Bachelor's Grove Paranormal Forums

BACHELOR'S GROVE CEMETERY => Upload & discuss pictures from BACHELOR'S GROVE here. => Topic started by: Marion76 on Sep 06 2008 - 02:32AM

Title: Face in the tree?
Post by: Marion76 on Sep 06 2008 - 02:32AM
Let me know if you see what I see.
Title: Re: Face in the tree?
Post by: Ghost1 on Sep 06 2008 - 08:35AM
Oh Yeah, when I zoomed in, it looks like the face of a old man, pretty weird.  I didn't see it at first then it kind of jumped out at me.  I would guess it's just a weird growth in the tree though...........Good eye to see it thought!

Ok, now here's a weird thought.........You know how we always see pictures like this where it's just a tree where it looks like a face.  Just imagine if all the pic's like that where real faces that somehow the spirits can blend with the trees to hide?    Ok, I told you it was weird.   kn
Title: Re: Face in the tree?
Post by: Marion76 on Sep 06 2008 - 11:11AM
That's not really that weird. I've had thoughts like that for years now. Maybe it IS something. Maybe they CAN do that! Hmmmmmmm....... cher
Title: Re: Face in the tree?
Post by: Rachael on Sep 13 2008 - 07:43PM
I don't think that is a weird idea either. 
In fact, I think I find this much easier to swallow than apparitions from 'thin air'.  Or maybe it is just a matter of the energetic strength of the individual appearing.
When you strip everything down, we are all animated by the same brand of energy.  It is eternal, and I believe finite.  You die, and the energy that animated you, and made you YOU, returns to the universe and is redistributed (it's the original recycling plan!). If in certain cases bits of this energy is able to somehow remain and attempt to pull together in any semblance of it's original form, wouldn't it make sense that it would borrow juice from something still material?

This is off topic... but I am realizing that 'skeptical' isn't really an accurate descriptive for me.  I just.... have a little philosophical contradiction I need to figure out  :)  It would be helpful if we could prove string theory without blowing the world up too.  heh.
Title: Re: Face in the tree?
Post by: andy on Aug 21 2011 - 09:19AM
saw it right off....great pic!!
Title: Re: Face in the tree?
Post by: Grim Reaper on Aug 24 2011 - 12:48PM
What up, new member here   ;)

When picture loaded, I haven't seen the circle pointing the face at first, but what I noticed was the face on that big tree on the right hand side of the picture? Do you see it? Eyes, nose and mouth, everything is there, but it's kinda stretched?! And scary lol.

Great pic really, face in that tree marked with circle is very clearly visible