Author Topic: College Class Project Turns Scary and Possibly Paranormal  (Read 170 times)

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Offline Colleen2510

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OK this video could very well have been staged. Maybe by some friends that found out about the project. But I decided to post it cause I don't blieve that these guys staged it if anything. They certainly sound credible in the video. They do not sound as though they are faking anything. And it could be legit. Oh!..another thing is that the guy who posted the vid has 22 other videos but they are all about college stuff and the college band that plays at the pub and stuff they do at their parties. No other paranormal or making fun of ghosts or anything like that. I usually find on most of the fakeries they will have more than their share of paranormal videos for which they take credit. Most are poking fun....others are doing them to hone thier video/movie making capabilities and talents but this is the only one for this guy so take a look and see what you think.  Also the vid is so dark if anyone has a way of lightening it that would be very helpful. That's one thing that makes me wonder. Why didn't they lighten it and enhance it. Do they not know how? What are the odds that in this day a bunch of Princeton boys and none of them could lighten the video? Fairly astronomical I would bet.  Well...judge for ye self.

We were doing a history project on the scariest places on Earth so we decided to film The Faces in Princeton, WV. You are supposed to see the faces of 4 teenagers that died at the cliffs. I think what we caught on film is proof that The Faces are real

PS....The real action starts at about 3.01 but it's good to watch it thru the first time and then on the replay try and pause it somewere in that range.

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Offline Colleen2510

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Re: College Class Project Turns Scary and Possibly Paranormal
« Reply #1 on: Jul 07 2008 - 02:56PM »
I'm just bumping this one cause I ran across it again on youtube yesterday and I still think it's a great video and I wanted everyone to get the chance to see it. It's true that it's a little hard to see the "ghost" at first but I'm tellin you if you watch it closely there at the end you will see it and it has some kind of light spec in the middle of the head! It doesn't shine bright like a flashlight beam. Of course I know they could have gotten a dim light and they could all be great actors and even members of the drama club but I sure did feel that especially the girl was sincerely afraid.
Ghost addict and Bachelors_Grove patron.
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I was at