Author Topic: UFO-alien abduction sleuth spots Christian 'smoking gun'  (Read 1969 times)

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Okay, so this isn't a picture or video... but just an interesting story. :)


 An agnostic UFO researcher worked the incoming reports and followed up with witnesses in the field. Curiosity fed his hook-up with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and set-up up as Florida state section director in Brevard County.
The beat was fielding a regular flow of incoming reports of unidentified flying objects - civilian reports of flying saucers and related anomalies.
Monthly meetings boosted the witness count. Some of those witnesses were reporting alien abduction – a challenge working in a “nuts and bolts” scientific organization – but he soon realized that it’s all part of the same phenomena.
The investigator is Joe Jordan. His story is multi-layered and takes us down a rough and questionable road to get to the truth – a turn to Christianity – and an awakening in him of a simple, historical and rather frightening truth about UFOs and aliens. And no one's talking about it on CNN.
The “real” in “if this is real,” is that an emerging and growing body of alien abduction experiencers seems to have not only discovered a way of ending a single abduction scenario – but a method of halting the abduction process completely – by invoking the name of Jesus Christ.
Stories of unidentified flying objects, flying saucers, aliens and alien abduction, have been popping up throughout Man’s history – based on the earliest writings and art that have survived from many different cultures and artifacts found over the centuries. Today’s 21st century communication methods and cheap digital photography may make it appear that the current daily reports globally are a hot new topic.
“The contactees and abductees claim they were in contact with the so called beings behind the sightings,” Jordan said. “I turned to MUFON, and said, ‘Guys, we’ve been chasing our tails with sighting reports. If we’re going to try and get to the actual events going on and the purpose of what’s going on, we have to get to the source itself. And if these people are getting close, these are the people we need to get in touch with.’”
“We need to invest in alien abduction,” he said.
CE-4 is formed
By early 1995, Jordan had founded CE4 – a private group that studies alien abduction and they began compiling a database from their research.
The experiences along the way changed Jordan.
“We started working with experiencers,” he said, “seeing the same similarities. I came in as an agnostic. I was practicing new age stuff myself. I was converting Christians around me into the new age and metaphysical side. But I got challenged.”
Since the majority of alien abductees Jordan was interviewing were women, he felt that he needed to bring a woman on board CE4 to make those giving up testimony feel more comfortable – and a woman he knew stepped in to help.
The woman was Christian, and after working with Jordan for a time, pulled him aside.
“She said, ‘If you’re going to work in this realm, you have to have some protection.’ So I pulled out my crystals. And she said, ‘I’m talking about real protection,’ and this is when things started to change.
“She handed me a Bible.
“I pushed it away and said that this had nothing to do with what we’re dealing with. But she showed me the protection the Bible offered.”
Jordan ended up taking her up on that offer and read the Bible – and soon became a Christian himself.
“But at the same time,” he said, “I’m a UFO investigator. I have this want to know as much about something as possible. Now as a Christian, I want to know more.”
The Christianity learning curve for Jordan wasn’t moving along fast enough and he opted to step into a video course as part of a friend’s Bible study group – two or three hours of video nightly for two weeks over a Christmas holiday.
“It was very intense,” he said of the experience. “I couldn’t have learned all of this in 50 years of Sunday school.”
Jordan has a vision
But during one of the video screenings – Jordan had a vision as he sat watching the media. The vision was an alien gray face right in front of his face. “I watched that face morph,” he said, “into a horrific thing. I said, 'this is not what it seems to be. This is something we should not be working with.'”
Jordan put his investigations aside. But a couple of weeks went by, and he had an inspiration – “you’re not done with this.”
“I kept getting this – ‘you’re not done with this.’ I asked, ‘What do you want me to do?’ And I heard, ‘You need to take this message – what you learned – back to what you were doing.’”
Jordan pressed further. “I can’t share this with the new age people – you’ve got to give me something better than this.”
He pondered humorously. “You don’t talk back to God, but a couple of weeks later, I hear – ‘You already have what you need.’”
Jordan the investigator then turned to colleagues, repeated the message, and announced – “let’s look again at what we already have.”
What they already had was witness testimony. One of those cases was six months old, a guy named Bill who was interviewed on video in his living room during a two-hour session.
“It was like, originally, we never heard what he said,” Jordan said. “It starts out as a typical experience. He saw something from his living room window. He went to sleep and had an abduction experience. But during that experience, being terrified, he cried out – ‘Jesus, help me’ And the experience instantly stopped. He woke up in bed next to his wife.”
Jordan wondered why this piece of the story where the abductee invokes the name of Jesus Christ did not stand out before.
“If this is real,” he said. “This is huge.”
Other researchers contacted
No where in the alien abduction research that Jordan had poured over had he ever read about any method at all where one could stop an experience once it was in motion. He decided to check it out and began calling alien abduction researchers around the country. He set up the story by simply telling them that he did not know what to make of a particular case and needed an opinion. In each case, he said, the researcher did the same thing.
“Can we talk off the record?”
“They all pretty much said the same thing,” Jordan said. “They had come across similar cases where the abductee cried out the name of Jesus, said prayers. So this is not a once in a lifetime case.”
But when asked why this had not been brought out into the open before, Jordan said he got one of two answers.
The first answer was basically, ‘well, we didn’t know what to make of it.’
“But what bothered me,” he said, “was the second answer. They were afraid to go there as it would affect their credibility in the UFO field.”
Some details 'under the rug'
Jordan was confused. “We’re looking at what people call a cover-up. They’re not sharing everything that they have.”
This research fueled the fire under Jordan. “I told them that I was going to take this on,” he said. “I think it needs to be recorded and shared. I’m going to build this database. They told me – 'please do – because we can’t.' I thanked them all and moved on.”
In the 13 years that followed, Joe Jordan has worked more than 350 cases – and has fought hard to get the word out. This summer, he makes his third annual presentation at a major UFO symposium in Roswell, NM.
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"  -Dr. Seuss

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Re: UFO-alien abduction sleuth spots Christian 'smoking gun'
« Reply #1 on: Mar 13 2009 - 04:07PM »
Well that was really interesting, and  I had never heard of that before either. Now I wonder what this means and why it happens...if it does?  Pretty odd though, you wouldn't think bringing up the name of the lord would have meaning to a alien?

Great find there!
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Re: UFO-alien abduction sleuth spots Christian 'smoking gun'
« Reply #2 on: Nov 19 2012 - 06:25PM »
Actually, the subject of a connection between Jesus Christ and aliens is not a new one. There are several authors who have written on the subject including William Bramley and more recently, Peter Kling. Also, I have been an abduction victim myself and have recently had success invoking the name of Christ as a warning to grey aliens. I’m a very intelligent engineer in my late 40’s but have suffered through abductions and experienced other contact scenarios since childhood and it has at times negatively affected my life.

In June of 2011, I awoke in my bed to the familiar paralysis that is usually associated with abductions. I could hear and feel that I was surrounded by electromagnetic energy which is also a familiar abduction scenario. Being that it was a weeknight and I had a busy workday ahead of me, I was angry by the thought that I would awaken in the morning with the severe headache and exhaustion that usually follows an abduction and decided to “fight it”. Because my body was COMPLETELY paralyzed, the only explanation that I have for being able to fight an abduction is that I fought with my soul. The struggle seemed to go on for at least an hour. Although I couldn’t actually see anyone or anything, I could somehow feel that there were more than one evil entity in my presence. Being familiar with the experience, I knew that they communicate telepathically and so I was yelling at them telepathically to get out, go away, etc. throughout the ordeal. Eventually, the idea came upon me to tell them that I knew the Archangel Gabriel, which caused them to pause. Then I told them that I knew that they were associated with satan (just a guess) and invoked the name of Jesus Christ. Suddenly, I was face to face with a grey alien who looked very angry but then vanished right before my eyes as I felt the paralysis lift. The next day I bought a crystal crucifix which I put on my nightstand. Since then, I have not had ANY experiences with greys or any entity which I perceived to have evil intentions.

Curiously, in September of this year I awoke to the familiar electronic buzzing and paralysis. For some reason I did not feel threatened but was annoyed with the thought that some entity had somehow gotten to me despite my crystal crucifix. I fought them in the same way that I had the previous time but decided to hold off on any mention of Jesus Christ or Gabriel. Then I saw and felt the shadow of one of the entities crawl into bed beside me! It didn’t have the spindly limbed big headed characteristics of a grey but rather was stocky and seemed to be wearing some kind of bulky uniform or suit.  Then it felt like it was trying to get INSIDE of me! Still, I did not feel the evil threatening that I usually did with the greys. They also did not have the persistence of the greys and seemed disappointed that I was resisting them. Another thing that made me doubt that they were greys was that I heard one of them communicate to the others a command that sounded like, “Eye! Bar!” right before they left. The funny thing was that each word echoed a few times after it was spoken: “EYE-Eye-eye…! BAR-Bar-bar…”  My guess is that these were the good natured aliens that Whitley Strieber has written about, most notably in his book Communion which was made into a movie about 20-25 years ago.

Incidentally, the reason I came across your website is because I’ve been familiar with Bachelor’s Grove since the early 80’s and have visited the cemetery many times. I personally know SEVERAL people (including myself) who have had UFO sightings in the area around Bachelor’s Grove or have been the victim of an abduction or attempted abduction. I’m frankly quite surprised that I haven’t found a connection between Bachelor’s Grove and UFOs documented online. My suggestion to paranormal investigators would be to check for unusual magnetic conditions in the ground around Bachelor’s Grove as this might help explain the infamous haunted farmhouse and the UFO connection.

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Re: UFO-alien abduction sleuth spots Christian 'smoking gun'
« Reply #3 on: Nov 20 2012 - 08:53AM »
Welcome to our site....
Wow, what a fascinating story, sounds like you have been through a lot.  I've heard a lot of odd stories come out of the Grove but I think this is the first UFO related one,  Somehow it doesn't suprise me though.  :)
Actually, the subject of a connection between Jesus Christ and aliens is not a new one. There are several authors who have written on the subject including William Bramley and more recently, Peter Kling. Also, I have been an abduction victim myself and have recently had success invoking the name of Christ as a warning to grey aliens. I’m a very intelligent engineer in my late 40’s but have suffered through abductions and experienced other contact scenarios since childhood and it has at times negatively affected my life.

In June of 2011, I awoke in my bed to the familiar paralysis that is usually associated with abductions. I could hear and feel that I was surrounded by electromagnetic energy which is also a familiar abduction scenario. Being that it was a weeknight and I had a busy workday ahead of me, I was angry by the thought that I would awaken in the morning with the severe headache and exhaustion that usually follows an abduction and decided to “fight it”. Because my body was COMPLETELY paralyzed, the only explanation that I have for being able to fight an abduction is that I fought with my soul. The struggle seemed to go on for at least an hour. Although I couldn’t actually see anyone or anything, I could somehow feel that there were more than one evil entity in my presence. Being familiar with the experience, I knew that they communicate telepathically and so I was yelling at them telepathically to get out, go away, etc. throughout the ordeal. Eventually, the idea came upon me to tell them that I knew the Archangel Gabriel, which caused them to pause. Then I told them that I knew that they were associated with satan (just a guess) and invoked the name of Jesus Christ. Suddenly, I was face to face with a grey alien who looked very angry but then vanished right before my eyes as I felt the paralysis lift. The next day I bought a crystal crucifix which I put on my nightstand. Since then, I have not had ANY experiences with greys or any entity which I perceived to have evil intentions.

Curiously, in September of this year I awoke to the familiar electronic buzzing and paralysis. For some reason I did not feel threatened but was annoyed with the thought that some entity had somehow gotten to me despite my crystal crucifix. I fought them in the same way that I had the previous time but decided to hold off on any mention of Jesus Christ or Gabriel. Then I saw and felt the shadow of one of the entities crawl into bed beside me! It didn’t have the spindly limbed big headed characteristics of a grey but rather was stocky and seemed to be wearing some kind of bulky uniform or suit.  Then it felt like it was trying to get INSIDE of me! Still, I did not feel the evil threatening that I usually did with the greys. They also did not have the persistence of the greys and seemed disappointed that I was resisting them. Another thing that made me doubt that they were greys was that I heard one of them communicate to the others a command that sounded like, “Eye! Bar!” right before they left. The funny thing was that each word echoed a few times after it was spoken: “EYE-Eye-eye…! BAR-Bar-bar…”  My guess is that these were the good natured aliens that Whitley Strieber has written about, most notably in his book Communion which was made into a movie about 20-25 years ago.

Incidentally, the reason I came across your website is because I’ve been familiar with Bachelor’s Grove since the early 80’s and have visited the cemetery many times. I personally know SEVERAL people (including myself) who have had UFO sightings in the area around Bachelor’s Grove or have been the victim of an abduction or attempted abduction. I’m frankly quite surprised that I haven’t found a connection between Bachelor’s Grove and UFOs documented online. My suggestion to paranormal investigators would be to check for unusual magnetic conditions in the ground around Bachelor’s Grove as this might help explain the infamous haunted farmhouse and the UFO connection.

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Re: UFO-alien abduction sleuth spots Christian 'smoking gun'
« Reply #4 on: Nov 20 2012 - 10:35AM »
Welcome, and thanks for sharing you encounter.  Have to say it's the first of I've heard of a UFO's at Bachelors Grove too.

Actually, the subject of a connection between Jesus Christ and aliens is not a new one. There are several authors who have written on the subject including William Bramley and more recently, Peter Kling. Also, I have been an abduction victim myself and have recently had success invoking the name of Christ as a warning to grey aliens. I’m a very intelligent engineer in my late 40’s but have suffered through abductions and experienced other contact scenarios since childhood and it has at times negatively affected my life.

In June of 2011, I awoke in my bed to the familiar paralysis that is usually associated with abductions. I could hear and feel that I was surrounded by electromagnetic energy which is also a familiar abduction scenario. Being that it was a weeknight and I had a busy workday ahead of me, I was angry by the thought that I would awaken in the morning with the severe headache and exhaustion that usually follows an abduction and decided to “fight it”. Because my body was COMPLETELY paralyzed, the only explanation that I have for being able to fight an abduction is that I fought with my soul. The struggle seemed to go on for at least an hour. Although I couldn’t actually see anyone or anything, I could somehow feel that there were more than one evil entity in my presence. Being familiar with the experience, I knew that they communicate telepathically and so I was yelling at them telepathically to get out, go away, etc. throughout the ordeal. Eventually, the idea came upon me to tell them that I knew the Archangel Gabriel, which caused them to pause. Then I told them that I knew that they were associated with satan (just a guess) and invoked the name of Jesus Christ. Suddenly, I was face to face with a grey alien who looked very angry but then vanished right before my eyes as I felt the paralysis lift. The next day I bought a crystal crucifix which I put on my nightstand. Since then, I have not had ANY experiences with greys or any entity which I perceived to have evil intentions.

Curiously, in September of this year I awoke to the familiar electronic buzzing and paralysis. For some reason I did not feel threatened but was annoyed with the thought that some entity had somehow gotten to me despite my crystal crucifix. I fought them in the same way that I had the previous time but decided to hold off on any mention of Jesus Christ or Gabriel. Then I saw and felt the shadow of one of the entities crawl into bed beside me! It didn’t have the spindly limbed big headed characteristics of a grey but rather was stocky and seemed to be wearing some kind of bulky uniform or suit.  Then it felt like it was trying to get INSIDE of me! Still, I did not feel the evil threatening that I usually did with the greys. They also did not have the persistence of the greys and seemed disappointed that I was resisting them. Another thing that made me doubt that they were greys was that I heard one of them communicate to the others a command that sounded like, “Eye! Bar!” right before they left. The funny thing was that each word echoed a few times after it was spoken: “EYE-Eye-eye…! BAR-Bar-bar…”  My guess is that these were the good natured aliens that Whitley Strieber has written about, most notably in his book Communion which was made into a movie about 20-25 years ago.

Incidentally, the reason I came across your website is because I’ve been familiar with Bachelor’s Grove since the early 80’s and have visited the cemetery many times. I personally know SEVERAL people (including myself) who have had UFO sightings in the area around Bachelor’s Grove or have been the victim of an abduction or attempted abduction. I’m frankly quite surprised that I haven’t found a connection between Bachelor’s Grove and UFOs documented online. My suggestion to paranormal investigators would be to check for unusual magnetic conditions in the ground around Bachelor’s Grove as this might help explain the infamous haunted farmhouse and the UFO connection.
Always remember.........Just because you have never seen something, does not mean that something does not exist.