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Offline Badgegirl007

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Is it paranormal or am I nuts?
« on: Jan 21 2011 - 08:14PM »
Things have been getting freakier for me every year since 2005. It started at first with dreams about people entering my apartment while I was asleep and killing me (interestingly enough, these started soon after I had my German Shepherd put to sleep. I don't have many friends, and he was very protective of me, so I felt vulnerable)

I was diagnosed with Depression soon after (I was always depressed, just never had the money to go to a psychiatrist until then) and started on anti depressants and tried about 5 or 6 different ones that didn't do anything, so I went unmedicated for about 5 years. The dreams got worse...they would play in my head like a movie, with a beginning, middle, and end, and I always, ALWAYS died violently in them, usually by gunfire. Sometimes I would awake to realize I had the exact same dream twice (same beginning, middle and end, like a movie) I always died, and I would not wake up when I died like in the movie Inception (lol) instead I would be watching the dream continue, without me as a participant. Waking up from these was disturbing, as it all seemed so real and it took a while to get my bearings.

This past year, the sleep paralysis has started. For those of you who don't know what this horrendous thing is, it's when you are asleep, yet your eyes are open and you can see your surroundings but you cannot move and you are still in the REM stages of sleep. REM stage of sleep triggers a chemical in your brain that purposeley semi-paralysis your muscles for the sole fact that you will not "act" out your dreams in your sleep. Google has  a lot of good info if you need more. The problem with sleep paralysis, is that since you are still dreaming yet semi-awake, you see some freaky shit. I've seen black mists swirling at the ground, spider-like things crawling towards me, lights going on and off in the bathroom, and you cannot scream or move, or even wake yourself up. People have reported even scarier stuff that I thank goddess I have never experienced.

Then, the feeling of not being alone, getting the creeps when I pass the furnace and hot water heater in the laundry room started (as if something is hiding there). The bitch of it is, I live with my parents and the only place for me to sleep is the basement, right next to the room with the furnace and water heater  ter Last night I was sound asleep at 3 AM (Thanks to my Dr. who prescribed me Klonopin and that took care of the sleep paralysis) I was woken by a loud BANG and I could have sworn it was in the room next to me. I was too scared to investigate so I hid under the covers and watched some funny stuff on youtube to get myself over it. I have a lot of negativity in my life and my personality, and I really really hope this is not drawing something to me. I want to do a sage cleansing but the Catholic parents would have a shit fit.

Just wanted to share that. This is a big reason why I am a believer and want to find out more. The more info I have, maybe the less scared I will be. Thanks for listening.


EDIT TO ADD: That loud bang, was not heard by either of my parents, who can usually hear me opening a f**king bag of chips in the basement from their room upstairs. It was really cold last night so it could have been some icicle or something but I know what I heard, it sounded like something heavy fell onto the floor and when I looked around this morning there was nothing out of place.
« Last Edit: Jan 21 2011 - 08:19PM by Badgegirl007 »
Who am I to say demons and Ghosts exist? Who is anyone to say? No one has the answer, and those that don't believe chose so because they are scared to

Offline rainbearnorth

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Re: Is it paranormal or am I nuts?
« Reply #1 on: Jan 22 2011 - 02:41AM »
My wife frequently experiences the loud bang right before waking up. I have experienced it myself as well, I thought someone had slammed the side of the house with a 2x4 board. I have also been awakened by a tremendous flash of light, only to realize that it didn't happen. This is all part of what is called "Exploding-Head Syndrome" which is harmless and they have no clue as to what causes it.  Here's an article-

It can be scary but it's probably due to fatigue or stress. I also had an episode of sleep paralysis some years ago, not so sure it wasn't an attack of some kind as some other stuff was going on at the time.
Don't argue with an idiot, people watching may not be able to tell the difference.

Offline Jeepgirlgina

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Re: Is it paranormal or am I nuts?
« Reply #2 on: Feb 09 2011 - 05:33AM »
Rainbear...thanks for that information.  I have never heard of that I sure hope it helps Badgegirl