Author Topic: Tall Hunched Shouldered Shadow Person  (Read 7767 times)

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Re: Tall Hunched Shouldered Shadow Person
« Reply #15 on: Feb 22 2010 - 02:27AM »
That was creepy! I would have kept on believing it was a spirit by the way the picture was taken. I wouldn't have guessed it was the wooden pole. Don't feel bad though because I'm sure alot of things I've seen were just normal things too! You never know with that place.

Offline scary1

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Re: Tall Hunched Shouldered Shadow Person
« Reply #16 on: Feb 22 2010 - 12:10PM »
hey guys,
i took this pic at BG today and found something interesting.. the tall hunched shouldered figure is simply the wooden pole at the entrance of the turnpike trail
check it out.

Hey DoNot BeAfraid-

Your above comment makes sense, ONLY if I had turned around (in the direction of leaving the Grove) and took the photo. However, I took the photo as I walked do the path towards BGC. I was not alone when I took the photo I captured, I was with three other individuals who can verify the fact of which direction I was facing when I shot the photo.  Several visits after I captured the image of the hunched shadow person picture, then and only then did I start to take pictures on the trail leading out of BGC. I too noticed a similarity, but if you compare the two photos the photos are different. I stand by my photos. All I can say to you is the original capture is the real deal. Whether you or anyone else choose to deny it, that is your option. I don't get off scamming people with faked photos- I have better things to do with my time. WHAT WOULD BE THE POINT OF FAKING MYSELF AND OTHER PEOPLE OUT? 

There is an invitation posted on this web site for folks to post their interesting photos caputred at BGC. So that is what I have been doing. However, my photos have been seriously questioned and critIqued to the point that now people in the group are calling the photo a hoax. I have been asked to produce two and three photos of the same area or to drive back to BGC to retake photos of the same area for the purpose of verification (which I did). I find it interesting, that in all the existing postings on this web site I have not found any other requests being made to other photographers. What's up with that?

It's unfortunate that people in this group can't take the photos I posted for what they are; fact not fabrication. I must ask: What do I have to gain by faking photos of BGC?  I think I will continue to go to BGC and take amazing photo's, but my photos will no longer shared on this web site.
« Last Edit: Feb 24 2010 - 06:19PM by scary1 »

Offline elitero

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Re: Tall Hunched Shouldered Shadow Person
« Reply #17 on: Feb 22 2010 - 02:36PM »
I beg to differ, Scary1.

I pointed out several similarities between the two.

Blue- Same Beehive, or birdsnest, or whatever that object is in the tree.
Green- Notice the rope hanging down from the pole in each image.
Red- The same tree is bending outwards.
Yellow- I am not sure if this is a branch, or an object in the tree, but it is in the same position in both pictures.
Purple- Same sized and shaped horizonal spikey looking branch.

I am sure a few more things can be pointed out by anyone with a sharp eye.

The two poles/objects side by side.  I can see how it looks like feet in the original image, but notice the bright green object in front of the pole, so it hides about half of the very bottom portion of it, which makes it look like someone in a trenchcoat.

And when you are walking into The Grove, aren't the trees around there considerably taller?  In both images, it looks like you are walking towards an open area (Midlothian Tpk).

I will say this again, I love viewing ghost pictures, but I would MUCH rather see a real one then get tricked by one that is fake, intentional or not.

Offline scary1

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Re: Tall Hunched Shouldered Shadow Person
« Reply #18 on: Feb 22 2010 - 04:33PM »

You have done an outstanding job with your evaluation of the two photos. cher I plan on going back to the Grove again to take more photos, so I can evaluate the surroundings first hand.  I will tell you that I have been absolutely blown away by some of the outstanding paranormal photos that have been captured at the Grove. I’ll let you know my findings one way or the other. Believe me, whatever the outcome I can't stress enough: it has NEVER been my intent to purposely deceive anyone with the photos I have posted on this web site.   cho

