Bachelor's Grove Paranormal Forums

Discussions => General Paranormal Discussion => Topic started by: MarkMc1990 on Sep 27 2009 - 05:40PM

Title: Small possibly paranormal story
Post by: MarkMc1990 on Sep 27 2009 - 05:40PM
My grandfather died last month, and just thinking about it now and being on this site reminded me of something that happened during one of his hospital visits 3 years ago. My grandpa suffered from alzheimer's disease and dimentia for the later years of his life and 3 years ago it got really bad. Well anyway he was in the hospital 3 years ago and we were pretty sure he was getting ready to die. At one point, my aunt was talking to him and noticed he was staring very intently at a chair in the corner of the room. She asked him what he was staring at and he answered "Renee is over there...shes showing me the body".

*Renee was the psychic my grandparents were friends with and used to visit way back when. Renee died sometime in the early 1980's from brain cancer, I believe.

Now there are 2 reasons to dismiss this as a legit paranormal occurrence: 1) It was probably his medication or the dimentia itself making him hallucinate, as he often did, and 2) He actually recovered and lived 3 more years after "Renee" supposedly "showed him the body". But whatever the case, real or hallucination, it was just about the creepiest thing I ever heard and the hairs on my neck stood up when my mom told me about it.

Just thought I would share! che
Title: Re: Small possibly paranormal story
Post by: BlackHeart on Sep 29 2009 - 07:39PM
That's a good story. I'm very sorry for your loss too.