Bachelor's Grove Paranormal Forums

Pictures => Upload any Paranormal pictures here => Topic started by: motherchucker on Aug 01 2008 - 04:25PM

Title: Hull House Pics
Post by: motherchucker on Aug 01 2008 - 04:25PM
Thes were taken during an investigation at the Jane Adams Hull House.

In the first picture look at the window to the right of the main door and right above the curtain tell me if you see anything.  I think I see a face looking out but not sure.

There is a fountain outside, I took alot of pics of it and caught these starge orbs.  They could be enviormental but I didn't catch them in all my pics.
Title: Re: Hull House Pics
Post by: motherchucker on Aug 01 2008 - 04:30PM
Heres some more.
Title: Re: Hull House Pics
Post by: Ghost1 on Aug 01 2008 - 04:42PM
I can't see anything in the window, I zoomed into 600% and lightened the image.  Can you point it out?

As far as the Orb's go............Generally speaking, if you see diffraction rings in an orb, it is definitely dust.

Oh yeah, great pictures thought!  Thanks for posting.  :Y:

Title: Re: Hull House Pics
Post by: motherchucker on Aug 01 2008 - 04:51PM
You know what after seeing it zoomed in that much I realise now that it's nothing.  Thanks for making it so big for me.
The orbs were weird to me is all, plus a little story behind the trip:  During the whole time we were there my video camera kept making this buzzing noise.  And if you heard the story about the devil baby and people seeing it in the second floor window, evrytime I would try and zoom in on that window the buzzing would get louder and the camera wouldn't focus on the window.  I mean it kept trying to focus but it wouldn't, and I have never had a problem with that camera.  Weird night. Thanks for the comments though.
Title: Re: Hull House Pics
Post by: Ghost1 on Aug 01 2008 - 04:58PM
During the whole time we were there my video camera kept making this buzzing noise.  And if you heard the story about the devil baby and people seeing it in the second floor window, evrytime I would try and zoom in on that window the buzzing would get louder and the camera wouldn't focus on the window.  I mean it kept trying to focus but it wouldn't, and I have never had a problem with that camera.  Weird night. Thanks for the comments though.

Ghosts seem to have a effect on cameras and camcorders at some haunted places.  I've had cameras that won't work, then as soon as you leave they work fine again.  Battery's that go dead in minutes, and memory cards that erase them self's....................  kn

Here is a good post, if you want to learn about Orb's.
Everything you ever wanted to know about Orb's! (
Title: Re: Hull House Pics
Post by: Exzyle2k on Aug 01 2008 - 06:41PM
Hmm... Ghost... Batteries that go dead? For you? Never... Must be your imagination!  LOL

You also have to be careful with going to sites like that, that had modern amenities like electricity. If there are transformers that are nearby, a lot of the time you'll pick up on the buzzing in the video. I personally have turned out sounds like that, but if I hear it on a tape it comes across clearly.

Was the camcorder tape or digital? Sometimes the tape spindles will collect dust and carbon off the tapes and that will cause noises like that. If it's digital, that's a different story.
Title: Re: Hull House Pics
Post by: motherchucker on Aug 01 2008 - 07:11PM
Hey Exzyle2k, Thanks for the comments!
It is a tape camcorder, but it never made that noise before and it was weird that it got louder as I pointed towards the window in question. I don't wana say it was paranormal but it is strange never the less.
Title: Re: Hull House Pics
Post by: Colleen2510 on Aug 03 2008 - 03:32PM
OMGosh! Ghost1 Are you guys playing another trick on me? I mean seriously can you guys really and truly NOT see the youngface looking out of that window???!!!! I'm floored! It jumped out at me as soon as I saw your Zoomed shot! Look again! I'm still thinking that maybe your kidding around with someone. If not then look again cause the young person does obviously have dark hair which makes it a little difficult to see but the eyes give it away. Once you see those eyes THEN if you can't make out the top of the nose and the bangs of the hair falling across the forehead THEN I guess you just aren't going to see him/her. I can't really tell....I get the feeling that it's a young adolescent male but there is no doubt in My mind that he is there. :^:
Title: Re: Hull House Pics
Post by: Colleen2510 on Aug 03 2008 - 03:39PM
Oh by the way Motherchucker ..... nice pics .... and neither of you will convince me that boy is not in that window....LOL  Now I had to download the other pics so that i could look at them cause they were so big for my screen. But I will look at the pics asap.
Title: Re: Hull House Pics
Post by: ghostlight on Aug 03 2008 - 03:40PM
While I do believe there are prob ghosts at Hull House, I think the devil-baby is just an urban legend. My grandparents (Italian immigrants) told me about Hull House and all the wonderful things Jane did for the local community. They held Hull House and Jane in high regard and often said if it wasn't for Hull House their parents may not have been able to find jobs, homes, or Italian friends in their new neighborhood. I have never been there myself, I just wanted to throw in my 2 cents! Great post!  :Y:
Title: Re: Hull House Pics
Post by: Colleen2510 on Aug 03 2008 - 04:13PM
I've never been there nor had I heard about it till now. But now that I have seen these pics and read this post I will look into it a little bit more.
Title: Re: Hull House Pics
Post by: motherchucker on Aug 03 2008 - 04:20PM
Well I thought I saw something that looked like a face in that window.  But maybe because of others (not you ghost or anyone on this site) basically telling me I'm crazy and looking to much into it, that there isn't anything there.  But everytime I look at  that pic I see a face.  Not sure.
Title: Re: Hull House Pics
Post by: Ghost1 on Aug 03 2008 - 04:31PM
But everytime I look at  that pic I see a face. 

