Bachelor's Grove Paranormal Forums

Pictures => Upload any Paranormal pictures here => Topic started by: musicmomma23 on Aug 23 2010 - 10:21PM

Title: Revised previous picture
Post by: musicmomma23 on Aug 23 2010 - 10:21PM
This is the enhancement i have now i also have othe variations i can post also let me know if i need to post where i see the oddities in the background.     also if you look close the guy on the rights legs extend to the ground, the man on the left appears to be wearing a robe and a tophat.  okay so you can see in the original and the administers picture the lines i am pointing out look out of place. the ones that are solidly going down are the fence posts. the red arrows are what i think look almost structural. The pink arrow i see a face/ skull. and the green circle possibly another apparition?!?? the green arrow was where i though i had seen something else

original post (
Title: Re: Revised previous picture
Post by: musicmomma23 on Aug 23 2010 - 11:08PM
This is the settings I use to determine backround patterns and foliage for my expiditions. As you can se if you take your head and move it around your screen there are no lines that match the ones I pointed out of place.