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Algonquin Cemetery Photos!

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I went last year only the one time with Ursla Bielski's haunted bus tour on halloween. Fun time we went to like 7 different places in the city.

Ursula is awesome -- I absolutely love her writing! I just can't believe her and that ED guy are doing paranormal tours. I don't know, the guy just makes me mad!

I'm still going in October to Bachelors Grove again -- just because it's that time of year.

Hey, Veganrichy! I've gone on two 'Beyond The Veil' trips with Ursula and Ed. They can be pricey but they're a lot of fun! I know you don't like Ed, but if you're ever interested in going on one you should! Go to Ursula's site www.chicagohauntings.com and go to the link for 'Beyond The Veil' trips. It's not always kept very updated, but you can always ask. Maybe we'll end up on one together sometime! che (And, no, I'm not being paid to promote her. LOL We just always have a great time!)


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