Author Topic: Full Moon On August 24th 2010  (Read 1494 times)

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Offline allixgatorr

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Full Moon On August 24th 2010
« on: Aug 25 2010 - 03:13PM »

First of all, did anyone one on here go last night?!
i went to bachelors grove last night with a couple friends because we thought the full moon would give the place a neat effect. We got there around midnight and it was raining pretty heavily at first. obviously the moon wasnt shining with all the clouds, but the rain gave the place a pretty eerie effect. immediately we ran into another group of people and started sharing stories about past visits there. we started walking around all the back trails and behind the fence.

for the first hour it was only us there, until a group of guys came in, clearly very apprehensive about being there. since we were hiding behind the fence at the time and they were easy to spot because of their flash light, we decided to have some fun. needless to say, we definitely scared them. they screamed and ran like hell. it was pretty amusing. so, if you hear noises that clearly sound like people messing with you, it probably is.

 i don't necessarily believe in anything paranormal because i have not witnessed anything first-hand, but i always keep my mind open. after what last night though, i might be a little convinced. after the guys left, we heard them come back, and they were definitely pretty angry. shouting "WERE COMING!" and being loud. at this point we were hiding in a trail that loops around the back and ends rights before the entrance. our friend went to check it out to make sure they weren't coming our way or weren't dangerous. he saw them leave, so he started to come back to where the rest of us were. before he got to us, he heard heavy breathing, almost like growling coming from in the bushes. granted its a pretty heavily wooded area, it could very well have just been a coyote or a stray dog, but it scared him nonetheless, and he doesn't scare easily.

after we were sure we were alone in the cemetery again, we headed back towards the main trail of the cemetery. the clouds started clearing and the moon was coming up, lighting the place up and giving it a really eerie look. we were right in front of the pond when we heard a branch snap somewhere on the trail behind the fence. we turned on our flashlight and saw nothing. but after we shut it off, we crouched down and just watched. we saw a figure moving in the trail. clearly wearing some type of light clothing that was visible because of the moons light. this very well could have been someone else in the cemetery, possibly messing with us like we were with the group of guys. however, we saw the guys leave, and saw no one else come in. the other strange aspect of it was that this figure was making absolutely no noise, besides that branch snapping we heard at first. we all knew from walking around the entire place that is VERY hard to be completely silent. there's a lot of undergrowth and rotting branches and big plants every where. it was really eerie that this figure was moving, but we could not hear anything. at first, only me and two others saw the figure. we saw it moving DIRECTLY on the small trail that goes behind the fence. when we were POSITIVE it was there, we flashed the light, and nothing was there. after that, we just assumed that whoever was there did not want to be seen. we went back out in the center of the cemetery, and all of the sudden, the trees in the exact spot we saw the figure, started rustling, making all the rain that was on the leaves fall and make a lot of noise.

after that experience, we were definitely thinking about leaving, especially because it was about 1:30am at this point. however, one of the people from the group we had been walking around with said her sister was coming with a couple friends. we decided to have some last minute fun so we scattered around in groups of two. my friend and i decided to go back farther on the trail that we saw someone walking on. at first, it seemed like nothing was there. that girl's friends came and left pretty quickly. it was dead quiet and the two of us were crouching down just listening. that's when we saw a light even farther back in the trail. the light was yellow and did not have any type of beam, almost as if someone was trying to cover it up and not be seen. again, we saw someone moving around. that's when we finally decided to leave.

i apologize for how long this is, but i didn't really want to skip anything. i asked if anyone else was there last night between midnight and 2am, mostly because im curious if it was someone else just hiding out in there like we were. has anyone else witnessed anything like we did? strange growling, figures moving around silently in the paths? the weird part about it is that if it was a person, they had to have been there before we or the other group got there, and they had to have stayed completely silent for almost 2 hours, which seems unlikely. the most unsettling part that is still giving me chills, is the fact that the figure was clearly moving, but making absolutely no noise, which we had already discovered was near impossible in that place.

this was my third visit to bachelor's, and im definitely planning on going back after what we saw that night. every time i've been there, i've had my fun scaring random people in there, but that night there was definitely something there messing with us. please respond if you've ever witnessed anything like that! or if you happened to be one of the unlucky ones that we happened to scare=]

Offline Ghost1

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Re: Full Moon On August 24th 2010
« Reply #1 on: Aug 25 2010 - 09:12PM »

   Sounds like you had a good time, plus you didn't get caught which is always better!  We will probably have someone else post a story about being there and getting scared by something like you guys.  :)  As much as I know about that place from decades of research I don't really think I would walk through the woods at night there.  Just to many odd things happen there.

Always remember.........Just because you have never seen something, does not mean that something does not exist.

Offline allixgatorr

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Re: Full Moon On August 24th 2010
« Reply #2 on: Aug 26 2010 - 04:05AM »
haha we scared the guys pretty bad. the one ran so fast that he slipped and fell  ter! he also dropped his phone in the process so we actually did feel bad.

as for walkng around in the woods, what do you mean by odd things? i have been on both trails that go off next to the pond. coming from the cemetery towards the pond, that trail to the right that just goes along the fence, thats where we saw someone or something walking around. the trail to the left that goes all over in the woods, we've walked around every where in there with no flashlights and have never seen anything. but thats where we heard the heavy breathing/growling and the bushes were rattling. the only reason i find that unsettling is because i have seen no sign of wildlife in that cemetery, not even bats which seems strange considering how deserted it is and how many mosquitos are there! even in the daytime, i havent even seen squirrels or rabbits or heard birds. its really eerie. i have read about phantom dogs that supposedly guard the place, so who knows, maybe thats what we heard.

have you personally walked those paths at night? its pretty overgrown but its interesting nonetheless. the full moon added to the experience like crazy!

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Re: Full Moon On August 24th 2010
« Reply #3 on: Aug 26 2010 - 07:30AM »
I have a photo from last year when I was hiking in the woods- west of the cemetery (where the creek runs) of an up close deer. Some how the deer and I did not hear each other so got close and took the shot. Of course then I noticed a second one on a ridge further down. This is during the day.....night I have no idea who/what shows up>>>>> :97:
« Last Edit: Aug 27 2010 - 05:06AM by ixex »

Offline allixgatorr

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Re: Full Moon On August 24th 2010
« Reply #4 on: Aug 26 2010 - 09:47PM »
thats interesting that you ran into deer! i have yet to see any wildlife there. im just hoping they trim the place up soon..the trails are so overgrown! i cant wait for fall..less mosquitoes! and next time i go im definitely bringing my camera. after what i saw on that full moon, i need some pictures haha