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Algonquin Cemetery Photos!

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--- Quote from: veganrichy on Aug 04 2008 - 03:17PM   ---
Behind the costume shop? Ha ha, I don't know which. Along the side of the woods, is where I felt something cold run right through me. I also hear noises from the woods--but didn't see anything. We got it all on tape actually, but nothing out of the ordinary.

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Yep behind the costume shop is where the murderer/rapist is and that is where you hear the little boy running and where the circle of stones are at the grave.

Now there is either something to this or that is one heck of a koinkydink don't cha think?  Hmmmmm


--- Quote from: Maggpie on Aug 08 2008 - 06:24PM   ---Yep behind the costume shop is where the murderer/rapist is and that is where you hear the little boy running and where the circle of stones are at the grave.

--- End quote ---

yes, I too have heard this story. I couldn't really locate the exact location of these stones at all--is there something to look for? I'm probably going there again real soon--so hopefully something happens again, or I get a great picture like we did previously.

This is very cool, I was just talking about going to the Cary/Algonquin Cemetery last week. But my new camera hasn't come yet so I'm waiting probably go this weekend. Yippie!

Cool pics! I've got to get out there! :Y:


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