Pictures > General Pictures (NON-PARANORMAL)

Interesting picture


Here is a interesting picture I found at Ghost Study this morning from a member called Wallydraigle.

It is a long exposure of a flashlight pointed at the ground moving around, then pointed in the air towards the camera for that floating trail effect......Pretty cool effect.

That is a cool effect.  Makes me wonder if some of the effects I get on my pictures are related to lights.

Wow! I had no idea that it would do that. Incredible. And it does make you wonder just how many strange looking effects that ppl post on some of the other sites are created by lights but then again I also wonder how many spirits are caught on camera and we shrug them off as light effects.......(?)  I don't know if we will ever know. According to Fox and Mulder "The Truth is Out There! But there are some questions that I think will just never be known for sure.

I so glad that you decided to share this fascinating photo with us Ghost1. Perhaps you should start some sort of file in CopperMine that would contain "Light Anomolies" and have one that we know what they are beyond a doubt and one that we don't know what they are.??   Well on second thought that just might turn into a very heavy laden file and some light trails aren't as interesting as this one so ..... oops! I did it again....that's not a very good idea.    kn  But I really like this one.

Very nifty LOL LOL =D> =D>


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