Bachelor's Grove Paranormal Forums

UFO's => UFO's & Extraterrestrial life => Topic started by: guzman5 on Aug 12 2009 - 04:28PM

Title: alien in window
Post by: guzman5 on Aug 12 2009 - 04:28PM (
Title: Re: alien in window
Post by: lowrun on Nov 21 2009 - 12:32AM
what the f*!k........ :giggle2:
Title: Re: alien in window
Post by: jphunter26 on Nov 21 2009 - 01:20AM
I don't know about this one... cho
The first question is why was the camera focused on the window to begin with?
But...the movement and eye blinking of the alien was definitely strange....I dunno!!!
Title: Re: alien in window
Post by: jfloydian on Nov 22 2009 - 11:17AM
Looks cool, haha...but seems to be movements of a puppet, could be easily faked but who knows!
Title: Re: alien in window
Post by: Colleen2510 on Nov 22 2009 - 05:45PM
Yeah it could def be fake but this is not the entire video. I saw more of the video a few months ago....may have been as much as a year...but I can't remember.  Anyway it's not focused on the window. This is an enhancement and the window was a small part of the original pic and now it's zoomed in on that spot to show it more clearly.  I have seen some video that supposedly came from NASA smuggled out by someone who worked there and remained anonymous. He had miles and miles of video and was pretty convincing and yet the alien in that footage also seemed to have a puppet like movement.  As he pointed out the shape of their head along with the fact that they are being filmed and can make it look that way.  Some people on film look sort of puppet like in movement.  Again I'm not saying I know anything you don't but just felt like sharing that wit cha.
Title: Re: alien in window
Post by: jfloydian on Nov 22 2009 - 10:35PM
I understand and even know what you are talking about. I would LOVE for this to be real. Who knows maybe if they exist, this is the way they naturally move...either that or its a cool fake. Either way. We will find out someday I hope.