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Ghost Pictures Show


Here are dozens of famous ghost sighting's in this video clip. 

At 2:17 in this video is the famous "woman sitting on a tombstone" picture taken at Bachelor's Grove.


There are some really famous photos in this slide show.  Thanks for posting!

I thought that I had seen all of the Popular/famous ones but I had never seen the one were the ghost went around and got in all of those cars on the parking lot..... LOL.....That was kind of funny!  Would have hated to miss that one. That's why when I see a ghost pic on the internet that I think is intersting I like to share it with my friends and this is one of the only sites that will allow you to do that.  Even the Asylum eleminated a post bcause I didn't actually take the picture.  So my thanks to Ghost1 for letting us share interesting pictures that we didn't take ourselves so long as we don't claim to have taken them.



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