Author Topic: 11/15/09 Night Trip  (Read 2894 times)

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Offline elitero

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11/15/09 Night Trip
« on: Dec 27 2009 - 11:48AM »
I have been wanting to put these pictures up for a while, but have never got around to doing it.  Each image I will be posting is the low resolution version, and the link immediately below is a direct link to the original (much higher resolution) image straight from the camera.

These images were taken around 2:45am, November 15 of this year.  As we exited the vehicle, it was 33 degrees turning 32.  The ground was wet on our way there, we saw frost accumulating on the ground as we arrived at the cemetery, and there was a slight fog on the ground.  We parked on Menard, and took the path from the corner of the street to BG.  These pictures are in the order we took them, if there is anything notable, I will bring it up underneath each picture.  I have a feeling I missed something in some of these pictures, which is why I am posting them here for people to take a look at.

There is about 40 images here, so get ready to go through a lot here.   :evil:

I will not point them out in every picture, but you will notice a lot of "orbs" in the pictures.  Some are grey spheres, others are colored.  Any help with this would be appreciated.
Here is the forest path leading to the main path...creepy.
The main path, maybe 300ft away.  At about this point, we heard footsteps and branches breaking maybe 100 feet to the left of us in the woods.  My friends and I stop for a minute, eventually agree on it being a deer, and move on.....
Another one, maybe 100 feet down from the previous.  I took this picture right after I noticed something very interesting.  100 feet ahead of us, we saw a softball sized red sphere, maybe 40-50 feet in the air (seemed to be right above the treeline), moving from right to left across the sky, going at least 40MPH.  At the time, we were walking very slowly, and looking in front of us, but all 3 of us saw it in our peripheral vision.  The moment I looked at it directly, it disappeared.
We arrive at the main gate.
This picture is one of the most confusing for me.  I am on the left, notice the bright spot on my pants.  I have already talked to a few people about this.  I was wearing nothing reflective, and I wasn't holding anything between my legs.  You will notice there is a slight shadow behind it.  I honestly have no explanation of what it is, if someone can answer or even guess for me, it would be appreciated.
Interesting colored sphere..
I thought this picture was cool, look at all of the colored balls all over the place.
This was another image that got my attention.  My friends were being silly, and I happened to take a picture as they were doing that.  Now notice the angular cloud behind them.  At first I thought it was their breath, but after reviewing a few other pictures I don't think it was.  On Image 982, you see my friend's breath, notice how much duller and softer it looks.
I recall reading here that you sometimes see ghosts if there is a person in the picture.  That was my goal here, except my friend was standing way too close.... oops  :)

This about marks halfway through the pictures, in case you guys were curious.
Inside the cemetery looking out.
Now at this point, something very odd happened.  My indian friend (not believing in ghosts) said aloud "there's no such thing as ghosts," and a moment later we heard this hearty "hah hah hah" kind of laugh coming from maybe 100 feet away, in the direction of the Fulton grave.  It wasn't too long after that until we had enough and left!  :giggle2:
Not sure why this picture is foggier than the others...
A final shot before leaving.

We wanted to stay, take more pictures, and maybe experience something, but we decided to go, after hearing about how bad the cops are.  We heard they come every hour (I do not know if that is true), so we started making our way back.  I didn't say anything because I thought I was hearing things at the time, but from the gates to maybe 300 feet down the path, I heard an extra set of footsteps maybe 10-15ft behind us.  Although I didn't see anything behind us, something kept telling me to turn around every 5-10 seconds, which I did until we got back to the car.

Anyway, that is my adventure, I hope you guys enjoyed my story.  :)
« Last Edit: Dec 27 2009 - 03:46PM by elitero »

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RE: 11/15/09 Night Trip
« Reply #1 on: Dec 27 2009 - 02:35PM »
Thanks for taking us on your night adventure to The Grove. I downloaded a few of ur pics so I could look over them better. Will let u know if i see anything interesting.
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Offline bodhisattva

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RE: 11/15/09 Night Trip
« Reply #2 on: Dec 27 2009 - 03:20PM »
958 and 986 are my favorite; these are beautiful pics.  At first when I saw 967 I thought you were holding a torch and wondering what you were doing, ahah. 

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RE: 11/15/09 Night Trip
« Reply #3 on: Dec 29 2009 - 01:31AM »
Great photos of BG at night. Rare to find nowadays considering its illegal; however still these are great shots.

Looks to me as though you got plenty of natural orbs and possibly even one or two "orbs" that don't fit into the "natural" category.

Great shots.

did you get audio of the "hahaha" after your friend said ghosts don't exist?
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Offline elitero

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RE: 11/15/09 Night Trip
« Reply #4 on: Dec 29 2009 - 09:50AM »
Thanks.  Would you mind pointing out to me which ones you think aren't natural? (other than the white dot on my pants, that is)  :)

And for those who don't know, my friend was recording the entire time with a high definition camcorder, from when we exited the car, to when we got back in.  Obviously way too dark to capture anything on film, but it has a very good microphone, so we had it there to potentially capture any voices.  Anyway, he is in another country now, so I will need to wait for a bit to get it.

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RE: 11/15/09 Night Trip
« Reply #5 on: Dec 29 2009 - 11:31AM »
Thanks.  Would you mind pointing out to me which ones you think aren't natural? (other than the white dot on my pants, that is)  :)

And for those who don't know, my friend was recording the entire time with a high definition camcorder, from when we exited the car, to when we got back in.  Obviously way too dark to capture anything on film, but it has a very good microphone, so we had it there to potentially capture any voices.  Anyway, he is in another country now, so I will need to wait for a bit to get it.

Besides the pants... :lol6: and the vortex thing while the stick was being clubbed at someone..hah...

Number 993 seems a lot brighter and rounder/solid than the others that far away. Orbs are a touchy issue but who knows. Just my take.

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RE: 11/15/09 Night Trip
« Reply #6 on: Jan 31 2010 - 11:22PM »
Well one thing about Orbs is that, especially in a foggy situation like yours, mostly of the time they're going to be moisture in the air or dust or pollen or things like that. I saved about 6 of your photos and Im going to look at them and see if I found anything. I know I might have been able to find an orb or two, but thats probably about it. Give me like 20 mins and we'll see
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Re: 11/15/09 Night Trip
« Reply #7 on: Feb 01 2010 - 12:13AM »
Ok, all the white and grey orbs in your photos look to be a result of the mist or fog in the area, very typical. BUT! You my friend have found what looks like Blue lights that are a bit harder to explain. They look to be circular and they are very bright, almost like they shine with their own intensity. As for your crotch dot, I ran it through my EXIF and the image wasn't edited and you can clearly see the shadow. Which honestly, Orbs are not just dots that are flatly imprinted on our film, they're actually somewhat of a 3D object if you can get close enough to one. I've posted the normal image and the one Ive zoomed in on, if anyone knows of anything in the area that could give this light off at different heights, let us know.

Number one edited image has a blue dot that's almost 18 feet in the air, an estimate taken from the tree next to it. The other two looks to be between 4-6 feet, but a little bit harder to tell.
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