVP to see what you can make of it.

"Please let me know what you make of this EVP. I can't give you any more of the history as we are no longer able to enter the hotel where the EVP was obtained. If you can make out any further detail, please drop Stephen an email ( or contact Central New York Ghost Hunters at:"

Central New York Ghost Hunters (of which I am a member) is one of the oldest paranormal investigation groups in the state.
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Re: The Most Horrific EVP Ever Recorded
« Reply #1 on: Jan 12 2008 - 08:32PM »

Offline Ghost1

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Re: The Most Horrific EVP Ever Recorded
« Reply #2 on: Jan 13 2008 - 02:25PM »
Here is a new post from Stacey Jones who is the Founder of Central New York Ghost Hunters to help clarify this EVP a bit more.

Hi everyone,
I am the founder of CNY Ghost Hunters and discovered this EVP and I'm here to assure that this EVP was not in anyway fabricated. We got this EVP in January 2007, and I spent months trying to analyze it and try to find an explanation for it. When this EVP was obtained there were 3 of my investigators and a friend of the family present. They heard what sounded like footsteps on the floor above them. They sat on staircase, turned on there voice recorders and listened. One investigator Deb Laure, put her recorder on a cardboard box, about 6 feet away from her, and that was the recorder that got this EVP. The noises they heard above them lasted about an hour. After an hour when the noises subsided from above them, they quietly started talking amongst themselves. Thats where you hear the murmured conversations, the family friend say "Hello Baby" to her husband who just walked in. The door squeaking and slamming is the owner of the hotel moving from one room to another. The one television located at the property was not one.

All 3 investigators listened to their recorders about an hour after this incident. Deb listened to about an hour of hers and downloaded the last 20 minutes onto my laptop. What amazed me, if she had listened, a few minutes longer she would have heard this EVP immediately.

I discovered the EVP a few weeks after. It was the last file on my computer to analyze. We literally had hundreds of personal experiences, EVP (which most were heard with our naked ear) all in a 48 hour period. This location was by far the most haunted locale I have ever been to and I have done over 700 investigations (including the places deemed "Most Haunted")

When I first listened to the EVP, I had no idea what it was. I listened 5 or 6 times before I realized what it contained. I had reports from the investigators there, listened to their submitted recordings during this time and interviewed each of them before coming to any conclusion, which was that this was an anomaly. I wasn't convinced at first that this was an EVP, because of it's length, content and severity. I suspected we picked up a random frequency, so I called the local cable company and they informed me that their frequencies ran up to about 4000mHz. This EVP ran between 8500mHz to 15,000mHz. Most radios that you see in your everyday life are single-purpose radios. For example, an AM radio can listen to any AM radio station in the frequency band from 535 kilohertz to 1.7 megahertz, but nothing else. An FM radio can listen to any FM radio station in the band from 88 to 108 megahertz and nothing else. So as you can see, I found no explanation for the EVP.

The family friend that was present during this event, is currently doing research on this site. She had found evidence to support that several violent acts did occur at this location and from the analysis of the EVP, the events seemed to have been imprinted on this EVP, not just one event, but many.

I released the EVP in hopes someone can help us make more sense of it. I find it absolutely incredulous that people assumed we fabricated this EVP. My question to anyone out there would be-Why would we release this EVP for widespread download, if we fabricated it? We released the EVP because we want it scrutinized. We want someone with better expertise of sound to come up with an explanation. Many people downloaded and called me to get the "skinny" on this EVP, but what I noticed is the people who called, were more intent on trying to ascertain whether we fabricated it, with the guise of offering help, then our intent which was to get some answers of what it is we captured. These people seemed disappointed when I told them the facts which I posted here first (even before posting on our own website). Needless to say, I am disappointed, that the Paranormal Community who boasts of open minds were quick to dismiss this EVP as a hoax, even though we stated we don't know what to make of it either.

So even after releasing this EVP, the people who assured us they were sound "savvy" and could help us with the EVP, never contacted us back. The rumors are rampant across the internet that this was a hoax, but I'm here to tell you it is not. Your guess is as good as ours what this EVP is. All I can tell you is the following:

1. CNY Ghost Hunters have a strict protocol about obtaining evidence. All these rules were followed. If you care to see these rules, please contact me.
2. The 3 investigators (and family friend) were all together at all times. CNY Ghost Hunters members are all serious researchers who have been with my group for sometime. I trust these investigators at all times.
3. Their are personal reasons why we can't go back to the hotel. I can assure you that the owners are kind courteous people who will not fabricate evidence. They adore this hotel and want nothing more than to live their lives there.

So there you have it. I urge you to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns. I also ask you to read on of the full translation in the following link.

Thanks for your time;
Stacey Jones
Founder of Central New York Ghost Hunters
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Re: The Most Horrific EVP Ever Recorded
« Reply #3 on: Jan 13 2008 - 11:42PM »
OMGosh!! I have heard a shortened version of this evp on a website that is devoted only to evp's but this is the first time that i have heard this long version. The short version was shocking. This one is SHOCKING! Crazy! I am going to listen to it with my headphones on when I can do it in the day time or when someone else is here and it's not late at night and I am alone.  Yikes!!   ter  ter  cho  cho
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Re: The Most Horrific EVP Ever Recorded
« Reply #4 on: Jan 14 2008 - 06:46PM »
totally creeping isn't Colleen

Offline jphunter26

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Re: The Most Horrific EVP Ever Recorded
« Reply #5 on: Dec 05 2009 - 09:29AM »
That was terrifying! Like something out of a horror movie...and that hall clock just keeps ticking ....WOW!!!
 ter   :055confused:  cho
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Re: The Most Horrific EVP Ever Recorded
« Reply #6 on: Dec 05 2009 - 11:24AM »

Yes, exactly WOW!!  cho

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Re: The Most Horrific EVP Ever Recorded
« Reply #7 on: Dec 05 2009 - 07:06PM »
I heard this several years ago, glad it resurfaed. I was never able to determin what on earth was going on in this recording. I have heard many things about how it could have been fabricated, as well as how it could be nothing but real. It is very interesting though.  :055confused:
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Re: The Most Horrific EVP Ever Recorded
« Reply #8 on: Dec 06 2009 - 05:09PM »
From all that I have researched about this video it seems to have some validity. Even the information that Ghost1 has posted here is very convincing. I have some faith that this is a real EVP and it is quite shocking. 
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Re: The Most Horrific EVP Ever Recorded
« Reply #9 on: Dec 17 2009 - 05:23PM »
From all that I have researched about this video it seems to have some validity. Even the information that Ghost1 has posted here is very convincing. I have some faith that this is a real EVP and it is quite shocking. 

I too am leading toward this being the real deal, as odd as it may sound. That's part of it though. With her releasing this to the public...she knows it will be scrutinized; however, she is open to feedback and ANSWERS! I think that is key in determining if there is truth to this!

I say this is incredible. Heard this years ago I am so glad it has finally resurfaced yet again.

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Re: The Most Horrific EVP Ever Recorded
« Reply #10 on: Dec 17 2009 - 08:33PM »
Damn! i cant listen to this at work, to loud and crappy speakers.  :^(
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Re: The Most Horrific EVP Ever Recorded
« Reply #11 on: Dec 17 2009 - 08:51PM »
Damn! i cant listen to this at work, to loud and crappy speakers.  :^(
If you haven't heard this, your in for a treat. You should def. listen with headphones. Bad speakers will only worsen the quality.
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