Bachelor's Grove Paranormal Forums

Discussions => General Paranormal Discussion => Topic started by: MusicianMommy on Jul 15 2008 - 07:34AM

Title: Saying Hello...
Post by: MusicianMommy on Jul 15 2008 - 07:34AM
I just registered here on the site, and I wanted to share an experience / ask a question to all of you here...

I have always been a sensitive to spirits, and have studied for years many practices involving such.  After having a group of friends who had visited a cemetary nearby ask me to help them further investigate some "odd" experiences, I went along with my camera and such (which somehow, all the photos of 'offending' material did not develop - only those I took from the same camera from the exterior of the cemetary grounds... not the first time this has happened to me, in all honesty).

We experienced a possesion... and it was *extremely* difficult to eliminate.  However, let me pose the question to you:

Has anyone else had an experience with a "goatman?"  Literally, the being that proceeded to invade one of the men there looked rather centaurian, but with cloven hooves... and pulsed forwards towards us, rather than the typical shadowy or clear movements.  It was almost as if moments of movement had been 'erased' from us being able to perceive them?

I to this day will not even DRIVE past that cemetary... it's on Beach Road in Beach Park, IL.
Title: Re: Saying Hello...
Post by: Ghost1 on Jul 15 2008 - 08:17AM
Hi, and Welcome to the site!

I have not heard or seen anything like a "goatman?" myself. Whatever it was, it doesn't sound like it was a very good omen..........I would stay away from there to myself!

I went along with my camera and such (which somehow, all the photos of 'offending' material did not develop - only those I took from the same camera from the exterior of the cemetary grounds... not the first time this has happened to me, in all honesty).

This happened to my neighbor when I took here to Bachelors Grove last year too, only her test picture by the car was left.
How was your Battery life there, again at Bachelors Grove your batteries seem to get drained very fast. I have seen full batteries go dead within in minutes of installing them
Title: Re: Saying Hello...
Post by: MusicianMommy on Jul 15 2008 - 08:45AM
Battery life was terrible.  I brought quite a few extras with me, as I always do, and not only were the ones in *use* drained, but so were the brand-new purchases, straight out of the package.

I have also encountered this while trying to take photographs of one person in particular... none of them would turn out, unless he specifically *allowed* me to take the photo.  I have since discovered some icky things that were attached to him, which would explain the situations with the photos.
Title: Re: Saying Hello...
Post by: ghostlight on Jul 15 2008 - 11:19AM
Hi Musician Mommy! Welcome to the forum!  da Once I went to a place called "The Chesterville Witch's Grave" down here in central Illinois. I brought a disposeable camera. Every pic I took inside the graveyard turned out complete black, however pics of the trees across the street were fine. Strange, eh?

As far as the cloven hoof spirit, I know of an episode of the TV show "A Haunting" where there is a similar spirit seen.

Title: Re: Saying Hello...
Post by: MusicianMommy on Jul 17 2008 - 03:20AM
Eek!  I just sat and watched that whole episode while my stomach clenched into little knots because of the similarities involved...  I both witnessed my friend tossed around like a veritable ragdoll and him speaking in what I now believe was Latin... and then, because nothing else was working, I had to let it battle it out with *me* since it seems to be easier to control what is happening to myself than to control what is happening to another... I just don't think he had the fight or skill in him to help from the inside.

We both had bruising for WEEKS afterwards.  And it took a good 2 hours to get all the salt out of our hair.

I think that I now believe that the demon that possesed him/us was a follower of Sa'ihim... which frightens me to *death* when thinking of what could have happened.  I survived QUITE worse for wear, but survived nonetheless.

I honestly didn't know if we would get out of there with all of us alive, as my friend had stopped breathing momentarily.  Apparently, I had, too, but only for a matter of a minute or so.
Title: Re: Saying Hello...
Post by: Ghost1 on Jul 17 2008 - 10:23AM
OMG  ter  If that wasn't one of the most disturbing and scariest things I have ever seen!  That poor child............

Things like this really make me wonder if I should keep on Ghost Hunting.....or is the risk to great?  cho 

MusicianMommy, that was the kind of thing that happened to you at the graveyard?
Title: Re: Saying Hello...
Post by: MusicianMommy on Jul 17 2008 - 12:59PM
Unfortunately, yes it was.  Maybe I should try to tell as much of the story as I can remember...

We went to a graveyard in Beach Park, IL on November 1st, 1996, after hearing of many stories regarding some seriously negative energy plaguing a friend and her family during a recent visit to a relative's gravesite in the middle of the day.  We went at night, I believe it was around 9pm when we arrived.

Honestly, looking back, we shouldn't have even set foot inside the gates, as I immediately got a migraine within feet of walking onto the property.  I *did* prepare immensely, as I had my crystals, salt, holy water, sage, and blessed candles.  I am NOT a religious person, per say - just very spiritual - but I found myself blessing myself with the symbol of the cross.

It started out as a general unease with everyone there (all together there were 5 people that actually chose to come inside the graveyard), which quickly led to widespread headaches (though not as intense as mine) and some were complaining of feeling dizzy or disoriented.

The first thing that I stumbled upon was a pair of graves that just drew my attention... it was a married couple who had died the same day, rather young in life.  I immediately felt a presence there, and found myself compelled to actually lie *between* the graves... and had an overwhelming sense of grief and sorrow... and an unborn baby.  I truly believe that the wife was pregnant at the time of death, and therefore the infant was simply buried with the mother.  Apparently, she was not aware of her growing gift.  I buried a crystal between the headstones, lit a candle to set between the gravestones, and tried to assure the infant's spirit that it would get it's chance... it seemed restless and lost because of a chance never achieved...

While trying to "soothe" the infant soul, I felt my body stiffen and an unbreakable force making me turn my attention away from what I was doing and to look to a distant area that was essentially unused as of then.  Amdist the many shadows, there was definitely someone... or something there.  At first, it was immobile, with no specific features, but I had an overwhelming sense of evil male energy.  The strength there was the worst I have ever felt... (and I have another story for a later time!) The one and *only* guy that came with us stood staring into the wooded area, completely transfixed.  Another friend of mine was the first to notice his intense gaze at what seemed to be watching us.

I called his name, "Chris!" and he slowly turned to me... his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he smiled.  I will *never* forget that image... ter

I caught movement out of the corner of my eye, and the figure seemed to grow clearer almost instantly, and revealed a faint yellow glow to it's eyes... no definition at this point, just a hollow, empty feeling, sickly yellow.  It stepped forward... and was much larger than I had originally felt or saw.  The creature stood, in my estimate, about 7 feet tall, with a DARK human-looking face and upper body... that faded into something resmbling a beast, a goat-type creature, with thick, black fur and cloven feet.  The head had 2 crooked horns that seemed to glint a bit in the slight light.

The nest part happened within seconds... it rushed forward, but almost with no movement at all.  It was as if it "pulsed" towards us, where one moment it was 50 feet away, and literally a split second later it had closed half the distance without us being able to see how it got there.  It continued to rush towards Chris until he was thrown backwards into a headstone.

As we all rushed to his side, I remember shouting, "Don't touch him!"  as I was truly afraid of what was apparently now in possesion of my dear friend.  I knelt by his side, and whispered his name.

Now, normally Chrsi has pale blue eyes... but his rolled his face towards me and opened the darkest eyes I have ever seen.  There was a tiny spark of yellow in the pupil that seemed almost to dance within the dark there.  The grin from earlier returned, before Chris suddenly went rigid and started what sounded like a deep growl from within his throat.

My first instinct was to splash holy water on him, which I did... and apparently it downright pissed off whatever it was inside of him.  He let out this guttural sound that I have never heard... especially not coming from a human. 

The rest happened so quickly that I can't remember every detail... but I will tell you what I *do* remember...

He stood... but without the usual motions that are required for a person to stand.  It was as if he was lifted to that position... and he laughed.  I remember him saying, "He's mine..." and I was compelled to grab him and shouted "I have to fight for him!"  I somehow knew that Chris could not fight this... thing... on his own, and I grabbed him by the shoulders and looked him in those eyes that did not belong to him.  The last thing I remember before my actual *battle* was seeing flashing images of slaughter and pain and war... from only who knows how long back all the way to that point in time.  I saw Chris collapsed in my mind, and me laying my head on his chest... and then it all went black.

I remember feeling like I was choking... like something had slid down my throat and stayed there, making it hard to breathe.  I tried to look around but everything was distorted, like through a thick piece of glass... and there was pain... pain that seared my wrists and ankles, like I was bound with fire, and a burning began in my chest.

