Bachelor's Grove Paranormal Forums

UFO's => UFO's & Extraterrestrial life => Topic started by: Steve Abrams on Dec 10 2012 - 11:36AM

Title: Rodent on Mars?
Post by: Steve Abrams on Dec 10 2012 - 11:36AM (

The above picture was sent from Curiosity.

This curiosity snapped by one of the cameras of the Curiosity rover   on the surface of the planet Mars has been dubbed the Mars rodent. From   this vantage point -- the only one we're offered by the rover -- it does   resemble a guinea pig as you'd find in any Earthly pet store.
Is it likely that this really is some form of Martian rodent? If so,   on what is it dining, since there appears to be no vegetation to provide   food? Yet, the little fellow looks quite healthy. I suppose we could   imagine that there is some form of food underground, which the animal   discovers in its burrows.
Or is it more likely that this is an optical illusion, a rock whose   shape fools us into seeing a furry little critter with a nose, eye, and   possibly a front foot?

Story here -> Mars Rodent (

Title: Re: Rodent on Mars?
Post by: Darkone on Dec 16 2012 - 03:07PM
IDK, I think this is photo matrixing.  However you never know, because I'm sure the galaxy is teaming with life.
Title: Re: Rodent on Mars?
Post by: creepedout on Mar 25 2013 - 07:52PM
It's just a rock. I want life to be found more than anyone but I'm  positive it's just a rock shadow.
Title: Re: Rodent on Mars?
Post by: The Shadow on Apr 11 2013 - 07:30PM
Interesting photo. Thanks for sharing