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Offline Ghost1

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UFO reports spreading worldwide
« on: Feb 14 2008 - 12:30PM »
UFO reports spreading worldwide......A pending invasion?    ter

Here are three different articles I have found, all about a major increase in UFO sighting..................What in heaven's name is going on here?

UFO sightings are on the increase worldwide!

REPORTS of strange lights in the skies over Wisbech have sparked interest from across Fenland and even further afield.
In fact one woman from Barnstaple, North Devon, contacted the Citizen after spotting the stories of the 'UFO'sightings on our website:  She was interested in the story where Alison Hunt, of Cherry Road, Wisbech, reported seeing a very bright glowing orange light the size of a 'full moon' over her garden on January 30.  The woman, who didn't want to be named, said her daughter and her husband actually saw two of these objects, which she described as "huge, massive, orange orbs very bright. Both were the size of a full moon."  She had spotted them as she was driving her car in Barnstaple with her husband in the passenger seat.
It was between 5pm and 6pm on a clear evening.  "My daughter told me that it absolutely frightened her, she said. "They looked as though they had just appeared out of the atmosphere and just hovered there silently. "They then disappeared into a dot," wrote the woman, who has contacted Brian Vike, who runs a UFO research website based in Canada. His website is: Brian has hundreds of reports on his website. The orange orbs have been sighted by many people in the USA.The woman herself claims to have had a sighting of two blue/silver orbs back in early August 2007 just above her Barnstaple home and she managed to photograph one of them. She also claims they have been experiencing electrical disturbances here a few times recently, where the lights flicker. And she claims to have actually seen an object over her home after the lights in the house started flickering and her computer turned off. "I felt rather spooked by the experience to tell you the truth," she wrote

Source Reveals Secret UFO Meeting at U.N. concerning the recent spate of UFO sightings.

I received the following email from two trusted colleagues (Clay and Shawn Pickering) regarding a reliable source informing them that a secret meeting occurred yesterday morning (Feb 12) at the New York office of the United Nations concerning the recent spate of UFO sightings. It appears that a number of nation states are concerned about the impact of increased UFO sightings and wish to be briefed about what is happening. Their source, who currently works in the diplomatic corps, had to travel for an early  morning off the record meeting at the UN. Their source revealed that a secret UFO working group exists that is authorizing the release of such information to the public, in an effort to acclimate others to what is about to unfold. A date of 2013 was given as the time for official disclosure and/or when extraterrestrials show up in an unambiguous way. In the interim there will be acclimation related releases of information. Importantly, the source revealed that the events leading up to official disclosure will involve more ethically oriented extraterrestrials, and they will not pose a military threat to the world.The information below may be related to the recent debate in the Japanese parliament and statements by the Defense Minister over how Japan would respond to extraterrestrials appearing over Japanese airspace that display peaceful intent. It appears nation states are moving forward in developing public policy on how to respond to extraterrestrials showing up. So if the information below is accurate, then it is likely that we will see more examples of governments making official statements concerning how they would respond to extraterrestrials that show up over their airspace. It is likely that parliamentarians around the world will start receiving briefings to help them develop public policy concerning extraterrestrial life. Such briefings  will probably extend to prominent media sources who will give more coverage to UFO sightings in popular media outlets such as Larry King Live. Increased media reports will first likely lead to disclosures of secret antigravity technologies that have been withheld for over 50 years, as a prelude to official disclsoure of extraterresrial life. The source's reference to suicides is probably related to those who will learn that much of what they have learned and believed over a lifetime was a lie. The 1961 Brookings Report referred to scientists as being most vulnerable to the disclosure of extraterrestrial life since it will make redundant many of the cherished scientific theories and models held by this community. Overall, it appears that a countdown is underway to official disclosure around 2013, and that nation states and the UN are being briefed. The acclimation process will accelerate over the next five years as UFO sightings increase around the globe forcing governments to make public policy statements on UFOs and extraterrestrial life.

UFO sightings soar by 40%

UFO sightings jumped by 40% in 2007, with 135 strange objects spotted in the skies of the UK. The number of unexpected visitors seems to be rising - just 97 were reported in 2006. A flying saucer was reported in Stafford, Staffordshire, small stationary aircraft in Wirksworth, Derbyshire and a fast moving triangular shaped object in Wakefield, West Yorkshire. In most of the reports the witness is unidentified but in two cases the file notes that the phenomenon was witnessed by pilots. Two pilots in the air over Alderney reported two bright orange objects and another pilot in the south west of the country saw a balloon-like object. Many of the reports refer to bright lights although some callers have insisted they saw "a definite UFO". In one case a man calling from Cardiff, Wales reports that spaceships appeared and abducted his dog, car and tent. The Ministry of Defence has released the file as part of its plan to open its archives on UFO research and sightings. A spokeswoman said that the incidents are recorded but unless some security threat is suspected the Ministry has not investigated the cause of the sightings any further. Former Ministry of Defence officer Nick Pope was responsible between 1991 and 1994 for investigating such sightings. He said: "I welcome the MoD's new openness on this subject. Whatever people believe about UFOs, the Government is releasing some of the most fascinating material in its files. Sceptics and believers alike should welcome this."

