Bachelor's Grove Paranormal Forums

UFO's => UFO's & Extraterrestrial life => Topic started by: Ghost1 on Mar 15 2009 - 08:38AM

Title: UFO's in NASA videos
Post by: Ghost1 on Mar 15 2009 - 08:38AM
The video below is literally a smoking gun for evidence of hostile military action towards advanced extraterrestrial spacecraft, photographed during NASA Space Shuttle mission STS-48.
Recently, there has been a growing controversy over what actually happened. NASA claims it is just "ice particles". But as described in this short documentary clip, this explanation is simply not good enough. After watching the sequence, it is clear that the most likely explanation is that an advanced spacecraft was victim to a ground based missile strike. Considering the fact that this object maneuvered from 0 to 3000 MPH within about 1 second, the inertia would have killed any human passengers using traditional earth based propulsion and space technology. Based on this, we can assume that there is indeed a high probability that this spacecraft is of extraterrestrial origin.