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Re: Tall Hunched Shouldered Shadow Person
« Reply #19 on: Feb 24 2010 - 07:51PM »
Scary.... I for one don't think that you did that intentionally. I hope that elerito didn't mean to say that either.  I think ppl forget how much emotion is attached to a "paranormal" photo when it is our own.  When we are the one that took it and we were there and we believe with all of our heart that it's paranormal. It takes a lot for one of us to let go of that high feeling. I think that you have done it with grace even though you still weren't completely convinced that he was right you took a step back and said hmmm.....maybe....let me check into this a little more.  I know how it feels to have to do that and it's not easy. I just want to say that I enjoy having you at this forum and hope that you stick around for a long time and continue to add your experiences and photos no matter what anyone else says about them.  bo
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Offline DoNotBeAfraid

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Re: Tall Hunched Shouldered Shadow Person
« Reply #20 on: Feb 24 2010 - 10:40PM »
hey scary,
though im almost positive that your picture is nothing paranormal (just the same scene as mine), i also DO NOT think that you intentionally faked the photo. nobody was accusing you of it. it was a matter of coincidence that i took the picture and it turned out to be identical to yours, i didnt even realize it until i was looking through my photos at home. things happen, like taking so many pictures that you forget where a lot of them were taken. this was my last picture i took that day and it was as we were walking back towards the road and leaving BG.
keep posting your pics here, i like looking at any that have a possibility of being paranormal. like i said, i only noticed that my picture looked like the one in the "tall haunched shadow person" thread when i was viewing it at home on the compuer, and no one is purposely trying to prove your photos false. no harm done.
white sox, bears, bulls, and blackhawks.

Offline elitero

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Re: Tall Hunched Shouldered Shadow Person
« Reply #21 on: Feb 25 2010 - 03:54AM »
Sorry if my post sounded angry, that wasn't my intention here at all.

I just simply wanted to show what I found between the two images.  I am very passionate for finding the truth.  I know I posted a good amount of pictures here with numerous anomalies, but I don't like to say it is this, it is that, etc.  I simply record information, remember the situation, then tell it here.  I try to be open minded though and listen to what others say about my pictures.  I would rather have one good REAL picture than 1000 looking fake images.  And when I say that, I didn't mean you were doing it intentionally.  I have taken a fair amount of pictures, only then to realize the things I thought were orbs were dust, or mist, so I know the feeling of disappointment.

Again, my apologies.  I will say I was a bit disappointed too when I found this wasn't real, this was one of my favorite pictures, and sent it to a few people when convincing them to go with me to The Grove.   :wink:

Offline scary1

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Re: Tall Hunched Shouldered Shadow Person
« Reply #22 on: Feb 25 2010 - 03:06PM »
To elitero and DoNotBeAfraid-

I also liked the now debunked photo of the shadow person photo. I really thought I captured something there.  It's very disappointing, oh well.  Kudos to both of you! You did a very thorough job of debunking. =D>
« Last Edit: Mar 19 2010 - 05:48PM by scary1 »

Offline andy

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Re: Tall Hunched Shouldered Shadow Person
« Reply #23 on: Nov 09 2011 - 06:22AM »
i still like the picture...........good shot!!

Offline izzy

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Re: Tall Hunched Shouldered Shadow Person
« Reply #24 on: Nov 14 2011 - 04:06PM »
First time poster here! Having lived 5 minutes away from Bachelor's Grove Cemetery for most of my life and knowing about since I was a teenager a "few" years ago, I finally ventured out there last month and then a few weeks ago.

I have to admit that I took a very similar "Tall Hunch Shouldered Shadow Person" picture myself. (Actually it was two pictures.) I was so freaked out by the thought that I had actually caught something in a photo that I knew wasn't there at the time. I'm a chicken and wasn't going to post any of my questionable photos but I am SO GLAD to see this thread because at least I know what I am looking at and when I go out for another visit the week of Thanksgiving, I will know what to look for (and not mistake for an apparition) in future photos.


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Re: Tall Hunched Shouldered Shadow Person
« Reply #25 on: Dec 01 2011 - 02:20PM »
hey guys,
i took this pic at BG today and found something interesting.. the tall hunched shouldered figure is simply the wooden pole at the entrance of the turnpike trail
check it out.