Ask Colleen about that problem.     wh
Title: Re: Hull House Pics
Post by: Colleen2510 on Aug 03 2008 - 06:06PM

Ask Colleen about that problem.     wh

Well ....yeah... there are lots of times when I see a face in a photo and no one else does. But most of the time they aren't like this one. Most of the time they are sketchy at best and could possibly be illusion. But this ..... I won't be swayed ...... no way.....when I'm sure about somethin then it takes a lot to bring me back from

But you know Ghost1 and I used to post our stuff on other sites were they would pretty much attack you the minute you posted something and then if you gave any reasons why their ideas didn't fit or didn't pertain to this photo then you would be written off as someone who wasn't skeptical enough. And pretty much if you didn't fit into their clicque then you picture couldn't be considered seriously. So when Ghost1 made this forum for his Wolf Creature photo...well I just followed him here cause it was such a great place to be and if you have photos and you want to post them and tell the forum how you feel about those photos then no one jumps on you.
Title: Re: Hull House Pics
Post by: Maggpie on Aug 03 2008 - 09:47PM
I agree Colleen.  I was attacked about my apparation photo from Bachelor's Grove.  People kept saying it was photoshopped or that it was an actual person. :X  Why are those types of people  even on a forum like that then?  If they are so quick to not believe.......... what is the purpose of posting?

I love it over here =D>
Title: Re: Hull House Pics
Post by: Colleen2510 on Aug 04 2008 - 01:48PM
I agree Colleen.  I was attacked about my apparation photo from Bachelor's Grove.  People kept saying it was photoshopped or that it was an actual person. :X  Why are those types of people  even on a forum like that then?  If they are so quick to not believe.......... what is the purpose of posting?

I love it over here =D>

I know! That was always my question! I decided that it was because they thought that perhaps it would be their chance to "stand out from the crowd" because everything they say is as if they want to be the different one wether it makes any sense or not. They will argue about something that doesn't matter or doesn't make sense and then say that "they debunked that idea"  when I never saw any debunking going on at all....LOL But I think they wanted to stand out and then found out that there were a whole bunch of other ppl that came there for the same reason.....  So then they had to form their little group. Anyone outside the group is not allowed to be right.  And they will even get more obnoxious and challenging just so they can possibly be known as "The Hardcore Critique"  lol Oh my gosh ..... it would be hilariously funny if they weren't so pesky....  No...I'm sorry.....they're still hilariously funny
Title: Re: Hull House Pics
Post by: adamselzer on Oct 13 2008 - 01:19PM
I've been bringing tour groups out there off and on for a few years now - in 2006 it was rather active. Since then, less so.

There are two major problems with this place:
1. The atmostphere is conducive to LOTS of false positives. There are some lamps in the windows that tend to look like feminine forms. Plenty of places for light to bounce around and become an "orb." And I've seen TONS of "ghost coming down the stairs" pictures that turned out to be the same thing: the reflection of the photographer's ear.

2 (and this is the big one). most of the stories going around about the place are crap. There was never actually a devil baby, and it certainly isn't buried in the garden next door (there was a building there in 1913, when the rumors went around). There's no native american curse on the grounds (seeing as how Addams won a Nobel Prize for her work there, this would have been one incompetent band of native americans), and no headless ghost that'll follow you home if you don't cross yourself.  A major reason that I don't go there much is that some of these stories are bad news - the staff (understandably) wants the house to be remembered for Addams' work, but people tend to treat it as a ghost hunting theme park.  I've been trying to talk the other tour guides in the city into stopping spreading around the stories we know are fake, but with varying results. We ended up putting a whole section in the Weird Chicago book on "myths of hull house."  Some of the ghost stories that aren't real are pretty harmless, but the devil baby stories need to go. People hear on tours that it's buried in the garden and show up the next day with shovels and bug the staff to let them start digging.

That said, I do have some reasn to think the place is haunted - I've got some GREAT full body apparition shots that I've yet to explain away. Charles Hull very likely held seances there around the time of the civil war. That the place was haunted was sort of a running joke among Jane Addams and the staff. There was also a ghost seen regularly back at the turn of the 20th century at a house where the student center BEHIND hull house now stands. When Addams moved in, the place was right next to an undertaking parlor. Cameras do tend to act funny there; one night I had a group in which not one person could get a shot of one tree. Every time we tried, the cameras would go off or the picture would be messed up.

I also just recently did a blog entry on the reading of Charles Hull's will - it plays like a scene from "Clue." All the relatives gathered in his house (not the haunted one; a long demolished one a few blocks further west) for the opening of the envelope. A bust of Hull presided over the affair. All of the nephews and their wives expected to strike it rich.  But everything went to Hull's cousin, who was also his housekeeper.
Title: Re: Hull House Pics
Post by: ghostlight on Oct 14 2008 - 10:31AM
How very interesting Adam! Thanks for posting that great info!
Title: Re: Hull House Pics
Post by: The Shadow on Oct 14 2008 - 05:34PM
very informative posts