Author Topic: First-time investigator  (Read 854 times)

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Offline CharliRose

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First-time investigator
« on: Apr 21 2010 - 02:55PM »
I have always been very interested in Paranormal research because of some situations I came across in my childhood.  I am planning to go to Bachelor's Grove in July with a friend (who does not really believe in any of this and is, therefore, no real help lol).  Any advice or tips?   :camera:
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Offline Exzyle2k

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Re: First-time investigator
« Reply #1 on: Apr 21 2010 - 05:38PM »
First off, Welcome!!!

Now, onto the meat 'n taters... When visiting the Grove, the number one thing is be respectful. Remember that regardless of the stories you read regarding satanic rituals, grave digging, vandalism, tombstones being stolen, etc., the Grove is first and foremost the final resting place for 100-150 souls. Respect the graveyard and it's residents. Don't leave trash laying around, don't sit on tombstones, don't break branches off trees to make walking down paths easier, etc. All the stuff your parents taught you growing up about cemeteries applies here as well.

Now, with that in mind, I strongly suggest you do not go at night. Mostly because 1) less savory characters tend to visit the Grove at night, and they could jeopardize your safety, 2) it's illegal and you will be ticketed for trespassing if/when caught, C) it's a dangerous trek with low/no light no matter which way you come from.

As for advice in trying to capture paranormal evidence... Make sure you have enough film if you're using a 35mm camera, extra batteries for cameras and digital recorders, a spare memory card for your digital camera (if using one), and extra "consumables" for any of your devices. If you're using an old micro-cassette recorder, bring a few extra tapes, things like that.

Take random pictures. Focusing on the markers is great, but don't forget about the path. There have been a ton of stories of things seen on the path, from ghost cars to mists to the Guardian. Take pictures of the pond, take pictures of the trees in the Grove, just snap away. One of the reasons I recommend digital cameras over film is you can snap off hundreds (if not thousands) of pictures and never have to pay a penny to develop them if you don't want. If you're going to do EVP sessions, obviously don't do them if there are others running around the Grove, screaming and horsing around. If you have a tripod, use it. Nothing worse than viewing pictures and seeing them blurry because your hand moved a fraction of an inch just as the shutter snapped.

For the time of day, I would recommend something earlier in the day, especially in July. People will be at work, and kids off from school tend not to wake up overly early. Plus the temperature is more bearable between 8 - 10am. Then again, I hate the heat, so that's just personal opinion. A weekday is going to be more peaceful than a weekend, and stay away from the area during the Fourth of July. Not that you'll get in trouble, but the Rubio Woods area across the street (where you can park) always has family reunions and picnics and stuff like that, making the Grove more crowded by default. Plus, going earlier in the day means you don't have to use a flash, which will eliminate the reflection off bugs which people confuse with orbs.

Lastly, I'd recommend doing your homework. Read what experiences others have had. See the thousands of pictures posted on this forum, as well as the thousands of other sites dedicated to the Grove. Chat with the members here, ask them what they've experienced. Send a PM to Ghost, the #1 resource we have on this site concerning the Grove. He's been going there for 30+ years I think.

P.S... Go to the Grove with an open mind and don't expect anything to happen. Paranormal investigation is more about luck and being in the right place at the right time than actually having the perfect equipment, the perfect camera, the perfect anything. Like they say about success, it's 9/10 just showing up... So when you go to the Grove, just show up.
« Last Edit: Apr 21 2010 - 05:41PM by Exzyle2k »
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Offline Steve Abrams

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Re: First-time investigator
« Reply #2 on: Jul 19 2010 - 10:01AM »
I have always been very interested in Paranormal research because of some situations I came across in my childhood.  I am planning to go to Bachelor's Grove in July with a friend (who does not really believe in any of this and is, therefore, no real help lol).  Any advice or tips?   :camera:

Did you go yet? If you haven't gone, I may be able join you, if you go during the week. If you went, what were the results. Enquiring minds want to know.
There is no such thing as ghosts. They are flying saucer aliens, using their cloak of invisibility to screw with our minds.