Hey DoNot BeAfraid-

Your above comment makes sense, ONLY if I had turned around (in the direction of leaving the Grove) and took the photo. However, I took the photo as I walked do the path towards BGC. I was not alone when I took the photo I captured, I was with three other individuals who can verify the fact of which direction I was facing when I shot the photo.  Several visits after I captured the image of the hunched shadow person picture, then and only then did I start to take pictures on the trail leading out of BGC. I too noticed a similarity, but if you compare the two photos the photos are different. I stand by my photos. All I can say to you is the original capture is the real deal. Whether you or anyone else choose to deny it, that is your option. I don't get off scamming people with faked photos- I have better things to do with my time. WHAT WOULD BE THE POINT OF FAKING MYSELF AND OTHER PEOPLE OUT? 

There is an invitation posted on this web site for folks to post their interesting photos caputred at BGC. So that is what I have been doing. However, my photos have been seriously questioned and critIqued to the point that now people in the group are calling the photo a hoax. I have been asked to produce two and three photos of the same area or to drive back to BGC to retake photos of the same area for the purpose of verification (which I did). I find it interesting, that in all the existing postings on this web site I have not found any other requests being made to other photographers. What's up with that?

It's unfortunate that people in this group can't take the photos I posted for what they are; fact not fabrication. I must ask: What do I have to gain by faking photos of BGC?  I think I will continue to go to BGC and take amazing photo's, but my photos will no longer shared on this web site.

To give my opinion.  People at this forum jump for nothing most of the time.  People will zoom in and look so ridiculously hard at photo's to find a "face", or an "image" that most of the time, is either light on the trees/weeds, the way the weeds/grass is positioned, or something that just isn't there.  Yes, there are some things at BG, and yes, some people get great photo's.  However, this forum has a LOT of crap that people upload and claim is something.  I laugh every time I see a new post on a "new" demon, or "ghost dog".  Give me a break, lol

Yet when someone like you uploads something that most of us can actually see, don't need to zoom in on, or actually looks legit, it gets questioned by absolutely everyone.  It makes no sense at all.

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Re: Tall Hunched Shouldered Shadow Person
« Reply #26 on: Dec 03 2011 - 10:11AM »

To give my opinion.  People at this forum jump for nothing most of the time.  People will zoom in and look so ridiculously hard at photo's to find a "face", or an "image" that most of the time, is either light on the trees/weeds, the way the weeds/grass is positioned, or something that just isn't there.  Yes, there are some things at BG, and yes, some people get great photo's.  However, this forum has a LOT of crap that people upload and claim is something.  I laugh every time I see a new post on a "new" demon, or "ghost dog".  Give me a break, lol

Yet when someone like you uploads something that most of us can actually see, don't need to zoom in on, or actually looks legit, it gets questioned by absolutely everyone.  It makes no sense at all.

You know why that is? Because some people (or at least I) don't waste my time commenting on all those "face in the trees" pictures... They're nothing. In almost every picture you can see "faces" or something else in the surroundings, and it's absolutely nothing. I agree that most of peoples' "paranormal" photos are crap, and that there are also some really good pictures, such as some of the one's that contain full apparitions, the blue orbs, the wolf, some of the mists, etc.

But no one questioned this photo until I found out it was the wooden pole at the entrance to the woods. I always thought it was it was a great picture, but then i took a similar photo with absolutely no intention of trying to prove the tall hunched shadow person wrong. It was completely accidental. So of course I posted it here to inform everyone else.
white sox, bears, bulls, and blackhawks.

Offline andy

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Re: Tall Hunched Shouldered Shadow Person
« Reply #27 on: Dec 04 2011 - 08:55AM »
you know, i read all this stuff and it sounds like people are pissed off. this is a public forum and it welcomes comments and pictures.........if you dont want comments on your pictures (good or bad) don't post.......and i must be making a lot of people laugh cause i've posted a lot of pics with what i thought were faces in them!!!!!!

Offline DoNotBeAfraid

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Re: Tall Hunched Shouldered Shadow Person
« Reply #28 on: Dec 04 2011 - 11:05AM »
you know, i read all this stuff and it sounds like people are pissed off. this is a public forum and it welcomes comments and pictures.........if you dont want comments on your pictures (good or bad) don't post.......and i must be making a lot of people laugh cause i've posted a lot of pics with what i thought were faces in them!!!!!!

Sorry about the harsh words andy, I meant no disrespect toward you. I was just trying to explain that some people don't question those face photos because they think those types of photos contain nothing paranormal and don't bother commenting.
white sox, bears, bulls, and blackhawks.