Author Topic: Ghostly Legs at Arson Fire  (Read 1340 times)

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Offline Ghost1

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Ghostly Legs at Arson Fire
« on: Jan 13 2008 - 01:47PM »
I found this on Cost to Cost today, thought it was pretty interesting............

Last spring, in the AM hours of April 22, 2007, my mate Ben and I were returning from a night out. About a quarter mile from home we found our route blocked by multiple fire engines and yellow tape. Billowing smoke and fire filled the sky. We feared it was a friend's business or an apartment building on fire. Since I had my camera, we parked and walked to a spot across the street. It was a popular pizza restaurant. Fortunately no one was injured, but the business was a total loss, and several young people lost their jobs.

The other day I was viewing my photos from that night and saw something in one that I hadn't noticed before. There were five distinct phantom shoe-clad legs with not even a hint of a body above! The shoes seem oddly positioned, but they are not blurred. I took the pictures with an Olympus Camedia D-560 with flash from a fixed position. I have tried to duplicate the picture using the same settings and lighting- but I could not even come close. I am reminded of the 'Leg' picture from the Willard Library ghostcam.

There were few people at the scene due to the late hour, excepting two news teams, but only fire personnel were permitted behind the tape where the picture was taken. I have checked the 15 + pictures and video I took and cannot see anyone wearing this type of shoe, including two fire marshals. All the firemen had reflective tape near their ankles. We joked that we'd somehow caught the image of the fleeing arsonists' guilty footsteps. There was an attempted arson across the street two nights later. These crimes remain unsolved, so far as I know.

--Patti Rizzo

The first picture is the original photo. The second is a cropped enlargement of the 'legs'.

Always remember.........Just because you have never seen something, does not mean that something does not exist.

Offline Jeepgirlgina

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Re: Ghostly Legs at Arson Fire
« Reply #1 on: Jan 13 2008 - 01:56PM »
I got goosebumps.  That is a odd picture.  I cannot think of an explanation for the legs. 

Offline Maggpie

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Re: Ghostly Legs at Arson Fire
« Reply #2 on: Jan 14 2008 - 04:20PM »
I got goosebumps.  That is a odd picture.  I cannot think of an explanation for the legs. 
WOW cho cho cho cho  I agree........... I can't think of an explanation either kn
Heather & Maggie