Bachelor's Grove Paranormal Forums

UFO's => UFO's & Extraterrestrial life => Topic started by: Ghost1 on Mar 25 2008 - 10:32PM

Title: UFO sighting
Post by: Ghost1 on Mar 25 2008 - 10:32PM
This picture is from our newest member "TenBears".  He told me he saw this in the sky flying low and started to follow it for about 6 minutes, he got this picture before it disappeared from sight.

This is taken with a 35mm camera, at full zoom range.

I think It's a pretty cool picture.   :Y:

( 09 15 01.jpg)
Title: Re: UFO sighting
Post by: Tenbears on Mar 25 2008 - 10:41PM
I'm not saying it’s an alien craft, but it is clearly an Unidentified flying object.
Title: Re: UFO sighting
Post by: Jeepgirlgina on Mar 26 2008 - 08:37PM
Hey tenbears.....that is an awesome picture.  where did you take it at? I am amazed that you followed it.  UFO's scare the poop out of me.  I would of been running the other direction.   =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>
Title: Re: UFO sighting
Post by: The Shadow on Mar 26 2008 - 09:18PM
Tenbears awesome pic mate bo bo bo bo bo bo
Title: Re: UFO sighting
Post by: The Shadow on Mar 26 2008 - 09:22PM
Tenbears do you have anymore pics? No one on this site will ever talk crap to you about photos or any experiences you may have. We try to keep an open mind and try to prove or disprove with honesty and not malicious intent. che che che che che che
Title: Re: UFO sighting
Post by: Banshee on Mar 27 2008 - 06:47PM
 =D> Cool picture, was that on the ground at that point or still moving?  I can't tell if that's just a glow or a motion blur behind it. 
Title: Re: UFO sighting
Post by: Spirit Chaser on Mar 27 2008 - 09:51PM
What a great catch, that sure as heck isn't ball lighting!  You chased it for 7 minutes, weren't you worried It might see you.....then chase you?    ter
Title: Re: UFO sighting
Post by: Tenbears on Mar 27 2008 - 11:27PM
This picture was taken in Orland Park, Illinois, yes I was following this UFO for a while and like a good investigator I clicked off as many frames as I could manage while maintaining some control over my mind, my car, and my camera. the UFO was moving like an intelligences was operating this ball of light. After only a few blocks the UFO, or what I thought must be "ball lightning" pulled away from me at a higher rate of speed than before. After thinking about this whole thing after it all took place I think it was responding to me. Just about the time I worked all this out in my head, that this was an intellect and not ball lightning the UFO turned away from my car and seemed to run away into a local school parking lot when, as if it didn't want to be photographed it turned and raced away from me.  That's how I was able to get at least one photo of some clarity. The glow under the orb, was shimmering as though it was heat convection rising off a hot strip of asphalt. I could not discern any sound until it streaked away and I heard a whooshing sound like a baseball bat swing in air. I first sighted it as the UFO came up behind me like a traffic cop and chased me for a moment and then instantly it was about 100 yards off my passenger door, paralleling my speed and direction of travel. Gracefully jumping over fence rows and power lines like the read out of an EKG, sharp spike like movement up and I fumbled for my camera, (I always have a camera with me) to get a shot of what ever this was it seemed as though time was slowing down and even stopping briefly as I struggled with the subconscious fears of the unknown and a very real time event unfolding around me like a motion picture. I somehow manage to stop the car in a school parking lot to shoot this thing. I jumped from my car like I had nothing to lose and it was here that it turned away like a shy teenage girl and shot away from me at 10 times the speed it was following me at. As fast as it had covered 100 to 125 yards it stopped, it seemed to spin a little as it just hovered for a second, like a cake on a lazy Suzann, then it took a 45 degree turn up towards space without a sound I can remember unlike anything I have ever seen before or sense in a 10th of a second it was gone. I ran after it shooting wildly into the dark night sky and as fear released a grip on my wits, I almost felt sad it was over... It all happened so fast I almost can't recall the details, the one's I do remember like the time displacement. Maybe it was simply the brain moving in hyper speed as to make an illusion of time slowing down, or could there be the slightest chance of a possibility that I was hit by some kind of revere tractor beam... The world will never know... I couldn't sleep for a few days, and I've been telling this short but unforgettable moment of my life ever scene, confidently I was scared more after, than I was while it was happening...
Title: Re: UFO sighting
Post by: Colleen2510 on Mar 30 2008 - 11:45AM
Wo Nelly!! This picture along with how you came to get it is absolutely awesome!! I would have loved to be there! So your a PI huh? Me too. Retired now but have nearly 20 years in the field. I love this picture.. Thank goodness that you had your camera with you. It sounds like the driver of this thing has some experience in avoiding his pic but you got him anyway.... LOL good going.

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Title: Re: UFO sighting
Post by: Tenbears on Mar 30 2008 - 07:17PM
Thank you, colleen2510 it was one of those spur of the moment things
Title: Re: UFO sighting
Post by: Colleen2510 on Jun 02 2008 - 03:10PM
Just for a moment let's all do the bump...bump ....bump.... now slide.

I can't believe that no one else commented on this great story that Tenbears posted for us. We can do better. Here's a bump for our new members.
Title: Re: UFO sighting
Post by: Tenbears on Aug 13 2008 - 02:29PM
everyone has an opinion, i offer only the story as I remember it, and hope it is as close to what really happened as i can get...
Title: Re: UFO sighting
Post by: ghostlight on Aug 13 2008 - 04:42PM
Great post Tenbears! I have heard that the area around Tinley Park has had many UFO sightings over the years!
Title: Re: UFO sighting
Post by: MusicianMommy on Aug 14 2008 - 06:07AM
What a great photo & story!

I'm sorry I missed it before!   che
Title: Ball Lightning or Real UFO Footage
Post by: Tenbears on Sep 03 2010 - 11:45AM
This is a rare Natural Weather Phenomenon called Ball Lightning!
Title: Re: UFO sighting
Post by: Exzyle2k on Sep 03 2010 - 10:27PM
I commented on the last video on the other post. The middle one is a hoax. The first one I'm undecided on, but leaning towards either ball lightning or something was struck and was burning/smoldering.