All I could do was pray.  I focused on the brightest light I could imagine, and literally tried to push from inside my body... I was *so* tired.  I wanted to let go.  I wanted to sleep... but I knew that would be exactly what *he* wanted.

I could feel my muscles aching as I pictured fightiing with all my might... I felt battered.  I felt abused.  And then I apparently screamed and collapsed.

I woke to find myself covered in salt and holy water, lying on the ground.  I was a good 10 feet away from the last place I remember standing... much closer to the trees where we originally saw this beast.  Chris was curled up in a ball sobbing... and I tried to stand.

I pushed myself up from the ground and HURT.  I pushed up the sleeves of my sweatshirt and had scrathces all up and down my arms, and bruising around my wrists.  My ankles revealed the same, and I had bruising around my neck and on my stomach, chest, and back.  Chris had many of the same marks... and at this point was also convered in salt and holy water.

Before I could leave, I knew I had to try and do something... so I buried a crystal at each of the entry posts to the cemetary, and laid a burning sage bundle on top of each one.  I then said a prayer and scratched some runes in the dirt in front of the cemetary.

Outside, our ride was gone.  We wound up walking a mile to a friend's house to try and call him.  Apparently, he had gotten a "9111" page from home... only to get there and find everyone sound asleep.

Any and all photos that were taken within the cemetary developed into black or a grainy haze.  One camera actually broke, the lens cracked.

The bruising lasted for about 2 weeks.  I had horrible dreams for months.  Every time, I saw the yellow eyes.

A lot of details aren't clear anymore... whether that's because of the experience itself, or me trying to suppress it, I don't know.  But that's what I can recall...

I won't even drive past this place anymore.  The few times I have had to, I almost got sick, and I had a screaming pain shoot through my head.

I think it's still there.  But I will NOT be the one to find out.  ter
Title: Re: Saying Hello...
Post by: Ghost1 on Jul 17 2008 - 01:12PM
 ter WOW, not much to say about that....Boy are you lucky that you all got out with just scratches.  There should almost be a warning sign outside the graveyard if it has something that evil in it?  Have you found any other people that have had a similar experience?
Title: Re: Saying Hello...
Post by: Exzyle2k on Jul 17 2008 - 02:06PM
Hell, I'll go...

A lady I work with is a priestess, and her mother and grandmother are High Priestesses, and I'm pretty sure there's a fair amount of power in their covenant. So... I'd be more than willing to suit up, bring them with, and see if we can't raise Hell.

But I doubt she'd be willing... She isn't exactly fond of my chaotic tendencies, and she's shot me down more than once when I've asked her to teach and train me... Something about fearing how I'd turn out.
Title: Re: Saying Hello...
Post by: MusicianMommy on Jul 17 2008 - 08:46PM
Unfortunately (or maybe VERY fortunately, depending on how you look at it), most of the people that I know from around here have heard about what happened that night... and therefore won't go there.

I am *extremely* lucky to have come out with only a chunk of lost time and some physical remnants of the visit.  I still have nightmares now and then, but nothing that I haven't been able to shake off.

Of course, there was another experience that was much harder to 'get rid of'... but that will have to be for another time.  cho  Basically, it dealt with someone trying to *own* me... in more ways than one.  Eek.

