Author Topic: Full moon behavoirs  (Read 3812 times)

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Offline spookypooky

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Full moon behavoirs
« on: Jul 18 2008 - 02:19AM »
This Friday is the full moon. Ive heard stories that the full moon effects tides in the ocean as well as a number of behaviors. In witchcraft it is said to be the best day for casting spells. Here was a small informative video I found. Surprisingly, there were not that many to choose from. I do think its a topic that should be explored more often. Has anyone else heard any effects that the full moon has? cof

Offline Exzyle2k

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Re: Full moon behavoirs
« Reply #1 on: Jul 18 2008 - 03:58AM »
Other than the irresistible need to howl at the moon, and the complaining the family does about the excess hair around the house, I have nothing odd to report regarding full moons.
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Re: Full moon behavoirs
« Reply #2 on: Jul 18 2008 - 04:20AM »
I find that I very frequently get migraines during a full moon...

Other than that, when I used to teach, I could honestly tell when a full moon was in the next couple of days because the kids would just get *wound up.*  Typically 2 days before, the day of, and two days after.  It was weird, but everyone else I've talked has noticed it as well... I think it just goes along with the whole theory that children are more attuned to things like that.
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Re: Full moon behavoirs
« Reply #3 on: Jul 20 2008 - 01:38PM »'s funny you should bring this up.   che   My best friend is a criminal attorney and he always had this idea that since bodily fluids are something like 90 per cent water. He had the exact percentage of course but I can't remember what it was....very hight though.  He says that the full moon would HAVE to play a roll in behavior. If the moon's affect is powerful enough to control an ocean full of water they why wouldn't it affect the water in our bodies in a huge way? So we decided to find out one Friday night.  We went to the office basement and went thru every single file that he'd had since opening up the firm. 19 years worth....this was about a year ago. The findings were ALARMING!! More than 70 per cent of the cases had begun with the arrest for criminal activity that had been committed on the night of A FULL MOON!

Now you tell me. Does his theory hold water with more than a 70 per cent ratio? And there was something else that seemed to me to be significant. An even larger percent of domestic abuse of some hideous nature was played out on a full moon.  We separated the domestic cases that seemed to be frequent small stuff and/or alchohol related from things like being sober and putting a pic axe in your wifes head.  Although it did also seem to affect violence while under the influence of alchohol. More than 50 per cent of the alchohol related cases originated during a full moon or the 2 nights leading up to the full moon...which goes along with what MuscicianMommy said about the kids. It does seem that there is statistical graph which begins to rise on the 2 days leading up to a full moon.   
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Re: Full moon behavoirs
« Reply #4 on: Jul 20 2008 - 02:34PM »
I think the full moon excuse is complete and utter rubbish. Factor 12 (possibly 13) full moons a year, multiplied by 26 years for me, and that's a lot of full moons. However, I have yet to wrap my car around a telephone pole, set fire to a neighbor's house, kidnap and bury another living creature, or even lose my temper unjustly during lunar cycles.

In most scenarios, it's a psychological thing. Since we were young we've been programmed to notice the difference between a full moon and a new moon, waxing and waning crescents. And there's always stories related to it... Werewolves, witches, hell even ET had a spot of fun with a full moon.

It's just like Friday the 13th, as mentioned somewhere else. I think people tend to pay more attention to the insignificant days or lunar phases than they do any other day, and that's when people begin to notice the "unusual" things.

As for the criminal cases, how many more officers were on duty during the full moon because of a psychological effect? I guarantee you that if you keep staffing consistent, the "Full Moon Effect" will be null and void. 
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Re: Full moon behavoirs
« Reply #5 on: Jul 20 2008 - 05:09PM »
uh huh....hmmm well why don't you do the research and get back with me on that. You are completely ignoring the scientific fact that the moon has a magnetic affect on liquids so. There are a lot of ppl who have never had a wreck or gone homicidal or suicidal but then there are a lot of ppl who have done one or all of these things. There is more than one factor in any one case so our theme here is not...does the moon cause someone to do something. The theme here is ..... does the moon have even the slightest affect on a persons behavior. We know that the moon affects lots of things so that's not in debate. You got lost some place. So back up a little bit and rethink what you are saying in a logical manor.
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Re: Full moon behavoirs
« Reply #6 on: Jul 20 2008 - 05:31PM »
Actually, I never said that the moon has no effect. I'm well aware of the tides effected by the lunar cycles, and the effect having a massive ball of rock orbiting us has not only on our magnetic field, but also our gravity.

What I'm saying is that my belief is the moon has no effect on a person's behavior, other than on a sub-conscious level due to "programming" everybody has received since they were children.

