Bachelor's Grove Paranormal Forums

Video and Audio Files => Upload Your Paranormal Video and Audio Files Here => Topic started by: Steve Abrams on Feb 22 2011 - 11:41AM

Title: Porter County Museum
Post by: Steve Abrams on Feb 22 2011 - 11:41AM
I went with Paranormal Illinois to the Porter County Museum/Jail in Valparaiso Indiana. This was a very interesting night. A lot of unexplained noises and EVPs. I'll share some EVPs with you. As usual we never heard what was said even though some of them were rather loud on the digital recorder. Except for 2 titled "Noise - What was that?" & "Big bang"

The "time to go" EVP came after I was complaining about all my batteries were going dead. 2 flashlights went dead in the first 5 minutes, my #1 digital recorder went dead after 2 hours, my digital camera battery was flashing almost dead, my back up digital camera worked about 3 minutes before going completely dead, my backup digital recorder went dead after 45 minutes. Other investigators had batteries go dead also.