Exzyle.. if you want to head out there, by all means... but do NOT go unprepared, as I have no idea of the current conditions since I haven't been in over 10 years.
Title: Re: Saying Hello...
Post by: spookypooky on Jul 18 2008 - 01:40AM
I watched an episode of Ghostly encounters about a man who had a similar feeling. He awoke in the middle of the night unable to move and there was a tall black figure choking him. It was black as the night sky except for two yellow eyes. it was making him very weak and was draining him. When he thought of Jesus the figure released his grip and scowled away in terror. When he awoke the cross he was wearing on his neck had been taken off the chain but was not broke. He said something about a famous demon thats been around for centuries that is shown attacking others in old drawings. It really creeped me out but unfortunately I cant find the episode. The feelings you explained reminded me of his story and how he felt. ter
Title: Re: Saying Hello...
Post by: MusicianMommy on Jul 18 2008 - 04:17AM
While researching after my experience, I too found stories of an ancient demon... as well as followers of him - all being loosely referred to as "goat demons."   ter
Title: Re: Saying Hello...
Post by: Jeepgirlgina on Jul 18 2008 - 06:31PM
OK...I know that place.  I grew up right down the road from there.  Off of Beach Road by the little school and church.  Anyway...even as a kid that place has been bad news.  We use to ride I bike down in the gully next to the cemetery but as soon as it started to get dark our arses were out of there.  Anyway over the years there have been arrests because of people who went there to Satan worship.  Also rumors of animal sacrifices....but I just know it as a rumor.  The young couple that died on the same day...I remember hearing a story that they died on a car crash on their anniversary right by our lady of humility church.   Which is where they got married.  Again I remember hearing the story but don't know if it is the truth.  I also had a friend whose infant sister was buried there by accident her grave was dug up to form a new grave.  The family was horrified and had her moved.  So that place just has bad karma, in my opinion.  Your experience was horrifying.  Now everytime I go to see my mom is will have to take yorkhouse to sheridan and then up beach road.  I don't think I want to drive past there. 
Title: Re: Saying Hello...
Post by: MusicianMommy on Jul 19 2008 - 10:29AM
OK...I know that place.  I grew up right down the road from there.  Off of Beach Road by the little school and church.  Anyway...even as a kid that place has been bad news.  We use to ride I bike down in the gully next to the cemetery but as soon as it started to get dark our arses were out of there.  Anyway over the years there have been arrests because of people who went there to Satan worship.  Also rumors of animal sacrifices....but I just know it as a rumor.  The young couple that died on the same day...I remember hearing a story that they died on a car crash on their anniversary right by our lady of humility church.   Which is where they got married.  Again I remember hearing the story but don't know if it is the truth.  I also had a friend whose infant sister was buried there by accident her grave was dug up to form a new grave.  The family was horrified and had her moved.  So that place just has bad karma, in my opinion.  Your experience was horrifying.  Now everytime I go to see my mom is will have to take yorkhouse to sheridan and then up beach road.  I don't think I want to drive past there. 

 ter I had'nt even KNOWN this story... eek!    Amazingly, even with living around here, I hadn't known about all that stuff... how creepy!!!
Title: Re: Saying Hello...
Post by: Jeepgirlgina on Jul 19 2008 - 11:48AM
ter I had'nt even KNOWN this story... eek!    Amazingly, even with living around here, I hadn't known about all that stuff... how creepy!!!

I lived in that area from the early 70's until 1998.  I remember hearing the story of the young couple.  Like I said it is just what I heard.  I have never verified it.  Do you remember the names on the headstones?  But, that place always has creeped me out.  We use to call the hills and trails next in the gully next to there "dead man hills'....LOL  Did you also grow up there? Did you attend ZBTHS?  You look very young just though maybe you would of know some of my family.
Title: Re: Saying Hello...
Post by: Colleen2510 on Jul 20 2008 - 11:52AM
WOW!! What a horrible experience! I am glad that you AND your friend made it out. I don't think that he would have made it home without at least having this thing in charge of him if you hadn't been there.

It's so weird that you mention this kind of "goat demon". About ten years ago some things happened that I was never sure what to make of them. I had always wondered if these guys had somehow set this stuff up and tricked us but here is what happened.

A friend that I met after my husband and I separated over 10 years ago was (and is) much much younger than me. She was determined to play matchmaker for me even though I was against it. She was always dating people that she met on-line and the 2 that I let her set me up with turned out real bad. The first was just an arse but the 2nd one stalked me for about a month then turned his attentions to another.....ended up somehow getting the new woman to fall for him but was then killed by her x husband who also killed his x wife at the same time and now the x husband is on death row. The x husband happened by co-inkydink to be my next door neighbor. Not sure how that connection got there but it was a strange coincidence since no one even knew she had been married to him and SHE lived in a whole different part of town...weird... but anyway here is were the demon comes in.

