Author Topic: alien fetus in itaily "graphic"  (Read 1301 times)

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alien fetus in itaily "graphic"
« on: Aug 15 2009 - 06:57PM »

Here's a basic rundown of the story. The 2nd video is somewhat graphic...just a warning! I didn't go into detail of the autopsy, just some of the commentary on Giovanni and the aliens that I picked up from the videos and partial translations:

Giovanna sent a letter to the host explaining why she had to come out with this after so many years. She was being abducted since she was 4 year old (now 41) and started to be artificially inseminated when she reached puberty. She had 18 births in all these years since. She said they would remove the fetus after 2 months and continue to grow it outside the womb by unknown means.

Basically she said the aliens are creatures who don't know love or hate and have no emotions. They need humans to recreate a new hybrid race because they can no longer reproduce by themselves due to radiation they encountered in their travels and on their own planets. In fact the human race is the only race they know of that is compatible with them, because we have very similar DNA. Though they are building a hybrid race, they have no plans to leave and will attempt to take control of earth, by force if needed.

Asked how they abducted her, she answered they come down cloaked in these ships then they send a ray. She would lose conscience and be transported. Other times, they would come into the house and remove her.

When she was young her father would be upset because she was missing at night for many hours. He thought she was out with friends when, in fact, she was abducted...which usually lasted 3-5 hours.
1st Video Translation

Giovanna’s story has generated a great debate. I have received hundreds of e-mails from people claiming to have had similar experiences who have decided to come clean. Hundreds of people writing to one person saying that they have been abducted by aliens is data that is quite alarming. I spoke to a journalist, ufologyst, an expert of mysterious events, Pablo Ayo. Let us now take a look at some of the most significant claims made by Giovanna.

“I was taken abroad a flying saucer, I was laid out on a metal bed”. And you have some body marks from that event. “Yes, I have body marks from the event”. And you also said something about a florescent substance……”Yes the substance that was on my body comes from their “Epidermie (don’t know the English word for this) that they use to manipulate our body. “They say that they use it as a disinfectant in order not to contaminate us or to get contaminated themselves”. “Because they received a lot of irradiation as a direct result of visiting various different planets. Listen, why do they have a need for your tissue? “ Mine and others like me are a race that is bio-compatible”. “We are the only race that is bio-compatible”. “Genetically speaking we are the closest species that is similar to theirs”. “We can help them reproduce and re-create a whole race”.

You remained pregnant right? “Yes, I had 18 “gravitanze”. (I assume it’s a sort of a forced abortion). “During the second month they come and they take the fetus away”. And then what happens? You don’t feel pregnant anymore? (I’m having trouble hearing this part. Apparently she says that they come and take her milk from her breast. I don’t know how a woman can have milk at that time but whatever).

So we have a story that is similar to many others but this one is told in a precise manner and backed with some evidence. You have just heard Giovanna’s story.

Pablo: Yes Giovanna’s case is a little particular because some elements of her case are classic, the aspect of her strange fetus has been seen very rarely. There’s been cases of women who have found to have a very strange fetus inside them and then they would faint at the sight of the fetus and once they awoke the fetus was gone. The fact that she was able to keep hers is very interesting.

Let’s take a look at the picture.

“This is a classic depiction of a gray alien with their classic height, eyes, head and the classic circumstances of them coming into a room and abducting people. But this is not the only kind that goes around abducting people. There are also humanoids which is a race very similar to ours which could be mistaken for human. But 80% of cases are the grays which give a certain coldness and in fact Giovanna says that they have no morals. They don’t have any good or any bad in them apparently. There was a colonel who wrote a book who back in the 60’s worked on the Roswell case and he said that these types are artificial and a robot-like. They were invented to be able to travel long distances”. Why do they need us? “All the abductees were told telepathically that they don’t have a way of reproducing. An ex secret service agent claimed to have been told by the grays that the humans have a DNA that is compatible with all the alien races out there. Our anti-bodies cure the aliens of various illnesses.

« Last Edit: Aug 15 2009 - 07:09PM by guzman5 »
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Re: alien fetus in itaily "graphic"
« Reply #1 on: Aug 16 2009 - 08:50AM »
Interesting story there and it could very well be true.

Offline Witchiepoo

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Re: alien fetus in itaily "graphic"
« Reply #2 on: Feb 22 2010 - 10:53PM »
Hmmmmm, that is kinda freaky. My oldest nephew  hates to go by his late grandparents house, because he claims he was abducted by aliens there. Of course the family blew if off... but they seem to blow everything off :^(

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