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Misty Window!


You guys want to see another Head?  Only this doesn't have any skin!  I don't think it's floating either but I can't exactly tell what it's doing from the photo.  The explanation from the photographer is that it is mist on the glass of a door or window (?) and that the street light was shinig off of it on Halloween night and created this image without any manipulation what-so-ever  (?)  This was taken in Stutguaurt, Germany.  Any comments? Skepticism?  Ideas? Do we believe the author?  Should we?  If not then why?  Is this possible?  Can it be proven?  Can it be debunked or explained away or is it simply an illusion?  These are the questions that are going thru my mind but I have to say that I have to say that the author sounds sincere and I want to believe....

Here is the link to were the photo was originally submitted.


I think I would have to close the drapes If I found that on my window.

Cool picture   =D>

Hey guys check out this part of the window or glass.  Does that look like another skull only a different color?  If any of you have the magnifying glass for online pics then use it to look at that part of the photo.  When you magnify that particular part of the photo it definitely looks like the features of a face with a skeletal look.  Unlike the larger white skeletin it looks as though it has a nose!    Qu


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