One of the guys that my friend had started dating from the on-line personals had gotten to be quite a regular thing for her.  She liked him a lot but said that he was into a weird religion and that his house was haunted. Also she said that he had a very strange looking anatomy. That his hips were different looking from anyone she had ever seen and that he had a foot fetish. He loved to rub her feet and would even lick her toes but he never took his socks off no matter what. I had known a couple of otherwise normal guys that were really into feet so even though I don't really get it ... that part didn't exactly throw up flags of fear or "get the hell out of there" kind of thing. I was fascinated by the fact that his house was haunted and I wanted to go over there with her to see the things she was telling me about but I didn't want to get into a religious discussion with him as she had said he was into some weird religion. That was my worst fear ......hehe ... was that I just didn't want to hear any holy Roley condemning me. But she assured me that would not be the case. She omitted to tell me that he had his own bible and it had nothing to do with my Bible. She told me about a boy on a tricycle that would ride around the house and he was transparent most of the time but sometimes he would stop and look at you with an eerie grin. She told me that things in the house would move on their own. I had decided to spend the night there and have a look for myself but I wanted to meet the guy and his room mates before staying at his house overnight.  We all went to the park for the day and the room mates brought ice chests filled with liquor and beer and immediately began to throw a redneck kind of drunk. The boyfriend guy seemed nice enough but I couldn't quite put my finger on it that I got a forboding feeling from him. After a while the room mates started to brag about him and how he could jump over a fence flat footed without any running start and that he should have been a runner cause he could outrun anyone and they wondered why he didn't compete. I said they were drunk and that no one could jump a fence flat footed without any momentum what-so-ever. I thought they meant possibly grabbing the top fence post and hurling himself across the fence but they said "no" they were talking about a fence much higher than that.  I didn't believe it even when my friend said it was true and I said "prove it".  And he DID PROVE it!!!! He did it! I was dumbfounded!!! But what happened next was even more of a shocker. He explained that his religion had given him the opportunity to combine himself with a goat type creature and he pulled his jeans down enough to reveal a hip that looked exactly like a goats hip and his thigh was freaky looking and there was some brittle hair like you would see on an animal of that type. He said that if he showed me his feet I would never be the same again and that he didn't generally show that even to his friends! I thought back to the foot fetish and the socks! I believe that he was into the occult and refused to go to his house. Days later my friend told me that I had been right and that she was never going back there again. I was sooo frightened for a long long time but nothing else ever happened to me or my friend.  I don't see much of her anymore and I after that I never trusted her judgment again but as time went on I wondered if I had been set up or fooled in some way as a joke. She still swears "no". But so long has passed I even wondered if all of that had even happened the way that I remembered it bcause I had never heard any other stories of anyone changing physically like that and I had not heard anything about the goat demon or demons.  Now that I have heard your story it puts a whole new light on this. I don't know why I never bothered to research this goat demon except that I was new to the Internet at the time and by the time I was really into Internet researching versus spending entire days in the UM library I had really forgotten about it.  Crazy huh?

modified for spelling by me..Colleen
Title: Re: Saying Hello...
Post by: MusicianMommy on Jul 20 2008 - 01:30PM
jeepgirlgina:  I actually went to Waukegan High, as I was closer than to ZBHS...  but I do know quite a few people from there, as well.  I graduated in 99.

Colleen:   cho  I think that would have scared me even more than my experience did... OMG!
Title: Re: Saying Hello...
Post by: Colleen2510 on Jul 20 2008 - 02:22PM
I don't know about that MusicianMommy! Now maybe the fact that I had no idea what to expect next. I didn't know if the guy would be upset that I didn't end up wanting to be buddies with him and his friends and try and use black magic against me. I felt like I was at a huge diadvantage since I had no experience with anything like this.....I had no kind spiritual sheild of any kind. I hadn't been to church in years except on special occasions and even then it seemed that I would always get into some kind of heated discussion with one of the chuch teachers or members there and all congregations seemed to treat me as if I were one of the devil's minions... :X I consider myself a christian but not in most of the conventional ways. I didn't know anything about the occult or how to protect myself from it. All I could do was to pray constantly and hope for the best.  But I think your experience was more frieghtening bcause there was just no kidding yourself about it. I kind of went into a mode of ..... oh that was all a set up or "they really got me and made a fool out of me" and eventually.... I began to tell myself...."oh that didn't happen the way I remember it. I must not have paid attention" and so on like that. But I still prayed constantly....hehehe....I prayed everywere.....riding in the car....taking a shower.....while I was cooking, watching tv, shopping at I was having whole conversations with God. LOL  Now I do pray a lot anyway...not the get down on my knees kind.... I talk to God a lot and save the hitting my knees for special occasions but I do talk to God a lot but during that time I think a lot of ppl began to think that I had gone over the edge into insanity cause I was talking to God everywere I went.