If you want to talk about scientific studies, here's a few reads for you:

Clicky - National Geographic Passage of note: "Contrary to popular belief, however, the frequency of these behaviors will probably be no more significant tonight than on any other night of the year, according to scientific reviews of the theory that the full moon alters the way humans and wildlife behave."

Clicky - Neuroscience for Kids Summary: More than 50 studies report "No relation" to the subject of the study and the phase of the moon.

Clicky - Repost of an article in Annals of Internal Medicine - Heading says it all... "Full moon not linked to behavior"

So... While you can attack me all you want, proof here says what my last post said... The moon has no effect on a person's behavior.

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Re: Full moon behavoirs
« Reply #7 on: Jul 20 2008 - 07:41PM »
 I worked in restaurants with the public for 14 years and the full moon DOES bring out the crazies. Also, many women's menstrual cycles coincide with the phases of the moon. I dunno, believing in the powers of the moon seems similar to believing in ghosts. You know it is happening but producing evidence is hard to do. And until it happens to you, you prob don't believe it. . You DO believe in ghosts don't you exzyle?

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Re: Full moon behavoirs
« Reply #8 on: Jul 20 2008 - 07:53PM »
I believe in a lot of things. But as I stated in an earlier post on these boards, I am pessimistic and cynical by nature.

I enjoy playing Devil's Advocate. I will take your statement and show you the reverse side of it, a side many people who believe blindly refuse to see because it shakes the foundations of their faith.

I work retail, and have done so without pause for the past 10 years. I've done everything from sweeping parking lots and grabbing carts from the Big Box retailers to managing multiple locations at the same time. And I will honestly tell you, that even if the moon does affect some people's mental capabilities, nothing compares to the craziness you'll encounter on any given Black Friday.

Let's remember that wonderful quote from Men In Black: "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it." So, if there is general chaos in a specific area, it will tend to affect those around them. If someone is having an off day, and cuts someone off in traffic or tears a girl at Starbucks a new one because the order was wrong, there will be a domino effect. And because in this day and age nobody will take responsibilities for their own actions, a scapegoat has to be found... "Oh look! A full moon! That's why I crashed my car... Not because I was on my cell phone, clipping my nails, and checking the newspaper for showtimes... It's because the moon pulled my car to the tree!"
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Re: Full moon behavoirs
« Reply #9 on: Jul 20 2008 - 11:53PM »
Chaos! Just like the Joker!

Offline Colleen2510

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Re: Full moon behavoirs
« Reply #10 on: Jul 21 2008 - 11:21AM »
I do believe in the domino affect. And I do believe that a lot of ppl want to blame someone or something for their own silly or downright stupid behaviors. It's human nature. We all feel just a itty bitty bit better if we can make it somehow "not our fault". I know everyone is different but in MY case I always know that I'm only making excuses if and when I do. I always know that I could have done better. I know that I CAN do better but what are the odds that I will do better   :V:  And I'm not the kind of person that would ever blame something on another person just to make myself look better. I'd rather take the medicine and let that other person live in peace. If I say that I had a wreck and there was a full moon that doesn't mean that I blame the moon. In fact I don't even think that things like "wrecks" would play much of a role in the research that I did. It was more like someone who is already on the brink of doing something dastardly anyway didn't stop to think about the consequences as thoroughly as they did 4 or 5 days earlier when they were in that same situation. The way that our mind works and rationalizes is and always has been affected by outside stimuli. The moon "could" be just one.

Just one other thing. Exzyle2k.....I don't mean to attack you. Your opinion here is always valuable. You came on pretty strong with me and in return I defended myself but be sure that anything that is said inside a discussion here is never "personal".  You have my sincerest apologies.
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Re: Full moon behavoirs
« Reply #11 on: Jul 27 2008 - 02:10PM »
I do believe in the full moon effect.  I have been a nurse for over 14 years and during full moons our ED fill with crazies...more than usual.  Also, The patients that become confused at night (which is called sundowning) are worse that usual.  Yes the full moon does effect people.  But then again the National Geographic as an interesting article that says there is a myth according to studies.  But there is one interesting statement that leads you to believe there things can happen during a full moon but that it actually has nothing to do with the moon just the extra lighting. 

"There is good reason to believe that people's personalities do change around the time of the full moon, not because of any astronomical force, but because it creates the optimum lighting conditions for feeling carefree and mischievous," Wilson told the paper."


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Re: Full moon behavoirs
« Reply #12 on: Jul 27 2008 - 02:14PM »
Wow Gina! That's quite a cool new way to think about the full moon effect! What a thought!!  =D>
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Re: Full moon behavoirs
« Reply #13 on: Jul 27 2008 - 04:18PM »
I am feeling mischevious most of the time!!  wh