Author Topic: Strange pic  (Read 1781 times)

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Offline Thalassa

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Strange pic
« on: Jul 04 2011 - 03:05PM »
A few days ago I was going through some old pictures when I found one that had been taken a few years back of when my boyfriend and I were living together for the first time. The house that we lived in was odd. The locks were all upside down (an old southern way of keeping out evil except that we live in the UK), my boyfriend swears he saw the attic door open and a face look out and in a couple of odd occasions I kept on seeing people that I thought were my boyfriend. First time was when I woke up at night and saw someone standing at the chest of draws at the end of the bed, I thought we were being burgled and went to wake my boyfriend up when I realised it was him standing there and when I looked back the figure had gone and the second time was when I saw him in the bathroom putting on his bathrobe and I started speaking to him only to find out that he was actually upstairs but I could have sworn that he was in there.
There were two pictures that I found that got my attention. The first was of my boyfriend in his suit (we were going out for his work christmas party) standing with his back to the kitchen. Behind him I could see the dark kitchen but what really got me about the picture was that the open door to the bathroom looked like it had some kind of gauze draped over it, (I could even see the folds and it looked like a shower curtain), and the toilet (yes this sounds silly) appeared to be facing us rather than being attached to the opposite wall.
The second picture was the two of us together and we had a bright orb hovering over our heads. There was nothing reflective on the walls and had there been anything on the radiator to cause dust it would have been unlikely as the radiators were in constant use to dry clothes especially in December.
The eyes of the dead must be closed while the eyes of the living must remain open

Offline Steve Abrams

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Re: Strange pic
« Reply #1 on: Jul 05 2011 - 11:00PM »
Could you please post the pictures? I would like to see them.
There is no such thing as ghosts. They are flying saucer aliens, using their cloak of invisibility to screw with our minds.

Offline gre502

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Re: Strange pic
« Reply #2 on: Aug 19 2011 - 10:41PM »
Yes, if you could post the pics that would be great. 

Umm... I never heard of the upside down lock thing (southern or not).  But something about that seems to ring a bell with me.  Not sure what it is, but no biggie.  Someday I will think of it.

For me, and I am no authority by any means, what you describe with the gauze draping reminds me of  some of those old time seance (sp?) photos and descriptions of what was going on when a spirit was summoned or something. 

Not to say that is what was going on at the time of course, but you might want to check out some history of the place or perhaps the folks that lived there before you if possible.