OH speaking of "Talking to God" did anyone get to see that new show on A&E called "The Cleaner" with Benjamin Pratt??? It was the shizits! I loved it! It's not paranormal but he goes around talking to God all the time like I do....LOL  And he is a doll in the show. It's based on the life of a true character. If the show is true to this guys life story then he truly was a hero. IMO
Title: Re: Saying Hello...
Post by: ghostlight on Jul 20 2008 - 08:09PM
Ok, that's it, I hereby ban goats, goat people, goat demons and even billie goats from my life....I hope that's not racist, but I'm scared!!  ter
Title: Re: Saying Hello...
Post by: MusicianMommy on Jul 21 2008 - 06:10AM
Maybe it's just me... but having something that is entirely of a different plane show itself to me and whatnot is a little less unsettling than having some sort of proof of an actual human being "merged" with a goat/demon/thing.  Eek.

And I am *so* with you on banning anything goat- from my existence.  I think I may just be safer that way... and I wouldn't lose any sleep over not having encountered one again, believe me!
Title: Re: Saying Hello...
Post by: Colleen2510 on Jul 21 2008 - 10:21AM
Here Here we have a motion and it's goats allowed...LOL  It's going to be so funny when someone joins the forums and picks the user name "GoatMan" or "GoatDemon" or some variance of that... LOL
Title: Re: Saying Hello...
Post by: Ghost1 on Jul 21 2008 - 10:36AM
Here Here we have a motion and it's goats allowed...LOL  It's going to be so funny when someone joins the forums and picks the user name "GoatMan" or "GoatDemon" or some variance of that... LOL

I've just gone into the Admin settings for new members and made "GoatMan" or "GoatDemon" ....or any name with Goat in it a forbidden user names....
So you all can rest now!    :*:
Title: Re: Saying Hello...
Post by: Colleen2510 on Jul 21 2008 - 11:31AM
It's great that you are taking care of us Ghost1  :Y:  But you have ruined my plans for a future prank.... :^(   

I'm kidding...I feel much safer now... che
Title: Re: Saying Hello...
Post by: MusicianMommy on Jul 21 2008 - 09:57PM
 che =D> to Ghost for looking out for us!

I think I may have had to start drinking right there and then if I ever logged on and saw someone with that name... LOL
Title: Re: Saying Hello...
Post by: ghostlight on Jul 21 2008 - 10:06PM
Are you kidding??!! I'm drinking right now just cuz I read you and Colleen's stories!!!  che
And if I ever saw a "goatman" or "goatdemon" nick on here....well...
first I would think it was exzyle playing a prank, don't ask why, I just would.
then I would think it was Colleen playing a prank,
then I would prob freak out and send ghost1 a pm freaking out,
then I would send the "goat...person" a pm trying to be sneaky and get the scoop! Bye
Title: Re: Saying Hello...
Post by: Colleen2510 on Jul 22 2008 - 12:20PM
Are you kidding??!! I'm drinking right now just cuz I read you and Colleen's stories!!!  che
And if I ever saw a "goatman" or "goatdemon" nick on here....well...
first I would think it was exzyle playing a prank, don't ask why, I just would.
then I would think it was Colleen playing a prank,
then I would prob freak out and send ghost1 a pm freaking out,
then I would send the "goat...person" a pm trying to be sneaky and get the scoop! Bye

What would you do then Ghostlight?  lol LOL
Title: Re: Saying Hello...
Post by: Colleen2510 on Jul 22 2008 - 12:24PM
Hey Ghostlight. For sure I'm picking on you but it's all in a fun way so don't think that I'm trying to be rude to you or anything like that. Your one of my favorite online buddy's so don't ever think I'm trying to be mean. che
Title: Re: Saying Hello...
Post by: ghostlight on Jul 22 2008 - 02:12PM
I would take a night off and go to La Quinta!!!!!
Title: Re: Saying Hello...
Post by: MusicianMommy on Jul 23 2008 - 09:13AM
Title: Re: Saying Hello...
Post by: Colleen2510 on Jul 23 2008 - 09:49AM
La Quinta must be the hot spot in town....LOL
Title: Re: Saying Hello...
Post by: MusicianMommy on Jul 23 2008 - 06:31PM
Man, I think I'd need a bit more than just La Quinta... LOL  Unless it had an open bar...  che
Title: Re: Saying Hello...
Post by: Tommyboy67 on Aug 04 2008 - 04:39PM
Open bar?!?!?!  That's better than a closed bar!!!   LOL

Around the corner from BGC, theres Jack Gibbons steakhouse & a few blocks south on Central av, theres New Horizon restraunt. I think they both serve booze.