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The Right Brain vs Left Brain

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The Right Brain vs Left Brain test ... do you see the dancer turning clockwise or anti-clockwise?

If clockwise, then you use more of the right side of the brain and vice versa.

Most of us would see the dancer turning anti-clockwise though you can try to focus and change the direction; see if you can do it.


uses logic
detail oriented
facts rule
words and language
present and past
math and science
can comprehend
order/pattern perception
knows object name
reality based
forms strategies

uses feeling
"big picture" oriented
imagination rules
symbols and images
present and future
philosophy & religion
can "get it" (i.e. meaning)
spatial perception
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
risk taking 

Ok, now this is really weird.  When I look at it it always turns right, even the whole time I was posting it.

Then the phone rang and I was looking at the caller ID, when I looked back it was going left.............. Qu  Just now I looked back as I'm writing this post again and it's now right.  Very Odd.

Ok.... kn  I just was proof reading this post and looked down and it's left again.  It appears that I use both sides at different time.  When I consintrat it seems to go left, then any other time It's right.  For the most part it's right 90% of the time.  What a interesting test.

OK I want someone to tell me that I'm wrong on this but I thought about it very hard before I actually made up my mind. I'm not sure what the writers purpose in this is but in my humble opinion the dancer actually changes directions. I cannot think of any way that our brain would not distinguish a right leg from a left leg but I'm telling you that when this dancer goes to the right her left leg is on the ground and her right leg is in the air. When she changes positions it is obvious that her left leg is then on the ground and her right leg is in the air. I noticed this first i think because of my training in skating. When you are on skates and you want to turn in one direction you have to use the leg that is in the air for momentum. If I were to turn in the other direction and yet kept the same exact leg in the air the momentum would be off. So at first when the dancer changed directions I imediately noticed that it didn't feel awkward to me as though her momentum was off. So to be sure I watched and kept up with which leg was in the air and witch one was on the ground and then I tried to reason if there would be any way that an illusion could make me think I was looking at her left leg and then it turns into her right leg but I do not think that would be possible. Please tell me what you think right away cause this is truly perplexing me and I don't think I can stop staring at it till I know for sure.

I studied this in psychology class, the image is just the same and depends on what side of your brain is being used. Which will determine which way your mind tells you it's going.  About 90% of people will see it going to the anti-clockwise .

If it was two images there would be a pre-determined time in which they switched....which this in not.


I just put this image in my GIF Animator software, there is 34 different pictures.  When I start on the top and scroll down it go's clockwise, when I scroll up it go's anti-clockwise?  Interesting, it must mean that if your brain see's it from the top down or from the bottom up it will rotate different.

Well I believe you Ghost. Your the man. If you say it's not changin then I believe you. But I am amazed bcause when the girl is going right and I'm looking at her back I see a left leg on the floor and when she is going left and I am looking at her back I see a right leg on the ground. I am unsure how my brain is not differentiating the right from the left leg when the girl is facing away from me both times. If I'm looking at you and I see your right leg .... your saying that it may not really be your right leg? OK Ghost I'm trustin you on this cause you are the man and you are a lot smarter than I am.  And I'm not even being facetious.    :^:


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