Author Topic: The one more thing that I personally witnessed in my house RECENTLY  (Read 1354 times)

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Offline Nikki99

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I can't believe I almost forgot to share this, but I swear on my life, it is the complete truth.
About 3 months ago, I was standing in my square eat-in kitchen in our home.
I was standing at the sink and "zoning out" thinking about something; I can't remember what.  I was staring mindlessly at the kitchen table and the 4 chairs.
I literally saw with my own two eyes one of the chairs push back about 2 inches on its own.
Nobody was in the kitchen with me.
No pets in the kitchen, no cats no dogs, no kids.  Just me.
I know what I saw.
I was so frozen for a moment I went to the chair and stared at it, questioning if what I saw was real.
It did not move again.
I am 200% sure of what I saw.  I also heard it slide.
I called my mom and dad in CT to tell them.  Dad laughed at me and said, there are things we cannot explain.
My boyfriend laughed at me as wel.
I was 42 when this happened.  I am not a kid and I was not "looking" for something to happen when it occurred.
Again, I also heard it moving.  I know it was real.  I just don't know why.

Offline Aten

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I believe you Nikki i`ve had things happen like that as well.  :Y: