Author Topic: stories of curses  (Read 3266 times)

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Offline shapy

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stories of curses
« on: Dec 02 2008 - 02:54AM »
I'm in the middle of writing a fiction story about a bachelor who is cursed. I stumbled onto this site because of the name, 'Bachelors Grove.' So I was curious, for those of you who are in the "know" and have a long history of the happenings going on here, are there any stories of people becoming cursed by attending this graveyard. Either through an act or deed they did there that would ignite a curse on them or through someone (or something) physically casting a curse on them? Inevitably, I'll probably just make up a story of a legend about young bachelors who get cursed by doing so and so there, but I was hoping for a story that has been told before in reference to this place. Weather or not you can help me with that detail, can anyone tell me why it actually is called, "Bachelor's Grove?" Thanks for any and all feedback.

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Re: stories of curses
« Reply #1 on: Dec 02 2008 - 08:10AM »
First off, Welcome to our site!   =D>

Here is where the name is said to come from:

Originally settled in the early 1830s by British migrants from New England, a second influx of German settlers traveled to the Bachelors Grove area during the 1840s. Though local popular history traces the site's name to four single men who migrated to these woods during the first phase of settlement, resulting in the designation as "Bachelors" Grove, local researchers now believe that the true spelling of the place name was Batchelder, and that the Grove was named for the family that had settled in the area in 1845. Still, the popular name of Bachelors Grove persists, despite the more common historical use of the hybrid "Batchelor" Grove name, among others.

As far as a curse go's....No, I don't think there is anything like that at all out there.  I've been there literally 100's of time over the years. (many, many years)   :*:  However, there is said to be a (fake) curse involving all the crap that is on the infant daughter grave though.  If you remove anything from the grave you are cursed, but like I said I'm about 100% sure that is just made up.  There was no old dolls and crap on and around the grave in the 70's and 80's, it is something that was made up more recent.  I've been out there before with garbage bags picking up all the old water lodged rotten dolls and toys from around the grave, and I'm pretty sure I'm not cursed yet.
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Offline shapy

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Re: stories of curses
« Reply #2 on: Dec 02 2008 - 04:03PM »
Hey, thanks for the info. Actually, I do have another question or two regarding the location. Unless you know off the top of your head, please don't go nuts looking for the answers, I'll do some research at that point.  But, I was curious if you knew how much land the cemetery sits on. Acres, square miles, etc. How far would one have to travel from the main road into the woods? I'd like to think that this place is smack dab in the middle of no where. I almost imagine something like, "Blair Witch Project." (which oddly enough, I live about 20 minutes from Burkitsville, MD). And, finally, how far is Bachelor's Grove from the heart of the city of Chicago? Ballpark estimates will be fine-- if you have them. But, please, don't spend alot of time figuring this out. I'm the one who's supposed to research stuff like this for my story... guess I'm trying to take the easy way out. Haha...

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Re: stories of curses
« Reply #3 on: Dec 02 2008 - 04:15PM »
Hey, thanks for the info. Actually, I do have another question or two regarding the location. Unless you know off the top of your head, please don't go nuts looking for the answers, I'll do some research at that point.  But, I was curious if you knew how much land the cemetery sits on. Acres, square miles, etc. How far would one have to travel from the main road into the woods? I'd like to think that this place is smack dab in the middle of no where. I almost imagine something like, "Blair Witch Project." (which oddly enough, I live about 20 minutes from Burkitsville, MD). And, finally, how far is Bachelor's Grove from the heart of the city of Chicago? Ballpark estimates will be fine-- if you have them. But, please, don't spend alot of time figuring this out. I'm the one who's supposed to research stuff like this for my story... guess I'm trying to take the easy way out. Haha...

It's just a few minutes off the road in the woods, check out this link here...there are GPS coordinates and satellite maps that show you exactly where it is and where to park.
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Offline shapy

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Re: stories of curses
« Reply #4 on: Dec 02 2008 - 04:37PM »
great. thanks very much for your help. much appreciated.  che

Offline jentron

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Re: stories of curses
« Reply #5 on: Jun 16 2009 - 01:50AM »
Don't know if you're still looking for info but I've heard of people taking stones from the cemetary or just taking a part of the cemetary home with them and they've had bad luck ever since.
Of course, stories like this are quiet popular, someone takes something from somewhere like this and feel like they are being haunted until they place whatever it was back and than all of their ailments simply vanish.
It's an interesting thing...

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Re: stories of curses
« Reply #6 on: Jun 16 2009 - 10:27AM »
First off, Welcome to our site!   =D>

Here is where the name is said to come from:

Originally settled in the early 1830s by British migrants from New England, a second influx of German settlers traveled to the Bachelors Grove area during the 1840s. Though local popular history traces the site's name to four single men who migrated to these woods during the first phase of settlement, resulting in the designation as "Bachelors" Grove, local researchers now believe that the true spelling of the place name was Batchelder, and that the Grove was named for the family that had settled in the area in 1845. Still, the popular name of Bachelors Grove persists, despite the more common historical use of the hybrid "Batchelor" Grove name, among others.

As far as a curse go's....No, I don't think there is anything like that at all out there.  I've been there literally 100's of time over the years. (many, many years)   :*:  However, there is said to be a (fake) curse involving all the crap that is on the infant daughter grave though.  If you remove anything from the grave you are cursed, but like I said I'm about 100% sure that is just made up.  There was no old dolls and crap on and around the grave in the 70's and 80's, it is something that was made up more recent.  I've been out there before with garbage bags picking up all the old water lodged rotten dolls and toys from around the grave, and I'm pretty sure I'm not cursed yet.

That's it Ghost1!! That could be were your bad luck stuff started!  What if you got cursed. Try taking the little girl a really cool little doll and leave it for her and lets see if you start waking up to sunshine and flowers growing out of your ears.....LOL
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Offline Tommyboy67

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Re: stories of curses
« Reply #7 on: Jun 16 2009 - 02:38PM »
I don't kow of any curses about BGC unles you're refering to the morons whom have stolen headstones & either take them home (promptly to be returned, LOL!) or toss them into the pond.
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Offline Exzyle2k

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Re: stories of curses
« Reply #8 on: Jun 16 2009 - 11:32PM »
There are no curses associated with the Grove.

Leaving stuff at the Infant Daughter stone is false. Myself, Ghost, and probably at least half the members here have been visiting this place for more than 7 years, and I can vouch for never leaving anything behind. In fact, my first trip was when I was around 14 or 15, and I'm 27 now. So if there was a curse, it should have gotten me almost twice by now.

Now, it is possible to bring some entity home with you. There's numerous stories about that, and it could be from someone simply getting curious about you to something dark thinking it's found a new toy.

I've always believed that if you go to the Grove with a benevolent agenda (to observe the happenings, clean up, or simply letting the residents know they're not forgotten) and you have strong enough spiritual constitution, you'll be fine. But if you start screwing with Ouija boards there, holding seances, ceremonies, or anything that causes you to become attuned with a higher (or lower) plane, then you're in trouble. But at that stage in the game, you deserve it if you're trying to do that stuff.
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Re: stories of curses
« Reply #9 on: Jun 17 2009 - 07:43PM »
Unless you are just an evil person then I don't think anyone "deserves" to be harrassed or possessed by an evil entity. The punishment for making a stupid mistake shouldn't be terror caused by being stalked by an evil entity.  There are lots of ignorant, arrogant and downright stupid people out there that just don't know any better and they get bored and do those kinds of things. Especially if they are young.
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Re: stories of curses
« Reply #10 on: Jun 17 2009 - 07:59PM »
Just as stupid actions are punished in other facets of life (DUIs resulting in license revocation, being late for work resulting in disciplinary action, etc) there are consequences for stupid actions when you're messing with a different plane of existence.

If you're harassing spirits, why can't they harass you back? Do you think that those who have stolen markers or knocked over others or defaced the Fulton stone are truly "evil"? Or perhaps they're caught up in the moment, succumb to peer pressure, and make a stupid mistake. So should that person not have to atone for their choice?

Being ignorant is not knowing better. Being stupid is knowing better but choosing to do it anyways. For that, I still believe people get what they deserve.
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Offline jentron

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Re: stories of curses
« Reply #11 on: Jun 18 2009 - 12:34AM »
I think that the spirits will do as they please, no matter who comes to visit them.  Some spirits are just mean and don't want to be bothered, so if Auntie May decides she wants to give them a cookie she's going to get that cookie thrown back at her and a few mean words [or EVPs].
You can be polite and considerate all you want but there is no reasoning with these spirits.

I can agree and say that most people don't deserve to be harrassed by evil spirits, but not every one.  Gacy killed 33 known young men, he is the epitomy of evil and deciet, doesn't he deserve a little something evil knocking at his door? 

As for the fools who desecrate cemetaries, they DO deserve the anger of the resident ghosts.  Can you imagine sleeping peacefully in a quiet forest than, all of a sudden, THUNK, a shovel right on your coffin? Or your grave marker being thrown into a pond, now no one knows where you rest! And people trample all over your resting place now!  What a rude awakening!  I don't blame the residents of disturbed places for disturbing those who come visit!

While I want to give people the benefit of the doubt and say, it was peer pressure or they were drunk, you just don't do that!  How the heck were they raised?!  Being bored isn't a good enough reason to push over grave stones.  Being bored doesn't mean, lets go write I LOVE THIS GIRL on a grave stone thats been standing since before you were born.  God knows you'll break up in two months!!  Can you imagine, with all these drunk parties, how many people's graves have gotten peed on?  Maybe I am thinking a little too hard into this, but pure recklessness and ignorance should never go unpunished.  So if the forest preserve rangers or the cops aren't concerned enough with it, than the people who rest there obviously felt like they needed to do something.

And being young isn't an excuse either.  I'll be turning 20 this weekend and I have NEVER even imagined doing anything like this in my life!!!.  People of ALL AGES have desecrated the cemetary, from the punk teenagers who spray paint, to the people obviously strong, desperate and familiar enough with debt who grave rob.  Being twice my age doesnt make a 40 year old any better than me, just older.  It is the person who decides who they are and I shouldn't be marked off as 'ignorant, arrogant and downright stupid' for my age.

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Re: stories of curses
« Reply #12 on: Jun 18 2009 - 01:49AM »
...As for the fools who desecrate cemetaries, they DO deserve the anger of the resident ghosts... So if the forest preserve rangers or the cops aren't concerned enough with it, than the people who rest there obviously felt like they needed to do something... And being young isn't an excuse either.  I'll be turning 20 this weekend and I have NEVER even imagined doing anything like this in my life!!!.  People of ALL AGES have desecrated the cemetary, from the punk teenagers who spray paint, to the people obviously strong, desperate and familiar enough with debt who grave rob.  Being twice my age doesnt make a 40 year old any better than me, just older.  It is the person who decides who they are and I shouldn't be marked off as 'ignorant, arrogant and downright stupid' for my age.

Excellent points. Youth isn't an excuse. Peer pressure isn't an excuse. And I don't think that everyone who does something stupid and foolish at the Grove are evil, they're just ignorant and misled, and need to be shown the error of their ways. The only ones who know who are to blame are the residents of the Grove, so we shouldn't feel pity when they're given a scare.

This doesn't apply to demons, obviously. Demons are chaotic, and will do what it takes to accomplish whatever task they're here for. But as for curses, they don't pertain to the Grove. Angry spirits who have had to witness what the Grove has evolved into? Yeah... They're there, and there is enough evidence on this site as well as all the others to prove it.

Those of us who have passed through and managed to make contact with them are better individuals for it, for understanding the plight and trying to rectify the scourge. As for those who contribute to the scourge, I can only hope that whatever they receive shows them their errors and allows them to right their paths.
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