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James Randi exposes psychic frauds

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James Randi is a leader in the skeptical community who has been debunking paranormal and supernatural claims for most of his life. A magician himself James Randi is excellent at exposing the frauds that make up the paranormal and psychic communities. He offers a one million prize to anyone who can prove a paranormal claim scientifically and to this day nobody has won the money. Sylvia Browne has been ducking him for quite some time.

James Randi exposes James Hydrick

Absolutely none of the people can perform their paranormal acts under controlled conditions that take cheating out of the equation, hmmmm I wonder why. Time and time again the frauds(I mean psychics) have to come up with lame excuses as to why their con (I mean powers) won't work in a test. Here you see James Hydrick perform his "miracle" and 10 minutes later fail at the same miracle when cheating is taken out of the equation.


Spirit Chaser:
I have seen this guy before and have heard of his 1 million dollar challenge, I think he's great.  Just watch these two videos and you'll see it too!  He busted these fake psychics on national TV too, I love the look on there faces.

Look out Sylvia Browne  :*:

I am going to have to watch this one later.  My internet seems to be running really slow and the video keeps glitching.  That drives me crazy.

The Shadow:
That guy just got punked.


--- Quote from: Spirit Chaser on Apr 29 2008 - 11:33PM   ---I have seen this guy before and have heard of his 1 million dollar challenge, I think he's great.  Just watch these two videos and you'll see it too!  He busted these fake psychics on national TV too, I love the look on there faces.

Look out Sylvia Browne  :*:

--- End quote ---

Yep she's got it comin' and I hope I'm nearby when she gets it so I can clap and give a standing ovation! =D>


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