Always remember.........Just because you have never seen something, does not mean that something does not exist.

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Re: UFO reports spreading worldwide
« Reply #1 on: Feb 22 2008 - 10:22PM »
That is some great info, I didn't know UFO sightings have gone up that much.  Kind of scary if you think about it   ter

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Re: UFO reports spreading worldwide
« Reply #2 on: Mar 09 2008 - 02:06PM »
At leastr they arent going to anal proble us any more. Thank Goodness for the Genevia Convention  Qu Qu Qu Qu
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Offline guzman5

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Re: UFO reports spreading worldwide
« Reply #3 on: Aug 15 2009 - 06:10PM »
i dont think we should be afraid of them
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Offline Casper

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Re: UFO reports spreading worldwide
« Reply #4 on: Aug 15 2009 - 06:19PM »
i dont think we should be afraid of them

I wouldn't be to sure of that, they will be way advanced of us.  Just think how we treat species that are under us, take a ant for instance how many of you stomp on them?  Understand, we might be just ants to them.

I saw a show where Stephen Hawking said the same thing, he said we really should stop trying to content alien life, because we might not like it when they find us??  We will be nothing to them, and they might just want our beautiful planet.

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Re: UFO reports spreading worldwide
« Reply #5 on: Aug 16 2009 - 08:56AM »
I agree Casper we have no idea what they will do. Just because we are human that may not matter to them at all and to take our planet is a possibility. We need to be very careful of what might or could happen here be cautious.

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Re: UFO reports spreading worldwide
« Reply #6 on: Aug 16 2009 - 09:40AM »
Oh Man ...I totally agree with Casper and Aten on this. Now I wouldn't want to mistreat an Alien Life Form without any reason just because I'm afraid of it. I think that would be a mistake in itself! But I don't think that we should open our doors and let them just stroll in and take over either.  I have to wonder if we are faced with this situation what the world's nations will do. Will we all unite in an attempt to show another complete species that we are a good people but a strong united world with similar goals in mind or will we once again split our resources through a desire to be the one on top of the situation. Say Japan ..... who is not allowed to have a powerful military any longer sees a chance to once again feel that they are calling the shots.....say that they work out a deal with the Alien race in order to protect their country and give the alien race a safe harbor to comfortably plot against the rest of the world. 

The later is my prediction. It may not be Japan but I think some country will have a leader who sees this as his/her opportunity to turn the tables on.....who else.....The United States of America.  But who knows? Anything could happen at this point. That's why I love the show Stargate SG1. To me I would love to have them in my corner!!
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Re: UFO reports spreading worldwide
« Reply #7 on: Aug 16 2009 - 10:00AM »
I have to agree with you on that Colleen. My fear would be the Muslum nations as they already hate us and it would provide a great oppurtunity for them to wipe us out once and for all. We can only hope the countries of the United nations would ban together and show who ever is visiting us we are a good people and have humanity in our hearts. Lets just hope we don`t have that happen.  :praying:

Offline guzman5

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Re: UFO reports spreading worldwide
« Reply #8 on: Aug 18 2009 - 07:09PM »
i meant we should not be afraid of the greys
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Offline jphunter26

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Re: UFO reports spreading worldwide
« Reply #9 on: Oct 31 2009 - 12:35PM »
This is a startling piece of information...but isn't the world going to end in 2012?
Seriously. I am going to keep my eyes and ears open a little wider towards the media these days to see if more information becomes available.
I agree that we would be possibly insignificant to these extraterrestrials. If we look at our civilization all around the world; we are still a civilization of barbarians that continue to destroy each other and the only planet earth that we have. Hopefully though, they will come to our planet peacefully.

I have always thought it funny that our scientists try to explain things concerning ufos and the paranormal with our earthly human based knowledge. Our science and technology cannot be applied to something that is totally alien and unknown to us no matter how the scientists try.

