Author Topic: A UFO PICTURE POSTED ON COAST2COAST  (Read 1612 times)

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Offline Colleen2510

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« on: Jan 16 2008 - 12:25AM »

I saw this on C2C and thought that the "alien aircraft" photographed here was unusual and beautiful and wanted to share it with my friends here on the site a BG. I know that some of you have prolly already seen it on the c2c site but for those who have not here it is....

I talked on air to Art and Whitley this past Thursday night and Art asked if this photo of our UFO had been published on the website yet and obviously it had not...

In late summer of 2006 I had gone outside to do one of my regular dawn shoots in my backyard [in Indiana] as we seem to have some kind of attraction to our yard for orbs of all kinds and some other very strange things. It is my custom to shoot at dusk and dawn as I have found them to be the most active in my yard for some reason. On this particular early morning, barely starting to get light, I went out as I normally do but this time I spotted darting orbs up high as soon as I went out so I put the camera directly over my head as high as I could to try to catch them before they were out of range.

I normally take my shots from the porch as I go back inside but this time I felt I had to grab these shots as these particular orbs had long tails like a comet. At the time of the picture, I had not seen anything other than the orbs but upon reviewing later, my husband noticed in the bottom right corner, a bright yellow “something”. After he enlarged the picture, we both about fell off our seats as we saw the most beautifully designed and colored craft either of us had ever seen. My husband feels it is much larger and farther away than it appears and I feel it is actually in the tree line as it appears. The tree line is apx. 120 feet from the porch where I took the shot. I feel that the flash couldn’t have caught it, if it was far away. The light coming from the arrival of dawn was ever so slight and coming from the far right. If it were farther away, the flash wouldn't have captured the color and clarity we see here.

To the COAST family, if anyone out there has the equipment and/or expertise to do whatever tests can be done, I have literally hundreds of pictures taken in the same area to use as a guideline for a history on how far the light from the flash goes. Maybe you could also inspect some of the other anomalous pictures captured in our yard as well. The design of this craft, along with the color begs the question; Do aliens love their “cars” as much as we do? Also, if this is indeed extraterrestrial, what is it doing among the orbs?... BTW, The camera used was an Olympus SP-500UZ. I was on Auto focus with flash.

Eternal COAST fans,
--Brad and Becky L,
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« Reply #1 on: Jan 17 2008 - 01:03AM »
Yeah, I saw this one too on Coast to Coast.  It's such a clear picture, and a unusual shape...I wasn't sure what to think of it? cho
Always remember.........Just because you have never seen something, does not mean that something does not exist.

Offline Maggpie

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« Reply #2 on: Jan 17 2008 - 07:59PM »
There were so many sightings in texas a few days ago.......... makes you really wonder cho
Heather & Maggie