And take the case of the ufo that hovered over O'hare Airport and gate C-17; I was working at the airport that day and C-17 is one of the gates that I cover. Unfortunately I was inside the terminal at the time of the sighting and only found out about it a little later in the day. I have been hard pressed to find some of my many co-workers that actually saw it that day. But I did find one man that I have worked with for years who saw it as definately a disc-shapped metallic object that hovered above the gate and then flew upwards at tremendous speed, actually blowing a hole through the clouds. This case is slowly becoming very important in the ufo field.

But the strange thing is that United and FAA oficials have tried to downplay this incident and tell people that they did not see a ufo but a reflection of lights coming up from the ramp area. I have worked there for ten years and I have never seen any reflections from the ramp area shine upwards into the clouds.

These officials were not there witnessing this event but they tried to tell people what it was that they saw. There were even many witnesses that saw it from the adjacent expressway.

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Re: UFO reports spreading worldwide
« Reply #10 on: Dec 07 2009 - 06:16PM »
At leastr they arent going to anal proble us any more. Thank Goodness for the Genevia Convention  Qu Qu Qu Qu



Yes, thank goodness for the Genevia Convention....
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Re: UFO reports spreading worldwide
« Reply #11 on: Dec 08 2009 - 10:10PM »
people have been sending signals into space for years, these signals give out the earths location. This is a BAD IDEA, think about it. the odds of earth even existing is unimaginable or damn near impossible. Its like we won the lotto and there were a billion numbers we had to match exactly. What im saying is our planet is more valuable than anyone can ever imagine. And why would another speciecs travel millions or billions of miles-(light years) to our planet, maybe they just want to stop by and say HELLO, and maybe they will leave after sharing their wizdom and knowlege with us.... nope, i dont think so. If they were to travel this far, its for a reason, and I believe its because of prime real estate. No one travels a billion miles just to say HELLO.
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Re: UFO reports spreading worldwide
« Reply #12 on: Dec 17 2009 - 07:31PM »
This is a touchy subject for me. I am uncertain, if that, about the visiting of extraterrestrials to our planet Earth. I don't think we will have a "War of the Worlds" on our hands...but I do know this:

The human race, at least a large majority of it, would not be ready for such an encounter.

I believe the answers are out there, we have found them, but there are more. A lot more.

There is no way that the world will "end" in 2012. Its a bunch of BS and misconstrued interpretations. So just IMAGINE...what we will "KNOW" in the future.

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Re: UFO reports spreading worldwide
« Reply #13 on: Mar 05 2010 - 11:17AM »
Local UFO Sightings on the Rise

Updated: Wednesday, 03 Mar 2010, 7:48 PM CST
Published : Wednesday, 03 Mar 2010, 7:48 PM CST
By,      Jill  Monier

MEMPHIS, Tenn. - Bright white lights and strange, triangular shaped objects, Tennesseans are reporting some unusual things overhead. Don't expect that to stop anytime soon, a local group that investigates UFO close encounters says sightings are on the rise.

For decades millions of people have reported seeing UFO's. A recent poll shows one in 12 Americans have seen a mysterious object in the sky, and that a third of adults believe it's likely aliens have visited earth. While some say the increase in volume of reports in Tennessee are enough to make any investigator sit up and take notice, others say it's all in their heads.

The skies over Tennessee have been busy lately, but some say, it's not your typical air traffic. A commercial airline pilot from Memphis shows us where he spotted a UFO. He pointed out the UFO's path, saying, "It started here, passed over about this speed and leveled out down there."

This pilot, who doesn't want to be identified for fear he'll lose his job, says he saw a UFO in the sky over Cordova around 9:45pm on November 24, 2009.

"[It was] absolutely not an airplane, not an airship, this object speed it was flying at, the shape there is nothing in the air even similar in the least bit to what I saw," the pilot claimed.

The pilot, who has more than 25 years experience, said the black triangle he saw was flying as fast as 1,000 miles per hour, but was completely silent. He said it looked exactly like YouTube video of what an estimated 13,000 saw flying over Belgium in 1990.

"I could not honestly believe what I saw," he amazed. " stood there for honestly a few minutes thinking what I was going to do or who I was going to report this to."

The pilot reported it to the Tennessee Mutual UFO Network, or MUFON. MUFON is the largest UFO research and education organization in the United States. The non-profit group is made up of volunteers like Alyson Burgess.

"All we do is if someone reports an object we try our best to figure out if we can identify it," said Burgess. "If we can't identify it it's called an 'unknown.'"

The pilot's sighting is classified as 'unknown,' but Burgess says 90% of sightings can be attributed to things like airplanes or meteors. What the group can't explain is the uptick in reports.

Click here to read more....

« Last Edit: Mar 05 2010 - 11:19AM by Ghost1 »
Always remember.........Just because you have never seen something, does not mean that something does not exist.